Wednesday, December 25, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Writing Term Paper Help and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Writing Term Paper Help and Why You Must Take Action Today Based on the approach you may desire to pursue, there are particular considerations about how to compose a reaction paper to a documentary that you ought to make. It's possible for you to get writing help on a broad assortment of. The initial one might be the Notes-Bibliography style. The writers may enjoy the practice of creating the ideas and even generating the new ones, if it's possible and allowed by the directions. All our writers pass a considerable procedure to look at their abilities. Our essay writers can help you in picking out the topic or subject of work just because they have sufficient education background about your field of specialization. The writers in the business are supposed to have sufficient knowledge in helping students when writing a term paper. Students write several types of term papers since they take various courses. With Term paper help, it is relatively possible that students will learn to meet deadlines. To begin with, students are needed to pick a subject when writing term papers. Most students aren't able to write term papers in line with the actions required. Writing a term paper is not a simple job for a student. Term paper writers have to possess several qualities so they can write the very best term papers regarding quality. Term paper writing service that has been in. Term paper help demonstrates the big differences you will need to understand about. The learning algorithm is known as Deep Q-learning. Adhere to the guidelines outlined here and you'll create a research paper that's strong, interesting, and clearly written. Is an on-line learning resource intended to help students write their very first essay. There's a particular procedure of how essays ought to be written. Better still, papers should draw on quite a few sources, which often boils. It is critical to understand first, what's a term paper. When you're writing your research paper's introduction, you ought to be building it around a particular outline that supplies a general review of the paper. Writing a term paper isn't easy as many individuals think. Some of the greatest research paper introduction samples incorporate primary resources supporting the argument or research of the issue. The research paper requires a while to read, but is well worth the time and energy. With our essay help you may be certain nobody shall get a better mark for the. You may also do some studying to discover more about the points to discuss so as to present a logical and compelling review. Take a look at our price calculator to determine what your perfect price for the paper is! One other important issue, which customers should take into account whilst picking a company to buy a customized term paper from, is the expert degree of writers working at the business and client support support. In this kind of situation, the selection of a dependable company is vital because it is simply reliable company that may supply the premium quality of custom term papers. Today, customers can choose among the selection of websites that offer custom term papers but it's essential to detect websites which fail to supply term papers of the high quality. What all you will need is getting the assistance from a specialist and EssaysChief is going to be the expert that you seek out. My buddies say that I'm an incredibly funny and an intriguing girl with a very good sense of humor. Should you need professional academic help fast we can supply you with. There are lots of things you can do in order to help make research papers work for you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Book Report-Caribbean Civilization (Beyond Massa ) 2014

Aleema Chinchamee Aakeil Murray FOUN1101: Caribbean Civilization 14 November 2014 Beyond Massa: Sugar Management in the British Caribbean, 1770-1834. Dr. John Campbell is a lecturer at the University of the West Indies; St. Augustine campus. He specializes on Caribbean civilization and culture. In this book, â€Å"Beyond Massa: Sugar Management in the British Caribbean, 1770-1834†, he aims to describe the complexity of the relationship between the enslaved and their masters, as well as providing a revisionist perspective based on the evidence, which contradicts many previous and present conclusions made about slavery. He used present day analysis to analyze these past events. The main setting of the book was the Golden Grove sugar estate and†¦show more content†¦This helped augment production by eliminating these problems. Differentiating between production and labor by handling them with different methods was one of the many important objectives of the HRM. Dr. John F. Campbell said, â€Å"Labor is a complex input. It can sometimes, be forced to work† (15) and also, â€Å"Productivity, however, unlike labo r, cannot be forced† (15). With respect to labor and finding ways to help improve the labor of the enslaved, ways to persuade and collaborate with the enslaved and provide better services for them was used to help labor and production. Before the implementation of these HRM approaches the enslaved people were considered â€Å"chattel†, not people. In order to improve production and labor the estate manager, Simon Taylor for example had to begin to recognize that these enslaved people were humans and should be treated that way. By improving the working conditions of the enslaved, they established a more comfortable working environment therefore; level of labor they provided would have been to their best abilities. These new approaches of the HRM can be seen as the stepping stones for slavery, from going to â€Å"chattel slavery† to a more humanizing way of having the enslaved people work as people and not objects. It is astonishing that Dr. Campbell was able to p rovide the

Monday, December 9, 2019

Europe 1914 Essay Example For Students

Europe 1914 Essay Chapter 7: Both Hitler and Stalin hated modern art and persecuted the artists who made it. What was there about the new aesthetic which revolted and frightened these dictators?Since prehistoric times, when men communicated through crude drawings on cave walls, art has been used to elicit an emotional response. Everyone has had the experience of viewing a piece of art that touched them in some way. Whether that feeling was happiness, sorrow, anger, or lust, and whether the art form was a painting, or weaving, or sculpture, is immaterial. It still evoked a response on some level of your psyche. In my personal experience, I have sometimes had a feeling from a painting I had seen stay with me for days.Art, therefore, is often used to voice an opinion that the author, for one reason or another, is unable to express verbally. Prior to World War II, western societies were largely optimistic about life and about the future of our world. After the horrors of World War I, the rise of communism in the Soviet Union, and the success of fascism in Germany and Italy, the future was no longer viewed with optimism. Artistss forms of expression changed to reflect the disillusionment and anxiety that people felt. Both Hitler and Stalin wanted the people in their country to believe that things were still wonderful. That humans were making great progress. That all was well with the world. Hitler specifically liked traditional, sentimental forms of art that summoned feelings consistent with traditional values. Modern art was viewed as decadent and growing out of a free society. A free society, in turn, indicated freedom of expression.Freedom of expression, by its nature, is the enemy of totalitarianism because freedom of expression celebrates the individual. The antithesis of totalitarianism is freedom of expression. Freedom of expression would also indicate intellectual freedom. Both Hitler and Stalin were fiercely anti-intellectual. They viewed intellectualism as a threat to traditional rules and values. They didnt want people to think. They wanted their people to conform and to cherish fundamentalist ideals. Modern art didnt honor traditional values. An atmosphere of intellectual freedom woul d be at odds with a totalitarian/fascist regime. Chapter 11: What was the difference in vision among Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin concerning the world after the defeat of Hitler? Whose vision prevailed after 1945?Churchill once was quoted as saying that he did not become Prime Minister in order to oversee the dissolution of the British Empire. His vision was that Great Britain would remain a supreme world power. He genuinely believed that the sun would never set on the British Empire. By the end of World War II, however, Great Britains position as a world power had been greatly diminishedn, and was never again regained. The saying, The sun never sets on the British Empire, came from the fact that at one point in history, no matter what time zone you were in, there was a British colonial holding on which the sun shone. But, the British Empire is no more. By 1997, of her once vast colonial holdings, only Hong Kong remained; and now, Hong Kong has been returned to China. Stalins dream was to see the worldwide spread of communism and for the Soviet Union to take her rightful place as a world superpower. He was adamantly opposed to the free election of any governments in Eastern Europe. This vision, too, has ultimately failed to attain success. There are few communist countries remaining and, of those, most have chosen a capital/communist way of life. Even the Soviet Union itself has recently embraced capitalism. Of all the countries that were considered communist immediately following World War II, only Cuba continues to strive towards maintaining a true communist government. .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 , .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .postImageUrl , .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 , .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806:hover , .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806:visited , .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806:active { border:0!important; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806:active , .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806 .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc6942a4b629d97a56b221b57577fd806:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shylock - Victim or Villian EssayRoosevelts vision was for a democratic world society with the United States as the dominant world power. His vision for democracy, ultimately, has prevailed. Democracy is increasingly favored as a form of government. Many formerly communist countries now have elected officials. Civil wars are being fought all over the world in favor of individual rights and self-government.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Preserve Thyself free essay sample

Grade D meat. Where does it come from? A lesser-quality cow? Maybe instead of grass, this cow was fed Astroturf. Ok, that’s a bit ridiculous, but I’ve been told that the Chihuahua is a dirty little mutt poisoning this great country with bad quality meat. Yet everyday during my lunch break, I find myself walking to that great golden bell in the distance to enjoy a scrumpdidlyumptious Spicy Chicken Crunchwrap Supreme. Bring it on, E Coli. I have a problem. I do many things that are, as my doting mother would put it, â€Å"Not in the best interest of self-preservation.† I have jumped off twenty foot embankments without checking the depth of the water below. I have run across the sloping roof of my rickety old farm house. I have argued with my mom, which is comparable to the story of David, my mother being Goliath (figuratively, of course). We will write a custom essay sample on Preserve Thyself or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have eaten Taco Bell. And I have been a hero. I achieved the status of hero on a hot day of summer, the kind of dog day that kind that old people reminisce about. I had a job as a cemetery groundskeeper. I was 14. Our old Ford AeroStar minivan still sat in the driveway, already started, ready for Mom to drive me into work. The maroon paint had long ago lost its shine and the rust was eating away at parts of the body. The sliding door only opened from the outside. It reminded me of a sick old man. Abby, Alex, and Timmy were sitting in the very back seat, dutifully sitting, ready and waiting to go. I walked to the right side of the van, yanked on the sliding door, which slid open with a squeal of protest. I sat down in the middle seat, and my older brother sat the lawnmower on the seat next to me, with the handlebars pinning my chest to the seat behind me. â€Å"Geez! These handlebars make it impossible to breath!† Nat shot me the typical older brother â€Å"shut-up-you-whiny-little-brat† look. It was only a short drive, anyway. He slid the door shut. The familiar grind of metal-on-metal scraped across my ears. I suddenly became aware of something strange happening in the world around me. Why was my house moving forward? Why was everything moving forward? My head swung around and my stomach turned inside out. The van was rolling backward, towards the LP gas tank! Nat jumped in the driver’s seat, pumped the brakes so hard I thought they would break, but to no avail. He jumped out and ran. In the interest of self preservation. My mom ran out of the house. I’ve never heard a scream like that, a scream beyond terror. I wrenched my body around, trying to free myself from underneath the handlebars of the lawnmower. My little brother was pulling on the sliding door with all his might, but the old man was too sick. If you ever want nightmares, listen to three children scream for their lives. Finally, just as the van struck the gas tank that supplied our house with heat and fire, I twisted out. I squeezed around the mower and jumped out the passenger-side door. I saw the gas tank roll, once, twice, three times. I ran two steps before I turned around. Forget self- preservation. I ran back, threw open the sliding door with a strength I’d never felt before. My siblings shot out of the van like mice from a cat. Then I ran. In the end, the gas tank somehow did not explode. We called the fire department and they took care of everything. I was never thanked. I still have dreams about my little siblings screaming. But I did the right thing. Sometimes you can’t worry about self-preservation. Besides, the government doesn’t even use letters to judge the quality of meat. That’s just a rumor.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on The Toaster

Toasters are part of most people’s everyday breakfast; you plug it in, pop the bread in, push the lever down and you’re away. But there’s more to toasters than just making good toast. In this report I’ll take you through the inside story of the toaster, how it works, history and the technology required. Crompton and Co. invented the first electric toaster in 1893, though it first appeared in 1909. It was a manual toaster made possible by electricity. Manual meaning it toasted one side at a time and when it was done as desired, you pulled the plug. It wasn’t until 1919 that the first automatic electric toaster was invented by Charles Strite. Today’s modernized toaster is much simpler for the person to use, yet much more complicated for the device itself. It was created using the technology of current-resisting elements from electric irons and heaters. The toaster works by converting electrical energy into heat energy. To do this, the current flows directly from the power point, through the contacts to most often, the nichrome wires. Different metals react differently to the flow of current. Nichrome wires are seen to be the best as they have a fairly high electrical resistance, meaning even a short length of it has enough resistance to get quite hot. Also nichrome alloy doesn’t rust at high temperatures seen in the toaster. The conversion from electrical energy to heat energy happens by infrared radiation. Electrons moving from atom to atom along the nichrome wire cause a vibration. As this vibration of metal atoms increases, the wire gets hotter radiating heat from the element. Now this is the process of the manual toaster. Today’s toaster, for your convenience, also consists of a spring-loaded tray and a timer. These follow basically the same process but a circuit had been added. This circuit acts as a timer and is made up of transistors (for its switching behaviour-A small current can turn a larger current ... Free Essays on The Toaster Free Essays on The Toaster Toasters are part of most people’s everyday breakfast; you plug it in, pop the bread in, push the lever down and you’re away. But there’s more to toasters than just making good toast. In this report I’ll take you through the inside story of the toaster, how it works, history and the technology required. Crompton and Co. invented the first electric toaster in 1893, though it first appeared in 1909. It was a manual toaster made possible by electricity. Manual meaning it toasted one side at a time and when it was done as desired, you pulled the plug. It wasn’t until 1919 that the first automatic electric toaster was invented by Charles Strite. Today’s modernized toaster is much simpler for the person to use, yet much more complicated for the device itself. It was created using the technology of current-resisting elements from electric irons and heaters. The toaster works by converting electrical energy into heat energy. To do this, the current flows directly from the power point, through the contacts to most often, the nichrome wires. Different metals react differently to the flow of current. Nichrome wires are seen to be the best as they have a fairly high electrical resistance, meaning even a short length of it has enough resistance to get quite hot. Also nichrome alloy doesn’t rust at high temperatures seen in the toaster. The conversion from electrical energy to heat energy happens by infrared radiation. Electrons moving from atom to atom along the nichrome wire cause a vibration. As this vibration of metal atoms increases, the wire gets hotter radiating heat from the element. Now this is the process of the manual toaster. Today’s toaster, for your convenience, also consists of a spring-loaded tray and a timer. These follow basically the same process but a circuit had been added. This circuit acts as a timer and is made up of transistors (for its switching behaviour-A small current can turn a larger current ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hopefully Speaking

Hopefully Speaking Hopefully Speaking Hopefully Speaking By Sharon Pedantry or laxity? Upholding standards or lapsing into colloquialism? When it comes to using hopefully, these are the terms that are often thrown around. Heres why. As an adverb, hopefully originally meant in a hopeful manner (example: the dog waited hopefully for a bone) and that is still the primary meaning given in most dictionaries. That usage corresponds with other similar adverbial usage, such as happily (in a happy manner) or miserably (in a miserable manner). Those who are sticklers for correct and standard usage maintain that this is the only proper way to use hopefully. However, much of the world disagrees. The use of hopefully as a sentence modifier to mean it is hoped that has been around since the 1930s and has been in common use since the 1960s. The analogy here is with words like mercifully (example: Mercifully, the concert was short) and frankly (example: Frankly, I dont care what you think). Thanks to more than 75 years of colloquial usage, the second meaning is now standard in both speech and writing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Beautiful and Ugly WordsConfused Words #3: Lose, Loose, LossTypes of Ignorance

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social effects of Telecommuting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social effects of Telecommuting - Essay Example This means that home is no longer seen to be a refuge from a hard day’s work, but an extension of the workplace. Such situations may be problematic for some individuals because it leads to an increase in work related stress and other psychological conditions. In addition, the traditional way through which people worked and interacted at the office is lost, since the close proximity and interpersonal interactions that could be achieved at the workplace is lost. Telecommuting encourages the isolation of an individual from any form of social life and this may be detrimental to such a person’s mental health (Burger, et al 39). However, despite this isolation, by telecommuting, individuals save plenty of time which they can use working, hence an increase in productivity. In addition, with the development of new information technologies every day, the aspect of complete isolation will be completely lost in a few years, since there will be a renewal of interaction between work ers through video technologies. Such technologies will ensure that workers are able to see each other without any need for physical interaction, meaning that most of the work related activities will still be able to be done in the comfort of one’s home (Dombrow 685).Moreover, telecommuting brings about changes in the working patterns of individuals, especially those who have other obligations besides work. Among these are parents, who, because of their ability to work at home, get to spend more time with their children., something that is often beneficial for the latter (Iscan and Naktiyok 53). In addition, telecommuting enables those individuals who would otherwise not have been allowed in the workforce, in most cases disabled people, to be able to work from the comfort of their own homes, and this ensures that their levels of self-esteem due to the work they are doing is high. Furthermore, the feeling of isolation that such individuals may have is often removed due to their not having to go through the cumbersome effort of having to get to the workplace. Instead, the easy access to video calls and other technologies enables them to be able to communicate easily with their fellow workers. Moreover, telecommuting gives individuals the opportunity to continue working way past the age when they would have thought of retiring, because they do not have to spend plenty of time getting to work, instead working from home. Therefore, it has ensured that many people past their retirement age have remained productive and they are not under any pressure to stop working. This has created a situation where the knowledge and skills of individuals with years of experience have been retained, not only for the benefit of the company for which they work, but also for the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Treatment Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Treatment Approaches - Essay Example ach focuses on minimizing the bad behavior initially, and with the passage of time, having complete control over that particular behavior and getting rid of it (Denning et al., 2004). It is far easier to make people realize that using seat belts while driving can prevent many damages during an accident instead of eliminating the complete auto mobile industry to overcome damages in road accidents. The harm reduction approach mainly focuses on reducing the hazardous behavior of an individual that might cause harm to him/her and to the society in general. While disease model looks upon such behaviors with a different perspective. According to disease model, people addictive to drugs or alcohol are treated as chronically diseased and can get relief either by continuing to use the addictive drugs which in turn deteriorate their health, or by practicing self-restraint to abstain the addiction once and for all (Van and Davis, 2012). Hence, the objective of both the approaches is same i.e. curing addiction, but the method of analyzing the patient and its treatment is different. Legalizing Drugs: The government should realize that the people who are addictive to alcoholism and to other drugs will not leave them even if they are forced to do so, therefore, in an organized manner, these drugs should be made available to such addictive people in specific institutes where they will not only be monitored but will also be helped in getting over their damaging behavior. Safe Drinking: An individual with drinking problems not only put themselves in harm’s way by losing control which eventually leads to hazardous accidents involving others as well. Therefore, the best solution to control and overcome such situations is to drink in presence of a company. In this way, the results of drinking on an individual as well as on his surroundings can be controlled by those present around the drinkers. Reduced Drinking: The best way to get rid of addictive habits is by taking baby steps

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Education - Want Essay Example for Free

Education Want Essay We could say that an educated person is like a piece of artwork, it is open to the interpretation of the viewer. Just like every art work critique has their own opinion about an artwork, everyone has their own different interpretations of what an educated person is. One thing is clear though, in order to be a successful person in life, you do not need money, as well as in order to be an educated person, you do not need a college diploma. What you are willing to give up in order to become your best person depends on how much you truly want to accomplish that goal. Not everyone knows right away what they have a passion for. One has to explore new activities and only then will they be able to decide for themselves. Everyone expresses their opinion, and in my thought an educated person is the willing to put in time like Gladwell explains, claims their learning rights like Rich exercises, applies critical thinking and reasoning to work towards a success like Wagner emphasizes and lastly does not fall victim to adversity like my father focuses attention on. An educated person should always be willing to put in time. This means that they are willing to give up what they want now, for what they want most. For example, in Gladwell, Schoenfeld the math professor experimented with a young girl Renee, which took her approximately twenty-two minutes to figure the slope of a vertical line. â€Å"This is eight-grade mathematics If I put the average eighth grader in the same position as Renee, I’m guessing that after the first few attempts, they would have said, ‘I don’t get it. I need you to explain it. ’ (Gladwell 2008, pp. 245). † What Schoenfeld proved with this experiment was the willingness of Renee to continue the math problem. Of course, compared to the eighth grader, Renee had more self-discipline and wanted to continue on going until she was able to solve it. An educated person should be willing to put in time and work towards their goal. It will not be easy or given to the person, there is a lot of time and energy put to having what one wants. Another idea Gladwell explains is the amount of time one is willing to put in and how that makes one an expert. â€Å"Researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: 10,000 hours† (Gladwell 2008, pp. 40). Gladwell’s idea of hard work and dedication to whatever it is that you want to become an expert at takes at least 10,000 hours. I agree with him, but only to a certain point. It is true that in order to become someone well knowledgeable on a certain activity or topic one must practice and put in time. I do not necessarily agree that 10,000 hours should be the exact number for â€Å"true expertise† as Gladwell calls it, but it definitely should not be a few hours. For example, ideally doctors should be one of the most specialized fields. They are ones performing their knowledge on people and I honestly would not want a doctor that has gotten a few hours of practice to do anything to me, because there is more of a chance that they are not as experienced as someone else that has been working for decades as a doctor. An educated person should be willing to put in time to practice which is what makes someone good at their specialization. Rich’s idea of â€Å"claiming an education† also applies within our pursuit to defining an educated person. Rich explains that a student should not think about education as â€Å"receiving it†, but to be thought of as â€Å"claiming it† (Rich 1979 pp. 365). Rich explains that claiming an education is taking as if one were the owner. I agree with Rich, students should have the mentality of taking the education being given to them. There is a difference between claiming what is rightfully yours, and taking what if rightfully yours. One difference is that when you claim something, you are putting in effort to learning what is being taught. For example, a student that goes to class and learns whatever the lesson was for that day, would in my terms be called receiving. On the other hand, if that same student were to go to the instructor’s office hours and basically use the resources that there are around campus, that would be claiming. The mere difference of going one step above the other makes the difference between the two. Rich also backs this idea of claiming, with the simple act of participating in class, becoming more engaged in class and the teacher’s professional life. This idea of claiming an education is not limited to those in school, because not every educated person goes to college, or needs a college degree. It is helpful in order to have something to fall back upon. One way we can connect the idea of claiming an education without going to school, could be my father’s story. His decision of dropping out of high school did not stop him from doing what he wanted to do. He claimed his rights to learning about how to create his own company and becoming a successful entrepreneur, without having a business college degree. Claiming your rights as a human being over all is what counts. Anyone should be able to express their passion for something. In my father’s case, he first started by working at a small local shop as a cashier, but he found himself not doing what he loved, â€Å"I loved helping people, make their houses bigger or just fixing their house up for them. † (Gomez 2014). My father eventually stopped receiving, and started claiming. An educated person is one who does not receive, but one that claims and demands their ability to practice their passion. Give a child a list of three words with a definition to each, allow them to memorize it and few minutes later, they can regurgitate it back to you. As an education major, it is easy to go a whole year teaching children a certain vocabulary words, or teaching them how to solve a math problem, but explaining why the answer is the answer, is a lot more difficult. Wagner explains that many students lack â€Å"intellectual challenges† (Wagner 2008, pp. xxv). A class lacking intellectual challenge for students can cause a downfall in the future. Providing students with more rigorous work and questioning their solutions, prevents them from finding lessons uninteresting and eventually leading them to want to drop the course, or worse yet, want to drop out of school. For example in history class, one has to remember specific dates, but also know why several of these specific events happened or what lead to it. I was one of them. Rarely do students remember what lead to wars, or life historically changing events, like the great depression because they are just taught either to memorize the dates or they find it easier to only remember the dates and names of important historical figures. The same concept can be applied to mathematics, where one has to know how to solve the problem, but does not always know why a certain formula was used or why it only works with that certain problem. According to Wagner, knowing the answer is not sufficient, one must know and be able to critically think about the end result. Therefore, an educated person should be willing to not only claim their education, but also be able to apply more critical thinking and reasoning. Which by later exercising that through practicing and preparing, one can accomplish their goals. Lastly, I interviewed my father, because he is the first man I have ever admired. He was able to successfully carry out a career that he did not go to college for. Matter of fact, he never went to college, and only completed a few years of high school. Through my interview with him, he allowed me to truly appreciate and admire him a lot more. One main adversity he got through was coming in to the United States, he believes that without coming to the United States his success would not have been possible. â€Å"Coming from a huge family, having 8 brothers and 7 sisters you did not always get what you wanted† (Gomez 2014). My father further explained that he was always having to share his things and he never had the opportunities that I have today. â€Å"I had to run a whole mile in order to get to class, there were no buses, because we lived in the country, and I had to run to the city every morning to get to school† (Gomez 2014). My father continues with his story, â€Å"every morning we all had to do chores, mine were taking care of the farm animals. I would milk the cows every morning and since I had to do my morning chores before school, sometimes I ran late and I had to go to school smelling like farm animals and sweat† (Gomez 2014). The dedication put into working back then is not the same today. For everything there is always an excuse made up. I myself have made many excuses, but it takes an educated person to not make excuses. He could have easily said I am not walking a mile to go to school, but he was determined. My father did not drop out of school because he was failing his classes. At age 18 he became an innocent victim in a shooting, in which he was shot in the stomach and had missed a big portion of his senior year. He was months away from graduating, but he never was able to complete his missed classes due to the lack of support from his teachers, he explained. He after started his own family and came to the United States when I was born. â€Å"You are the luckiest one of everyone in the family† he told me, â€Å"your sisters do not have the opportunity that you have and an educated person is one who can make the best situation out of a tough one† (Gomez 2014). Without doubt, my father was able to create a self-made company. He was the only one of his 15 siblings to become an entrepreneur, and today in my eyes he is the most successful. An educated person would ideally be my own father, who was willing to put in time to learn about his passion, claim his rights as a United States resident and created his own business, and lastly he did fall victim to adversity. An educated person and a successful person go hand in hand, but the definitions are endless, and open to many interpretations, but what makes either person educated or successful, depends on what they are willing to give up in order to become their best person. An educated person is one who no matter what is willing to put in time in order to be called an expert at his passion. Someone who rightfully claims the ability to carry out their love for their passion and lastly, someone who does not fall victim to adversity. ? Bibliography Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"The 10,000-Hour Rule† in Outliers, 34-68. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"Rice Paddies and Math Tests† in Outliers, 224-249. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gustavo Gomez, interview by Alondra Gomez, April 28, 2014. Rich, Adrienne. â€Å"Claiming and Education† in On Lies, Secrets and Silence, 365-369. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 1979. Wagner, Tony. The Global Achievement Gap, intro xix-xxviii. New York: Basic Books, 2008.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

WAL-MART Essay -- essays research papers

Over the last few years the cost declines of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, combined with improvements in sensitivity, range and durability, have enabled widespread RFID use in the logistical planning and operation segments of supply chain management processes. Specifically, areas such as security and access control, tracking, and monitoring/management will strategically be enhanced from the use of this technology. An RFID tag consists of a microchip and an antenna, often in the form of a tiny ribbon that can in turn be packaged into many forms, such as a label, or imbedded in between the cardboard layers in a carton. On the microchip is stored information about the product that the tag is affixed to, which can then be â€Å"read† when the tag passes within proximity of an RFID â€Å"reader†. This information is almost instantly relayed back to a computer system that updates the location status of the associated product. This procedure enables great efficiencies and cost reductions with respect to inventory management and control in a physical product environment, and also enables innovative applications in locating and tracking people and assets in a services environment. (Hagans, Andy, RFID Magazine)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This environment changed dramatically last June when Wal-Mart Stores announced that it would require its top 100 suppliers to put RFID tags on shipping crates and pallets by January 1st 2005. Earlier this month, Wal-Mart announced that i...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Air asia case study Essay

Awarding large government contracts to Bumiputra companies. 2. Requiring new listings on the Malaysia stock exchange to have an initial 30 per cent Bumiputra equity ownership. 3. The allocation of at least 30 per cent of government contracts for public and private works to Bumiputra contractors. 4. Requiring all private companies to offer employment opportunities to Bumiputras. 5. Ensuring that a minimum of 60 per cent of government procurements, contract work and other related projects be awarded to Bumiputra entrepreneurs. 6. Making government finance available for the exclusive use of Bumiputra business people. The Malaysian government claimed that the NEP fulfilled its goals since the nation was acknowledged as one of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world from 1970 to 1990, a period that coincided with the NEP’s implementation. This conclusion was in agreement with the research on Malaysian economic development3 conducted by the Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID) and Institute of Strategic and International Studies in Kuala Lumpur (ISIS Malaysia) (Snodgrass, 1996, p. 1). Despite this and the new policies that superseded the NEP since 1990, the affirmative action programme remains controversial. Indeed, many people believe that the NEP continues to define current government development policies in Malaysia. Critics of the NEP believe that the policy was only partially successful in, for example, reducing socio-economic disparity and encouraging the arrogance of Bumiputras (Anshar, 2008). Research by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affair4 (2005, p. xiii) was also critical about the alleged business restrictions that the NEP encouraged – it criticised that these were counterproductive and may even have thwarted the development of a vibrant and resilient business community. 3 The research looks into the Malaysian economic development from 1970 to 1990. Malaysia: An Economy Transformed (2005). This report on the Malaysian business environment prepared by The Economic Analytical Unit (formerly the East Asia Analytical Unit) is part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and is responsible for publishing reports analysing major trade and economic issues of relevance to Australia. The Entrepreneurial Tony Fernandes If the NEP was restrictive of non-Malay entrepreneurship, how was it possible that Fernandes, a non Bumiputra could emerge as the most celebrated entrepreneur in Malaysia? My research suggests that the NEP did not stifle entrepreneurship and that Fernandes is not the only successful non Bumiputra business person in Malaysia. This is a complex debate, and my doctoral thesis seeks to address it in greater detail. But in this paper I will outline some of the considerations that need to be taken into account in explaining how and why Fernandes rose to become one of Malaysia’s millionaires. Fernandes was born on 30th April 1964 into a family that had no prior knowledge or experience of business; his father was a physician from Goa (India) and his mother was a music teacher of Malaccan-Portuguese descent. In other words, Fernandes came from an Indian-Malaysian family of professionals; the new middle class that emerged in Malaysia from the 1960s. Like many other middle class families, the Fernandes had sufficient wealth to send Fernandes to study in England. Fernandes, at the age of 12, went to London in 1976 to study at Epsom College and attended the London School of Economics in which he graduated in 1987 with a degree in accounting (BusinessWeek, 2009). In total, he spent some 11 years in London, a painful separation from his parents who could not afford to pay for his flights back to Malaysia. It was this experience, according to Brown5 (2010) that gave him an insight into the benefits of perhaps developing cheap international carriers. However, at this stage his career path did not take him into the airline business. Upon graduation from the London School of Economics Fernandes took the normal route of working in accounting jobs. Fernandes worked briefly at Virgin Communications, a television division of the Virgin Group of companies. What did Fernandes learn from Virgin? 5 Kevin Brown is a journalist for the Financial Times. He was appointed Asia regional correspondent for the Financial Times in September 2009, based in Singapore. Prior to this role, he was Asia news editor. Previously, he was the personal finance editor of the Financial Times. The main benefit was the experience of working in a global company, acquiring insights into the running of an international business, and developing an impressive resume which worked in his favour in being appointed to the position of Senior Financial Analyst at Warner Music International6 in London. At Warner, Fernandes showed strong business acumen. He started in 1989 as Senior Financial Analyst, and by 2001, when he resigned from Warner, he was the Vice President, ASEAN region. Within 12 years at Warner he was promoted four times; that is on average he was promoted every three years. Fernandes’ time at Warner Music was significant because it was during this period that Fernandes matured and transformed himself from being a mere accountant into a strategist with an analytical mind. Commentators such as Ionides7 (2004) believed that Fernandes’ ability to think strategically, and understand his environment from a macro perspective, was the reason why Fernandes felt compelled not to be part of Warner’s ill-fated merger with America Online Inc in 2001. This incident was said to be the catalyst for Fernandes’ decision to switch careers after 12 years with Warner. A word of caution is needed: the early history of Fernandes’ emergence as an entrepreneur is based on the business press and journals. As part of my doctoral work I will be examining these issues in greater detail, and therefore reserve the right to correct the narrative as it currently stands. 6 Warner Music International is part of the Warner Music Group which is the third-largest business group and family of record labels in the recording industry. Warner Music Group also has a music publishing arm called Warner/Chappell Music, which is currently one of the world’s largest music-publishing companies.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Capstone Project Essay

1.0 Background of the Study Picardal Institute of Science and Technology (PIST) is an institution founded last July 12, 2008 and was located at the 2nd floor of Michaella’s Plaza, Andres Bonifacio Avenue, National Highway, Tibanga, Iligan City, province of Lanao del Norte, Philippines. This institution offers different courses under Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) like Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Associate in Computer Technology, Two Year Graduate in Midwifery Program, Computer Hardware Servicing NC II, Food and Beverage Services NC II, Housekeeping NC II, Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC I and II, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding NC II, Bookkeeping NC III and Programming NC IV. They also offers short courses like Computer Literacy, PC Repair Basic and Advanced AutoCAD, Web Development, WordPress, Photoshop, English Proficiency, Welding Enhancement and Pipefitting. Since from its founding year, PIST in its 6th year in service of providing quality education to its students, they faced so many circumstances and one of it, is the problem in Cashier Department. As of today, the Cashier tends to do her job manually with so many paper works to be done, and so we, the researchers propose a computerized system. This Cashiering System will provide a computerized storing of student’s data, the enrolment assessment of the enrollee with the amount they need to pay during the training and with the entire breakdown. This system will also help the cashier into less paper works and less time to consume in inputting the student information; it can also generate cash flow report, list of student in every semester and daily reports of income. By using this system the cashier will be able to back-up her files, store information of student’s in database and restrict the unauthorized personnel to access this information. The cashier is not the only one who could benefit to this project but also the entire school along with the students, where they could be rest assured  that the Cashier Department will give them real status when it comes to their financial standing. 1.1 Conceptual Framework Through the given input from the student that is the Student’s Personal Information, course and subject load that will be the process and save into the database where we can add, edit, delete and save the student’s number of units as well as their payments and we will be able to assume that through this information we could come up to the expected output that is the summary of student accounts, inquiry of accounts, billing statement and assessment of fees. 1.2 Statement of the Problem This study aims to provide a computerized system that where specifically seek an answer to the following problems. 1. Many paper works. 2. No cashiering system yet. 3. No back-ups and easy to copy, edit and/or delete files without authorization. 4. Manual billing statement. 5. Transactions lack of security. 6. Could be used by unauthorized personnel. 7. Uneasy to search. 8. Summarizing data and writing reports takes a lot of time. 9. Data Duplication. 1.3 Objectives After identifying the problems we came up to these following objectives. 1. To lessen paper works to Cashier Department. 2. To provide a cashiering system. 3. To provide a proper storage with back-up features. 4. To generate a computerized billing statement. 5. To make a tangible system with full security. 6. To provide a system that restrict unauthorized user. 7. To provide a more easy way to search information inside the system. 8. To generate an automated summaries of every transactions. 9. To avoid redundancies of data in the database. 1.4 Significance of the Study This study was made to find out that the use of cashier system will lessen the time for the transaction of billing statements and payment. Also in using this system it can recognize the person involve in this study. This study will benefit the following person: Cashier of Picardal Institute of Science and Technology – it can help them to lessen their tasks in preparing of summary of billing statements. Students – it will provide them an easy way to pay their bills and they will benefit the accurate status of their tuition. To provide good services to students. To the Future Researchers – it can help them as a guide to enhance more from their future thesis. 1.5 Scope and Limitation 1.5.1 Scope The scope of this study focuses only on receiving payments from and process charges of students and also on tracking deposits and payments against student accounts. 1.5.2 Limitation The study is based on the PIST’s System flow and policies in cashiering, thus its capability is according to PIST’s needs only. Definition of Terms Assessment – refers to the total amount of which the enrollee enrolled in that particular academic and/or school year. It is where the student identifies the breakdown of their tuition per academic and/or school year. Billing Statement – it is a monthly or per examination summary of the current and/ or balances of the student’s tuition in that academic and/or school year. Breakdown – is the way that where the student able to see where all of his/her payments go. Cashier – it is a person who works at a store or other business who takes money, makes change, issues receipts and otherwise helps to facilitate customer transactions. Cashiering System – it is a System to receive payments from and process charges for students, employees, and the general public. Cashier Department – is responsible for receiving  and distributing funds, as well as maintaining records. The cashier’s department enables to keep records of dividends and other payouts and receiving payments from the students and /or clients. Computerized System – A computerized system is a computer system with a purpose. When we talk about a computer system, we are simply referring to the hardware and software that comprise the computer system. But when we talk about a computerized system, we are referring to a function (process or operation) integrated with a computer system and performed by trained people. Database – A database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. Student – is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. Is used for anyone who is learning, including mid-career adults who are taking vocational education or returning to university. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies gathered from different sources to support the findings and results of the study. 2.0 Related Literature Most institutions and establishments that we visit are using computerized systems to easily cater the needs of the customers or clients. It will also provide a better service to its clientele as well. The system will properly accommodate the needs of the students and the parents in taking the statement of accounts. It will provide an accurate, fast and smart statement of accounts to students that are up-dated for the school administrator and the students. It will also provide students to view their own statement of accounts. When having a computerized system we will be able to have an advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of having a computerized system are: Saving Time – One important advantage offered by computerized accounting is it can save time for small business owners, who often must wear many hats. Calculations for functions like  payroll and billing can be performed quickly and efficiently by accounting software programs designed for small businesses. You can also access accounting records quickly without having to sift through stacks of paper. This can allow you to spend more time working with clients or performing marketing functions to help your busines s grow. Reduced Errors – Manual â€Å"number crunching† presents the possibility of human error, which can be costly to a small business owner who may be in a hurry to complete an accounting task. Computerized accounting programs can reduce calculation errors that can result in inaccurate inventory counts, billing for too large or small of an amount or incorrect sales receipt totals. Having accurate accounting information can also help you avoid tax errors that could lead to problems with the Internal Revenue Service. Disadvantages: Dependence on Machinery – On the downside, as with all machines, computers can fail from time to time, and a computer crash could leave you unable to perform accounting tasks and even result in the loss of information if files are not backed up properly. If you and/or your staff has little accounting knowledge and relies heavily on your computerized accounting program to do all the work, you may be at a loss as to what to do when your system or computer fails. Security breaches can also result in lost or stolen data. Expense – Another disadvantage is that if you’re converting from a manual to mechanized accounting system, you’ll need to bear the expense of software and possibly even new computers. Training on how to use a computerized system can result in lost productivity due to the associated downtime and learning curve. As time goes by, you’ll likely need to spend money on software upgrades as new versions become available. When your computers malfunction, you’ll need to pay for potentially costly repairs or replacements. Fewer errors mean fewer headaches – there are countless ways in which errors can creep into your transactions. The more data entry required, the greater the chances for error. So a cashiering system which is able to supply the required information on the cashier’s behalf, while minimizing data entry, is highly desirable. Put another way, the more  automation applied to the process, the better. Provide outstanding service – it will reduce excessive waiting in line, eliminate delays in restoring the paid-up status of a student account, avoid egregious errors such as posting payments to the bank, provide for rapid production of duplicate receipts, cancel non-paying students more promptly to accommodate returning students, accepts payments even when the student system is down and automatically release the appropriate students holds when an account is made current. Note: Author & year 2.1 Related Studies According to the research we made, there are other institutions here in Iligan City that uses computerized systems for Cashier Department that would assessed the students in a more easy and handful way. With this computerized system, it lessens the time consumed in accommodating all the students who will made transactions in the cashier department. Note: Author & year Chapter III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY The topics are given a deeper explanation in this chapter and the researchers will present the study. It consist of the research method, research instrument, interview, questionnaire, construction, validation, survey, administration and retrieval, research locale, population and sampling techniques, data gathering procedure, project design, project development, testing and operating procedures. 3.0 Project Design Through observation and interview we come up to these designs and coding.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

October Sky Summary Essays

October Sky Summary Essays October Sky Summary Paper October Sky Summary Paper The story told In Joe Johnnys film October Sky (1999) Is a beautiful one and a true one. I was really enthusiastic to watch this movie, because I love to watch movies based on true stories. I find they teach us many lesson through their experiences. The four teenage boys Homer Hickman, Question Wilson, Roy Lee Cooke, and Sherman ODell are very devoted to fulfill their dream of rocketry. The boys are first inspired by the Sputnik 1, the first satellite launched into the earths orbit. But everyone in the town of Coaled is destined to become coal-miners, unless they are lucky enough to et a football scholarship. To everyone coal-mining was Homers only future, Just like his father. Homer and his friends fearlessly begin learning how to build rockets and testing them. The whole town is not behind them and believe theyre wasting their time, especially Homers father John Hickman. The only one who strongly supports them is their teacher, Miss. Riley. She tells them that they can contend in The National Science Fair. The prize being college scholarships. By examining their experience you learn a lot about striving to achieve a goal, no matter what the odds. Homer has always rebelled against the coalmine and his fathers wishes. He Is very hopeful for his dream of doing rocket science and wont stop until he reaches it. He cares a lot for his family and the people around him, especially Miss. Riley. When Homers father got injured and couldnt work in the mine temporarily, Homer understood that he had to give up his dream and work in his fathers place. But it is until Miss. Riley grow sick and Homer visits her, then she tells him Sometime you really cant listen to what anybody else says, you Just got to listen inside. His ambition is renewed. Homer leaves the mine and continues to go into The National Science Fair, he get excepted. He ends up winning the gold metal, and he and his friends all earn scholarships. Miss. Riley has always been such a support for Homer. She always stuck out for him in the hopes that he would make a difference. When the boys were in the lunchroom looking at their rocket, the principal didnt allow the rocket in his school. Miss. Riley covered for them saying they were planning to enter The National Science Fair. She brought hope to the boys, even though they didnt seem like the smartest kids around. She never stop at anything even as she was dieing and Homer seemed to have given up his dreams. As for John Hickman he did not support Homer in any of his efforts. In fact he was against him. The only thing that seemed Important to him was his pride, the coalmine, and Coaled. When Homer lets go of his dreams to work in the mine John was very proud and begins to finally prelate but when Homer goes on continuing rocketry he doesnt support him at all. Until his wife, Elsie begs him while the strike Is going on to help Homer when his rocket part were stolen in the science fair. John Bolder Dont you have work to do? John learns that going difficulties and even scaring his pride is important to achieve his goals. After Homer goes home he and the boys decide to shoot their last rocket. Homer asks his father if he would come watch them shoot their last rocket, but he excuses him for his work. Then Homer tells him l only hope I could as good as a man as you are Sure Dry von Braun is a great scientist, but he isnt my hero. John was stunned by that and later ends up watching Homer and the boys shoot their last rocket. For the first time John is completely behind his son. Looking at their experiences and the consequences they had taken, it really reflected to the theme of the movie. They would have never achieved any of their goals if they hadnt tried their hardest even against all the odds. Homer does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, he walked 8 miles off company property to test his rockets when his father banned him. He still had hope even when the boys were charges for starting a forest fire. And even after working in the mine Homer decided hed quit and continue rocketry, knowing his father would be disappointed. Miss Riley is very caring and understanding, and tries to help Homer and the boys in anyway she can. She motivates and believes in them, causing her to strive and do whatever it takes in the hope of achieving something. Even as she was laying in the deathbed. She did everything she could to support these boys. The best representation of this theme is when John Hickman didnt stop at anything to save the people from the mine, even if it meet risking his life. For he saved many lives from this action. All of them made sacrifices and had consequences but they all had good results. This story shows the achievement people made, with no hesitation to strive to make a difference.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Marine Life Is So Diverse in the Gulf of Maine

Why Marine Life Is So Diverse in the Gulf of Maine The Gulf of Maine is one of the most important marine habitats in the world and home to a wealth of marine life, from giant blue whales to microscopic plankton. Overview The Gulf of Maine is a semi-enclosed sea that covers 36,000 square miles of ocean and runs along 7,500 miles of coastline, from  Nova Scotia,  Canada,  to  Cape Cod,  Massachusetts. The Gulf is bordered by three New England states  (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine) and two Canadian provinces (New Brunswick and Nova Scotia). Water depths in the Gulf of Maine range from zero feet to several hundred feet. The deepest spot is 1,200 feet and is found in Georges Basin. The Gulf of Maine has many dramatic underwater features, which were carved out by glaciers  10,000 to 20,000 years ago. History The Gulf of Maine was once dry land covered by the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which advanced from Canada and covered much of New England and the Gulf of Maine about 20,000 years ago. At that time, the sea level was about 300 to 400 feet below its current level. The weight of the ice sheet depressed the Earths crust, and as the glacier retreated, the area that is now the Gulf of Maine filled in with seawater. Types of Habitat The Gulf of Maine is home to a variety of different habitats. They include: Sandy banks (such as Stellwagen Bank and Georges Bank)Rocky ledges (such as Jeffreys Ledge)Deep  channels (such as the Northeast Channel and Great South Channel)Deep basins with water depths over 600 feet (such as the Jordan, Wilkinson and Georges Basins)Coastal areas near the shore, whose bottoms are composed of rocks, boulders, gravel, and sand Tides The Gulf of Maine has some of the greatest tide ranges in the world. In the southern Gulf of Maine, including the area around Cape Cod, the range between high tide and low tide may be as low as four feet. But the Bay of Fundy, which borders the northern Gulf of Maine, has the highest tides in the world. Here, the range between low and high tide can be as great as 50 feet. Marine Life The Gulf of Maine supports over 3,000 species of marine life. They include: About 20 species of whales and dolphinsFish, including Atlantic cod, bluefin tuna, ocean sunfish, basking sharks, thresher sharks, mako sharks haddock, and flounderMarine invertebrates such as lobsters, crabs, sea stars, brittle stars, scallops, oysters, and musselsMarine algae, such as kelp, sea lettuce, wrack, and Irish mossPlankton, which provide food for many larger marine species that live in the Gulf of Maine Scientists believe the Gulf is probably home to many more unidentified species, including small worms and microscopic bacteria. Information about individual marine species is available from the states Department of Marine Resources. Human Activity The Gulf of Maine is an important area, both historically and today, for commercial and recreational fishing. It is also popular for recreational activities such as boating, wildlife watching (such as whale watching), and scuba diving (although the waters can be chilly). Threats to the Gulf of Maine include  overfishing, habitat loss, and coastal development.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What is sociology, anyway Why bother to study it Essay

What is sociology, anyway Why bother to study it - Essay Example The official and the most likely reason for the US war on Iraq is not aligned with the author’s claim that war occurs because a lack of understanding of each other’s behavior. There was also no justification for what Hitler’s and his Nazi party was doing prior to World War II, thus not understanding the Nazi culture was not a justifiable excuse for the US and its allies not to have gone to war with Germany. Sociology can be defined as the scientific study of human society and social behavior (NesSmith, pg. 5). The author of the article had a lot of good ideas about the importance of sociology to our society. An innovation that has helped the global society connect more has been the internet. The internet allows for instant communication from people from different parts of the world and provides its users with a vast database of information that can be used to learn about other people’s culture. The culture of each nation across the world is different, but these differences are what make the planet a unique and interesting place to live

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Practical report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Practical report - Essay Example The contents include fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The enzymes that break apart DNA are thereafter destroyed (Bruns 2007, 50). DNA content is then separated from other cell components. The researcher then precipitates the DNA and re-suspends it in a solution suitable for its studies. When extracting DNA from the cheek cells, saline solution used to rinse the mouth helps to prevent the cells extracted from splitting open or lysing too soon. Centrifugation separates the cheek cells from mouth wash used (Johannson 1972, 39). Spinning the mixture in a centrifuge settles the heavier cells to the bottom of the tube to form pellets. Saline solution pours away, leaving the clumped cheek cells at the bottom of the tube. Lysis buffer added to the cell clump splits open the cells to release DNA from inside the nucleus. The buffer contains soap that dissolves and breaks fatty membranes of the cells, buffer that maintains the pH of the solution and ions that increase osmotic pressure outside the cheek cell and aids in ripping open the cell membrane. Incubation in hot water helps denature cytoplasmic enzymes that break up DNA. Concentrated salt solution changes polarity of the solution under study. DNA elements dissolve in ionic solutions. This is as opposed to other components of the solution; proteins, carbohydrates and fats. ... The process is additionally useful in assessing and distinguishing the variable sizes of alleles. This discerning of allele sizes best takes place with the DNA strands placed at a single locus. Gel Electrophoresis also assesses the quantity and quality of DNA that is present in a sample (Komrakova 2006, 51). This method separates chemical molecules and compounds by charge and size. Substances that are separated are stationed in wells in the agarose gel and an electric field applied. Positively charged molecules and compounds move towards the negative terminal while the negatively charged particles and compounds move towards the positive anode. Larger and longer particles experience difficulty in moving across the mixture to the positive or negative terminal, and are suspended in the gel matrix. Smaller and shorter molecules move easily through the agarose gel matrix and take positions according to their polarity. When strained, the small sized segments form a tight band as they move at relatively the same speed. Type of medium and concentration of the gel determines the gel’s pore size and its ability to segregate same sized fragments. While polyacrylamide gels separate DNA segments differing by a base pair, agarose gels separate fragments of DNA differing by hundreds or more base pairs. Combs forming wells are placed into the gel as it solidifies and cools. The combs are then removed after the gel solidifies. Students can use gel electrophoresis in determining quality and quantity of the DNA matter they extract from their cheek cells. In day-to-day applications, the method is useful in fingerprinting or profiling, DNA sequencing and genetic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

To what extent is development a political process versus a technical Essay

To what extent is development a political process versus a technical or economic one - Essay Example The evaluation of the developmental process and the aspect of economic contribution in the social change shall be studied within the context of the role of the United Nations in measuring human development. Defining Development: Before understanding the nature of the human developmental aspects such as economics and politics, it is significant to note the actual definition of development. The definition of human development introduces the debate with the help of different terms. As per the definition of development published by the United Nations, report states that development is a process to enable an environment for nation where they can live long, healthy and creative lives (Frey and Monroe, 1983). The definition allows better understanding of the fact that people can live happily if they are provided with the basic necessity. It should be noted that a human cannot live without making enough earning that will allow him to gain better lifestyle for himself and family. So this note s that the social change within a society can be brought to allow equal opportunity among members of society (Szirmai, 2005). Development among different societies is undertaken in order to provide better income rates to the members so that they are able to select the best for their lives (Rowe, 2009). The political and economic development that has gained a great deal of focus of researchers is now debated because of the political aspects (Willis, 2005). In other words, it could be said that development is a process which needs governmental authorities and economists to work together to bring better changes. The main purpose of the economic activities and cross-borders business ventures is to allow countries to develop and maximize profits (Lewis and Kallab, 1986). This profit making natures of business world allows developing countries to fight against inequality and increasing measures of poverty. As evident from the definition of development, inequality can be reduced if in case poverty’s overall measure within a society is reduced by large (Desai and Potter, 2008). The above noted relationship map of the economical and political development can also be understood in the context of poverty. The measure that most of the politicians set up would be the increased economical opportunities for the poor people. The effective strategic planning is done by politicians to ensure that the measure of inequality is reduced by large. This can be indirectly related to the economical efficiency of the society (Sen, 1999). The central idea of the development is that different institutions of a society provide quickened form of human development. It should be noted that politics and economics are two very important institutions of a society (Desai and Potter, 2008). The functions performed by different institutions of the society are able to make better changes when they are indirectly connected to each other. The need of the hour is to determine the extent to which the development process underlines the elements of political institutions or economical politician. In other words, it can be said that politicians and economists need to understand as to what aspects can surely bring a better and quick paced human development (Escobar, 1995). The political policy framework can allow business authorities to undergo deals and ventures providing majority of people to get better jobs and become stable in their daily

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Electricity Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Electricity Energy Crisis In Pakistan ABSTRACT Energy Crisis in Pakistan is one of the severe challenges the country is facing today. Electricity, gas, water, fuel is essential part of our daily life and its outage has severely affected the economy and overall living of ours. Thousands have lost their jobs, businesses; our daily life has become miserable. Pakistan is currently facing up to 18 hours of electricity outage a day, is expected to face more if not dealt with in time. The purpose of this study is to analyze the nature of this crisis and to propose some short-term as well as long-term solutions to this problem. This study is exploratory in nature. I have done my best to conclude and sketch up some recommendations in the light of identified hurdles in the way of implementing the appropriate solution to our problem. My study finds some major wholes in our system if they are covered up we can not only overcome the deficiency of electricity in our systems but also we can be able to export it to our neighboring countries. The basic flaws that our study identified are related to circular debt, and the inadequate capacity of our electricity production and distribution systems. Also I emphasized on some prospective alternatives to our electricity production that are cheaper and they provide more cleanly electric energy as compared to fossil fuel run energy plants. INTRODUCTION Background Study: Pakistan has been facing an unprecedented energy crisis since the last few years. The problem becomes more severe during summers. However, this winter was no different. During the peak crisis there was a power outage of 3-4 hours everyday. Those without generators and UPS faced tremendous problems. The prices of both continued to increase due to a sharp increase in their demand. Almost two years ago the then WAPDA chairman who happens to be a caretaker minister admitted that WAPDA cannot meet the current demand for electricity. Its surprising that such a senior and experienced person took so long to find this out. On top of that the government which talked about Pakistans supposedly booming economy failed to understand the gravity of the situation. General Musharraf (R) after becoming Chief Executive used to talk about building dams especially Kalabagh Dam. This was one of the many promises he failed to keep. Even after that very few power plants have been set up to meet the demand for electricity. During the second government of Benazir some independent power plants were set up. Had they not been setup then we would have had a much bigger crisis with life almost coming to a standstill. The policy makers of Pakistan have so far failed to understand one thing. They do talk about making dams and setting up nuclear power plants but why do they not understand the importance and benefits of alternate energy sources such as solar, windmill energy etc. They are cheap and quick methods for producing electricity. Pakistan is a very blessed country because solar energy is available in most cities all year round similarly wind energy is readily available in the coastal areas. These energy sources if tapped can be of great help in reducing the current demand supply gap. Pakistan is facing power shortage, natural crisis and oil crisis. In a report it is claimed that Pakistan has faced 1000 to 2000 MW shortage of power. And it will likely face 3000MW next year. Pakistan is facing 80 millions tons of oil shortage according to its need. And is lacking behind the needs of natural gas at about 27 million ton of energy in current year and this ratio will raise in upcoming years. 1.2 Energy Crisis in Pakistan: An energy crisis is any great shortfall (or price rise) in the supply of energy resources to an economy. It usually refers to the shortage of oil and additionally to electricity or other natural resources. The crisis often has effects on the rest of the economy, with many recessions being caused by an energy crisis in some form. In particular, the production costs of electricity rise, which raises manufacturing costs. For the consumer, the price of gasoline (petrol) and diesel for cars and other vehicles rises, leading to reduced consumer confidence and spending, higher transportation costs and general price rising. Energy resources have depleted! Whatever resources are available are simply too expensive to buy or already acquired by countries which had planned and acted long time ago. Delayed efforts in the exploration sector have not been able to find sufficient amounts of energy resources. Nations of the world which have their own reserves are not supplying energy resources anymor e; only the old contracts made decades ago are active. Airplanes, trains, cars, motorbikes, buses and trucks, all modes of transportation are coming to a stand still. Many industries have closed due to insufficient power supply. Price of oil has gone above the ceiling. At domestic level, alternate methods like solar, biogas and other methods are being tried for mere survival. The above is a likely scenario of Pakistan and around the globe after 25 years. A pessimistic view, but realistic enough to think about and plan for the future. But are we doing anything about it? Lets have a look at the current energy situation of Pakistan and the world. Pakistans economy is performing at a very high note with GDP growing at an exceptional rate, touching 8.35% in 2004-05.In its history of 58 years, there has been only a few golden years where the economy grew above 7%. This year official expectations are that GDP growth rate will be around 6.5 7.0%. For the coming years, the government is targeting GDP growth rate above 6%. With economy growing at such a pace, the energy requirements are likely to increase with a similar rate. For 2004-05, Pakistans energy consumption touched 55.5 MTOE (Million Tons of Oil Equivalent). The energy consumption is expected to grow at double digit if the overall economy sustains the targeted GDP growth rate of 6% by the government. Pakistans energy requirements are expected to double in the next few years, and our energy requirements by 2015 is likely to cross 120MTOE. By 2030, the nations requirement will be 7 times the current requirement reaching 361MTOE. Pakistans energy requirements are fulfilled with more than 80% of energy resources through imports. On the other hand, international oil prices have not only broken all records but are touching new highs, with every news directly or indirectly affecting the black gold industry. Moreover, speculators all around the world expect oil prices to touch $100 per barrel in medium term. With concerns over Irans nuclear program, terrorist issues in Nigeria and high economic growth in China India and their ever rising energy requirements, oil prices dont see any another way but to shoot upwards. What is the government doing to ensure a sustainable supply of energy resources for economic growth? What strategic steps are being taken to acquire energy resources in future? Is private sector willing to invest in Pakistans oil industry? What are the incentives being offered to the foreign players to continue working in the exploration sector? What hurdles are stopping other big players around the world to enter Pakistan? What is the role of gas distribution companies so far? Are the citizens of Pakistan being robbed by energy giants with ever rising utility bills? What should be the real price of petroleum, kerosene and other oil products in Pakistan? When will the nation have load shedding free electric supply? Have we been able to make long term contracts with the countries to provide uninterrupted supply of energy resources? Will the government be able to provide enough sources to the citizens for a sustainable economic growth? Have we lost the race for acquiring maximum energy resources for future surviv al? One of the major problems facing the new government, the energy crisis, is intense, costly and multi-dimensional. The infuriating electricity and gas disruptions and soaring fuel prices in turn pushing the cost of living have made life difficult for people. The even before it took office the new government was greeted with two jumps in fuel prices, accounting for a 15% rise in two weeks. Meanwhile, crude oil prices have been registering all-time-highs, shooting 40% in the past year. The undeniable reality is that that this global spike will somehow have to be accommodated in energy prices in Pakistan. There is no quick solution to electricity shortage and the trend of surging prices is irreversible. There is very little the new government can do on this in the immediate term. At best, the problem can be prevented from aggravating until a sustainable solution is struck. Tough decisions will have to be made, and executed with commitment. The starting point of any remedial efforts should be an acknowledgement of the fact that the crisis is a self-inflicted one. It cannot be denied that something has been wrong down the line that caused this crisis. The country has nearly gone energy bankrupt while a total disaster appears to be round the corner unless pragmatism is shown. It is also important that lessons be learnt from the past mistakes on part of relevant circles. The crisis is still addressable as long as there is due vision and devotion. The golden age for energy in Pakistan has been 1960s and most of the 1970s, that is when Tarbela and Mangla dams were put into operation and other dams, including Kalabagh, were actively pursued. In subsequent years, action in the field of energy has been utterly recklessness. The prevalent crisis is a consequence of imprudent energy policies over the last three decades. One of the major limitations that have hindered energy prosperity in the country is short-sightedness. There has not been a meaningful and coherent energy policy in place over this period. The approach has been project-oriented, rather than goal-oriented. Almost every regime has dealt with energy on an ad hoc basis. Long-term and sustainable planning of energy have been an alien concept. The reason is fairly simple; energy projects usually require huge investments and commitment, making them undesirable to any regime. The attitude of delaying new projects, as far as possible, has been the common practice and is in fact the recipe of the present crises. In doing so, when things start getting out of control, haphazard and quick-fix measures are sought. A typical example is the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) saga of the 1990s. In an attempt to avert an approaching energy crisis, as a result of negligible capacity addition during the 1980s and the early 1990s, the regime in 1993-94 d ecided to go for thermal generation through the IPPs. Undoubtedly, the IPPs provided a very healthy contribution at the supply end, enhancing power generation capacity by more than 5000MW. Nevertheless, this power addition cost the country a fortune apart from the controversial tariff structure, the move was against the spirit of energy sustainability and security for the country. The fact that the IPPs were set up at the terms of the investors suggest that it was a move made in panic. The last few years provide a perfect example of failure to make a timely response to the growing energy needs. A threefold increase in energy demand over the last two decades has been responded to with an ill-proportioned increment at the supply end. Consequently, with the advent of 2008 the gap between demand and supply grew to 4,500MW indicating a 40% deficit of electricity. The prevalent energy crisis has not appeared overnight the omens were evident for a number of years but the authorities failed to react in time. Senior WAPDA officials claim that in 2002 the government was officially warned about the approaching electricity crisis and was asked to take immediate measures to enhance generation capacity. The timely warning failed to receive any appreciation. The attitude of the relevant authorities has thus indirectly contributed to the growth of the dire crisis. Another example worth quoting here is that of the 969MW Neelam-Jehlum hydroelectric project. It was to be constructed in 2003 at a cost of $1.5 billion. It got abandoned until the present power crises intensified towards the end of 2007. The revised estimate is around $2.25 billion. The delay is costing the country a fortune an extra $750 million in terms of project cost, apart from enormous monetary dents inflicted by the five-year delay. It is also noteworthy that WAPDA has traditionally pursued the major projects of national interest but failed to get the due positive response from the policy- and decision- makers. Interestingly, WAPDA plays the role of a scapegoat, because the common man blames WAPDA for his sufferings. It is also important to plant relevant and qualified people at the key policy and decision making positions. Quite often, these positions are offered to utterly irrelevant, ill-qualified and incompetent people. The track record suggests that energy offices are amongst the most coveted ones in any regime, simply because they are considered to be the most lucrative ones. There are examples when undergraduate and utterly irrelevant people have been appointed to run energy offices. There are also cases when the crucial positions have been used as incentives during political bargaining. The unhealthy attitude towards sensitive energy positions is enough to explain how the field of energy has been traditionally toyed with. Another aspect of the bankrupt policies is politicisation of projects of national interest. The paramount example is that of Kalabagh Dam. It has been politicised to such an extent that its orchestration now appears to be next to impossible. Evidences suggest that the issue has been used to serve the vested interest of regimes and certain political and ethnical forces. With the emerging post-lection sense of national reconciliation on the political arena, it is expected that such projects would be looked into with cool heads. It is time to move on. The technical issues, if there be any, have to be addressed on the drawing board, rather in processions. It has to be realized that the delay in project has not only made the country suffer but also people that come from all provinces. In order to tackle the existing crisis and ensure a prosperous energy future, the backbone of the future energy policies would have to be reliance on domestic resources (hydropower, coal and solar and wind energy) and energy conservation. Decisions on energy projects should revolve around national interest rather than naÃÆ'Â ¯ve political and personal gains. Energy offices should be run by qualified, committed and deserving people equipped with due mandate. Relevant ministries and departments should also be overhauled. INFLATION AND ENERGY CRISIS IN PAKISTAN Pakistan is facing a number of constraints in the path of social economic and political development. One of them is the ever-increasing inflationary pressure on the general public. This inflationary pressure created a social instability and misconception among the messes towards the Government. General public considers the government responsible for this inflation. Government gave the blunt gift of inflation, unemployment, terrorism and energy crisis to the public. The government offended the masses. Some economists argue that such type of increase in prices was never seen before the regime of Musharaf. The prices of essential domestic commodities have touched the psychological boundaries. The fixed income employees and creditors are affected by this inflation. During five years the prices of red chilli increased by 62.7%, flour 66.2% vegetable oil 120% sugar 30.9% rice 69.9% and other essential domestic commodities like vegetables, chicken etc also showed increasing trend of prices. According to official reports the inflation rate is 7.2% and according to non-official reports like UN 8.6% World Bank 8.9% and Asian Development Bank 9.1%. This inflationary pressure has psychologically affected the employees and employers. Some renounced economists argue that the reason of this increasing inflation rate is the standard year 2001 according to which inflation rate is measured. In 2001 the foreign aid was given to Pakistan therefore low standards were made to measure the inflation rate. Although the increasing trend in the prices of fuel and other things in the international market is another factor but the standard year is also a factor. Not only these factors caused hyperinflation but also energy crisis played a vital role in this hyper change in the prices of daily use domestic and capital commodities. There are three main resources used to fulfill the energy requirements Electricity, Fuel and Gas. Despite having the treasure of natural energy resources, Pakistans energy production plants are not fulfilling the countrys requirements effectively. The present energy crisis is affecting the economy entirely. Industrial and daily life has paralyzed by this energy crisis. WAPDA is just fulfilling the countrys energy need near to 46% the remaining is fulfilled by the alternative expensive resources. The energy crisis created cost pull inflation in the country, as electricity is the key material for any production plant. There is a general observation of 5-10 hours of load shedding, but some times it hits the level of 18 hours. Even the industrial capital of Pakistan (Karachi) is suffering from the same situation. Why in the era of energy reservation Pakistan is not utilizing its energy resources? Pakistan is just relaying on the electricity production by Dams. But Pakistan has not enough dams or water to generate electricity. Although WAPDA is enjoying the monopoly but government has to pay 2 rupee/unit as incentive. Our neighbouring country India has built a number of Dams to overcome the energy crisis but Pakistan government has paid no heed on this issue. Many projects are delayed due to provincialism the glaring example is of Kala Bagh Dam. The costly machinery amounted US $9 million is now functionless due to (rust) delay in the construction of Kala Bagh Dam, Some scientists predicted that in next 10year world has to face the water shortage also. If the government fails to construct dams for the generation of electricity due to Provincialism government should have to adopt alternative options to accomplish the energy needs of the country. As Iran has large treasure of natural energy reso urces like natural gas and fuel, despite this Iran is engaged in the attainment of nuclear power generation plant. Pakistan, despite being an atomic power does not think about the nuclear electric generation plant. International community is imposing sanctions on Iran due to uranium enrichment but Iran pays no heed to them. Then why is the Pakistani government reluctant to use its nuclear plants to tackle energy crisis? Secondly, Pakistans western area especially Thar is enriched by natural coal, which is the fifth largest treasure of the world. Pakistan has signed a contract with China to generate 300 Mega watts by coal deposits in 2003, but due to some reasons it has not been completed till now. Industrialists due to high prices of electricity use alternative resources (petrol) in electric generators to fulfill their energy needs but, the fuel (petrol) prices in international market cross the psychological limits of US $110/beryl recently. The high prices of fuel and electricity created a long-term cost pull inflation (increase in the prices of raw material of one commodity cause high prices of other commodities).There are a lot of expectations with the new government as Nawaz Sharif pledged that if he came in rule he will fix the prices of domestic commodities like vegetables oil, floor, sugar and rice for two years. Now the new government should take basic steps to eradicate inflation. I think energy crisis is the real cause of this inflationary pressure. We are hopeful that new government will take some positive steps to fulfil its promises and public expectations. HYDEL ENERGY Water flowing in the rivers has kinetic energy. One they are used to drive the turbine and produce electricity the power generated as hydel energy. Power produced by the turbine depends on quantity of water flowing/minute and the head of water available. Mostly river flows by melting glaciers on High Mountain. One the water starts flowing in the valley its changes its head very rapidly. This energy can be converted into electrical energy. 3.1 Methods for Generating Hydel Energy Two methods are normally used: Dams In case of Dams the water flow is restricted by the making a huge storage device and the head of water is increased, the water then is allows to flow by means of gates and pass through the turbine, the head of reservoir level is maintained to provide uniform power and the water stored in the season additionally is used for irrigation purpose in the dry season. Run of the river projects In the run of river project the water is diverted through the tunnel and once it gain the head allowed to fall and pass through the turbine and back too river. The water in these projects is continuously flowing and not being stored. Geographical situation is paramount importance in choosing the suitable site for the hydel project and it evolves a very serious time and money consuming study. 3.2 Feasibility Study Once a site is located further detailed feasibility study is required before preceding any serious effort to start the work. The feasibility study should include following field work. 1: Detailed Mapping of the area. 2: Topographic study of the area. 3: seismic refraction study. 4: River flow data. 5: Weather data contain Temperature, Pressures, and Rain Humidity. 6: Water sampling and testing. 7: Environmental study. 8: Social impact. 9: Identification of stake holders of the area. 3.3 Pakistan Major Dams Warsak Dam The gigantic multi-purpose Warsak Dam is situated 30 kms north-west of Peshawar in the heart of tribal territory. It has a total generating capacity of 240,000 kW and will eventually serve to irrigate 110,000 acres of land. Mangla Dam Worlds third largest earth-filled dam is only 115 km south-east of Rawalpindi. One has to turn left from Dina Town and the dam on river Jhelum is about 14 km to the east. The dam is 3,353 meters long and 116 meters high above the river bed. It is designed to store 5.88 MAF water and also used for power generation. In the centre of the dam there is a Gakkhar Fort from where one can have a panoramic view of the lake. For permit to visit the dam, please contact PRO, WAPDA, and Mangla. A NOC from the Ministry of Interior is required for foreigners only. Tarbela Dam The worlds largest earth-filled dam on one of the worlds most important rivers the Indus is 103 km from Rawalpindi. The dam was completed in 1976 at a cost of Rs.18.5 billion. Over 15,000 Pakistani and 800 foreign workers and engineers worked during its construction. It is the biggest hydel power station in Pakistan having a capacity of generating 3,478 MW of electricity. Its reservoir is 97 km long with a depth of 137 meters while total area of the lake is 260 Permits are required for visiting the Dam. Please contact Public Relations Officer (PRO), Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Tarbela (Tel: 051-568941-2). A No-Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Ministry of Interior (Shaheed-e-Millat Sectt.), Islamabad is also required for foreign visitors. 3.4 Hydel Energy and its Crisis in Pakistan The energy crisis starts from 1990 and still Pakistan is in the crisis of these all as before. The latest and perhaps the most troublesome crisis faced by the Pakistani nation these days is the shortage in supply of electricity. The country is facing a huge electric power crisis these days. Though it has been more than a year since when the country is facing this crisis, but till now no proper solution has been made to this problem neither any proper planning has come into existence since the symptoms and begging of this short supply of electricity. While rolling blackouts or load shedding as it is locally known has always been a staple of daily life in Pakistan, the problem has become acute in the last couple of years. This crisis appears insurmountable in the near or even long-term future, unless proper understanding and correct implementation is undertaken on priority basis. At present total power production capacity in the country is about 19,500 MW, out of which Hydel Power is only 6,500 MW, balance of 13,000 MW is thermal either using Natural Gas or Furnace Oil. Small capacity of 450 MW is Nuclear and only 150 MW is through coal. It is very important to understand the consequence of the prevailing situation. Current price of furnace oil is about Rs.49000 per ton, which amounts up to Rs.49/- per kg. On an average one kg of furnace oil produces 3.8 kWh of electricity. Thus, the cost of furnace oil for generating one unit of electricity is about Rs.13. On top of this the fixed cost of a thermal plant works out to be about Rs.3 per unit. Therefore, one unit (kWh) of the electricity produced by all thermal plants using furnace oil is Rs.16 per unit. According to WAPDA/IPP (Independent Power Produce rs) agreement, the private power producers will charge WAPDA the actual fuel cost for which they have a direct contract with PSO. As we all know that WAPDA tariff charged from the consumers is about Rs.5 per unit (kWh). The production cost of furnace oil electricity is Rs.16 per unit, add to it the transmission, distribution cost (including loses), the total cost of such electricity works out to approximately Rs.22 per kWh. The difference between WAPDA tariff and the furnace oil electricity is Rs.17 per kWh. It is estimated that the country consumes at least 25 billion units of electricity produced annually through furnace oil, which amounts to the total deficit of Rs.425 Billion. If WAPDA has to balance its books it would require a subsidy of Rs.425 Billion. This deficit is somewhat reduced due to cheap power produced through hydel energy and natural gas, but the deficit cannot change substantially, unless bulk of electricity is produced through hydel energy. Obviously, a deficit of Rs.300-350 Billion cannot be sustained, the government does not have resources to pay such a huge subsidy, and it is also not feasible to increase the power tariff very much. Therefore the power crisis is far greater th an what is being perceived. In the absence of extremely heavy subsidy, WAPDA is delaying payments to IPPs and also to the oil companies. The result is that IPPs are now producing much less electricity than their capacity. Thermal energy Thermal energy is the thermal type of energy, with all known history available, wood always used for heating and cooking. In 2nd world war fossils fuels entered in the form of coal to get energy. Until liquid fuels were discovered and because of their convinces of transportation they took over as major of energy source. Once the steam engines were invented then the coal or liquid fuels was burnt in the in boilers and heat producers steam which is used to drive an electrical generators, or any other mechanical devices. Rudolph diesel invention of diesel engine revolution the energy concept and today we see sine the majority of machine moving on diesel engines. Diesel engines can be 2 stroke or 4 stroke type. They can be in line or arranged in V or even W shape. They can be single acting or double acting. Another method of converting thermal energy to mechanical energy is by the gas turbines. Turbines are also used to run by steam or hot gases which are produced by igniting fuel. The choice of gensets strictly depends on the requirement of client, before ordering a power plant following points to be considered: Expected demand of the power Type of fuel required Space available for the power plant Availability of gun sets Availability of local service back up and stock of parts Price is paramount importance and hidden expenses should be locked carefully. The major manufactures and suppliers of gensets based on internal combustion engines are given below: Man Wartsila Caterpillar Jen bacher Waukesha Mitsubishi Detroit diesel Rolls Royce Internal combustion engines can obtain 30_50% thermal efficiency. It means that around 50%energy is wasted in the form of exhaust gases, cooling system and radiations. Therefore for larger plants heat recovery system are utilized. 4.1 Crisis of Thermal Energy The oil crisis facing the world is not about supply or about the increase in demand. It is about the speculators who are pumping huge amounts of money into forecasting a serious shortage ahead. Not now but in the future. And that the prices will escalate enough for them to make a killing. If one looks at the real picture, there is no shortage of oil, there has been no shutdown of any major producer, nor has there been a sudden jump in the import from any large consumer. The Chinese import for their industrialization is not more than 10 percent annually. This is certainly not enough for the huge jump in the world crude rates. This jump is matched by the phenomenal profits of the oil companies and of course the oil producing countries. The thirst for profits of the oil traders has benefited the oil producers-Iran being a major beneficiary. The US government must be wondering at the irony of this windfall benefiting a prime enemy of American and Israeli interests at the cost of millions of innocent citizens of the US and Europe, engineered by the greasy gnomes of the oil trade. There is no threat of an oil embargo, nor of a war, it is just pure speculation, funded by the huge mountains of American and European cashes at the disposal of the Sources the Oil trade. They stand to make a killing at the expense of hapless citizens of the world. As I had written in an earlier piece as far back as 2005, when an attack on Iran was imminent, that the rise in oil at 100 $ a barrel would impact on the food prices has proved prophetic with the current sky high prices of bread in Europe and America. In the meantime we poor Pakistanis are suffering with 50 percent living below the poverty line, and many more being pushed under thanks to the current oil crisis which has managed to create tsunami that is a threat worldwide, with no remedy in sight. Electricity riots are already a common sight but the frequency of breadlines breaking into riots is increasing daily, not just in Soma lia but in parts of the third world where we thought wheat was never in critical shortage. The riots in Pakistan are for two reasons. Firstly, the price a worldwide phenomenon and second a physical shortage due mainly to incompetence in the many layers of our government. 4.2 Looming Energy Crisis in Pakistan Energy costs, from where they stand now, could rise by more than 50 percent in the next few years. The cost of power on this scale would be difficult to manage by most emerging economies all oil-consuming countries, particularly the third world have suffered due to the consistently rising demand-driven cost of energy. From 2004 onwards, the price of oil started soaring in the international market, and for the first time in October 2004, oil prices crossed the benchmark of US$ 50 per barrel. It continued to fluctuate but kept moving up each year and in 2007 briefly crossed US$ 100 per barrel. For the past few days it has been hovering at US$ 103 plus per