Monday, September 30, 2019

Liberty and Equality Essay

The principles of liberty and equality are what led America to be the great country it is today. Those terms would not be as meaningful if Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many other founders of our country did not embrace those ideas and adopt them from the Europeans. The strong belief in liberty and equality led this nation to adhere to those standards set by the great leaders above. Without liberty, equality, and those who fought for the pursuit of these ideals, life in America would not be the same. The great leaders who helped bring liberty and equality to America did not create these concepts; they were adopted from the European countries that were also fighting for equality and liberty. William Russell claims that the idea was not formed in America. He states, â€Å"The climate of America did not breed liberty, nor did its geography foster equality† (Russell 55). Even though the idea might not have come from Thomas Jefferson himself, he was stil l instrumental in the formation of American values and the implementation of democratic ideals in America. Jefferson strongly believed that every citizen deserved to be equal. He did not like the fact that some people had more rights than others, because this implied that not everyone in America was the same. Jefferson had the perfect opportunity to express his feeling and he did; when he helped draft the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wanted to make sure that no group’s rights were limited. Jefferson also highlighted the importance of everyone’s ability to pursue their own ambitions, by stating that we all possess â€Å"unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness† (The Declaration 7). This statement has become iconic because of its message—anyone can and should be able to follow their dreams. This step was crucial in the formation of America’s democracy. Similarly, George Washington upheld the values of liberty and equality by citing views comparable to Jefferson’s. Washington strengthened his argument when he included the notion of God’s involvement in the success and the happiness of  the people in America. In his First Inaugural Address, he expresses to the people that the Almighty Being has the power and the will to heal all defected humans and to bring happiness to every human being in this country. Washington asks that God’s â€Å"Benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people in the United States a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes† (First Inauguration 44). Washington believed in the importance of God in guiding citizens toward a thriving government and nation, which he believed would lead to the happiness of the American people. He states the significance of sticking to rules placed by the Almighty, because the nation that follows the rules of Heaven will receive smiles. Like Washington, Abraham Lincoln also felt that God was an influential Almighty Being, who could help America meet its longtime goals of Liberty and Equality. Lincoln wanted everyone—from the slaves to the slave owners—to be in an equal nation under God. He expressed these thoughts in the â€Å"The Gettysburg Address.† In this speech, he explains that the current Civil War was being fought to preserve the idea of total equality, and to abolish the institution of slavery. Lincoln states that the nation under God â€Å"Shall have a new birth of freedom† (Gettysburg 93). The war’s purpose, to settle a longstanding dispute between the North and the South, evolved from Lincoln’s desire to rid the nation of slavery. Both Washington and Lincoln believed everyone—including African Americans, women, and any other marginalized group—had the right to freedom. Likewise, Henry David Thoreau’s essay â€Å"Civil Disobedience† exp resses his thoughts and feelings about laws set by the government. Thoreau explains the role of liberty and equality in America differently than Washington and Lincoln. He decides against using God as a persuasive tool. Instead, he encourages people to stand up to the government and disobey the laws they feel are denying justice to certain people. Thoreau believed that to fight a law in a â€Å"civil† way, you must â€Å"Cast your whole vote, not a stripe of paper merely, but your whole influence† (Civil Disobedience 9). He suggests that if one person expresses his or her idea of justice, more people may speak up and fight back. He believed this would lead to the government’s forced compliance with more just acts of liberty and equality. Martin Luther King Jr. took Thoreau’s ideas to heart. He very famously stood up to laws he believed were unjust during the Civil Rights movement. He fought a very long  time to bring a greater level of equality to Ameri ca, especially for African American people. King felt that liberty and equality had been denied too long for African Americans. He expresses that thought in a letter from his jail cell in Birmingham. King writes, â€Å"We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God given rights† (King Web). King’s frustration led him to believe that his best option was what Thoreau describes: civil disobedience. Ultimately, King’s pursuit of liberty and equality proved incredibly worthwhile; his acts of civil disobedience changed the landscape of American culture. Throughout history, America has had great leaders of all backgrounds and religions. This diversity has strengthened our desire and pursuit of equality and liberty for all. Each great leader, writer, and thinker has contributed to the molding of America as a democratic land. Each person encouraged others to contribute to their cause, resulting in a country where liberty and equality have truly become a group effort. Works Cited Jefferson, Thomas. â€Å"Declaration Of Independence.† The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History, 1775-1865. Ed. John Grafton. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2000. 5-9. Print. King, Martin L., Jr. â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.].† Letter. 16 Apr. 1963.Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]. University of Pennsylvania, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. . Lincoln, Abraham. â€Å"The Gettysburg Address.† 1863. The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History, 1775-1865. Ed. John Grafton. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2000. 92-93. Print. Thoreau, H. D. â€Å"Civil disobedience.† Civil disobedience, and other essays (pp. 1-18). New York: Dover Publications. Print. (Original work published 1849) Russell, William Fletcher. Liberty vs. Equality. New York: Macmillan, 1936. 54-55. Print. Washington, George. â€Å"George Washington: First Inauguration Address.† The Declaration of In dependence and Other Great Documents of American History, 1775-1865. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2000. 43-46. Print.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Summary of “Deep Intellect”

In â€Å"Deep Intellect† author Sy Montgomery makes his case in showing that octopuses are intellectual invertebrates. Scientists believed that octopuses were unintelligent brainless creatures. However new studies have amazingly revealed just the opposite. Studies now show that octopuses are intelligent, emotional and have individual personalities. Montgomery talks about his encounter with an octopus, Athena, at the Aquarium in New England and the different studies that prove that octopuses are intelligent. Octopuses are invertebrates that touch and taste with the thousands of suckers that are on their eight arms.A study by Alexa Warburton although problematic revealed that â€Å"California two-spots quickly learned which side of a T-maze offered a terra – cotta pot to hide in† (page 3). The octopuses appeared to intentionally not cooperate by jumping off the mesh while being scooped out of their tanks. Scientists measure intelligence by brain size and counting n eurons. Octopuses have about 130 million neurons in its walnut size brain and amazingly three-fifths of their neurons are in its arms. The intelligence of octopuses also includes the ability to change colors and shapes to hunt and to escape predators.Scientists believe that octopuses are colorblind but new evidence proposes that they may see with their skin. A study by Jennifer Mather shows that octopuses can employ foresight and even plan. Mather observed an octopus choosing rocks to place in front of its home to feel safe before going to sleep. Another study by Roland Anderson reports an octopus playing with a pill bottle as a toy. The octopus was blowing water to move the pill bottle from one end of her tank to the other. Anderson states that â€Å"Only intelligent animals play – animals like crows and chimps, dogs and humans† (page 5).In a study by Bill Murphy octopuses opened locks on boxes to get food and they used different strategies showing individuality. One octopus was so eager to get the food that he broke the outer box and then squeezed into the inner box. Roland Anderson also proved in a study that octopuses remember familiar humans. In this experiment one person would just feed the octopuses and another person would touch them with a briskly stick. After a few week, the octopuses would shoot water at the person that touched them with the briskly stick at first sight. However when the octopuses saw the person that fed them they would move toward that person.Scientists have noticed that octopuses and humans have eyes that are almost the same. Humans and octopuses eyes have transparent corneas, regulate light with diaphragms and focus lenses with a ring of muscle. Based on the research data octopuses are unsocial creatures that have a short life span. They have evolved into intelligent and emotional creatures that have individual personality. Scientists today still know very little about the intellect of octopuses. To understand the m ind of these eight arms wonders, scientists must rethink the way they examine the nature of the mind.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Are the commercial promises made about digital media just hype to Essay

Are the commercial promises made about digital media just hype to cloud our vision about the digital divide Explain in the context of your profession - Essay Example The global village feeling is not shared by everyone, and despite the convergence of digital media and falling costs, the divide remains. The question this blog considers is whether the commercial promises made about digital media are therefore just hype to cloud our vision about the digital divide. The reality is that while someone can have the latest technologies and access to the far corners of the world, the person living next door may still have no such concept of this form of ‘global community’ as envisaged by Daniel Boorstin (1978) in ‘The Republic of Technology’. The two will have very different concepts and experiences of community life and its boundaries, and this is what also characterises the digital divide. For example, the first person may conduct business in the comfort of his or her own home, internationally and without even seeing the customers in person, whereas the neighbour would have to physically travel to do the same although the customers may be met in person. This could equally be applied to personal, social, cultural, political, and other engagements but they still illustrate two very different sets of experiences for each neighbour. Between geographically apart societies, the digital divide would be even greater. Let alone ne w digital media, according to the UN, over half of the world still lives â€Å"more than two hours away from a telephone† (Flew, 2008). Thus, some people are in the slow and fast lanes of the information superhighway, but many are nowhere near any needed telecommunications infrastructure. Technological development has also always been taking place although the rapid pace and convergence phenomena are recent. They are all designed to make certain tasks easier for us and most do benefit us leading to the progress of society. But the extent to which the digital media revolution has penetrated into everyone’s homes and lives (or not) sustains the digital divide and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pneumonia Dq question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pneumonia Dq question - Assignment Example The predisposing factors for mucormycosis are kartoacidosis, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, solid tumors, and renal failure. Pulmonary mucormycosis generally takes place inhaling the fungal sporangiospores. The medical interventions for treating mucormycosis involve 3-pronged integration of surgical and medical approaches, together with addressing predisposing underlying conditions (Spellberg & Edwards, 2012). 2. Some laboratory test values are abnormal. The pH value is 7.5 and this figure is high. The high pH values are abnormal and are mainly experienced among patients with high blood pressure (Kontoyiannis & Lewis, 2013). PaO2 is also abnormally low at 59mmHg. This illustrates a condition that is common among patients having pheumonia. 3. Three treatments are applied in patients with pulmonary mucormycosis. The treatments are; hyperbaric oxygen therapy, surgery and step down therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy applies high concentration of oxygen, which hinders the development of mucorales in vitro. Surgery is also a treatment option. Sinus lesions are very significant and should be done with minimal delay, due to the aggressive characteristic of the mucor infection. Step down therapy entails treatment of parenteral lipid amphotericin B. The treatment is antifungal. The medications involve usage of antifungal agents. Classic antibiotics like echinocandins are commonly used. Amphotericin B is also applied as liposomal formulations, with the aim of minimizing toxicity (Bitar & Van,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Earthquake Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Earthquake Paper - Essay Example The earthquake was marked by a thrust-faulting focal mechanism which saw the subduction of the Nazca plate underneath the South American Tectonic Plates (USGS, 2010). For Haiti, the earthquake occurred at the northern boundary of the Caribbean tectonic plate which shifts eastwards per year in relation to the North American Plate (Amos, 2010). The depth of focus for the Japan earthquake was 32 kilometers, for the Haiti earthquake, it was 13 kilometers, and for the Chile earthquake, it was 35 kilometers. The tsunami which followed the Japan earthquake caused a greater damage than the earthquake itself. The earthquake caused a 5-8 meter upthrust in a 180-km seabed offshore from the coast of Tohoku which then caused the tsunami which devastated Japan’s northern islands and the Pacific coastline (CNN Wire Staff, 2011). The tsunami extended across the Pacific with warnings issued to coastal towns. Chile, which was the furthest area from Japan still felt tsunami waves 2 meters high. In the Omoe peninsula, Miyako city, and the Iwate prefecture, tsunami waves were also felt (Yomiuri Shimbun, 2011). The height of the tsunamis hitting Japan ranged from as low as three meters to as high as 13 meters, covering about 560 square kilometers of Japan, and the waves were seen an hour after the earthquake hit first in Sendai airport and in the rest of the northern coast of Japan following (CNN Wire Staff, 2011). A four meter tsunami would also hit the Iwate prefecture and the Wakabayashi Ward in Sendai. A major part of Kuji and Ofunato were destroyed and in Rikuzentakata, tsunami waves were reported at about three stories high (CNN Wire Staff). Damages in the cities of Kamaishi, Miyako, Yamada, Namie, Soma, Minamisoma, Shichigahama, among others were also reported. The most severe impact of the tsunami was felt along the coastline stretching from Erimo to Oarai with bridges washed out and a wide swath of general destruction (CNN

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Medicare and Insurance Coverage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medicare and Insurance Coverage - Essay Example The Medicaid, on the contrary, is a program designed to assist people with a few resources to access health care services. For a State to access the Medicaid services from the Federal State, it has to meet some set standards. Thus, by studying a case, it becomes necessary to answer some questions that aid in understanding the functionality of these programs. The case study provided presents Mrs. Zwick, a 77-aged woman, a permanent resident of the United States, hospitalized due to a mild stroke. The study has indicated that, she underwent an admission for five days and later transferred to a different facility for rehabilitation services. After a considerable time, the doctor diagnoses her with a hospital obtained â€Å"Urinary Tract Infection† (UTI) (Kaplan, 2004). As a result, the doctor prescribes some medications for her. The case has further highlighted the fact that Mrs. Zwick has the Medicare part A, B and D coverage. Mrs. Zwick’s daughter lacks sufficient knowle dge concerning how the coverage indicated above can assist her mother in settling the hospital bills (Kaplan, 2004). Therefore, the administration has demanded that I discuss with the daughter on costs covered fully or partially by the three parts of the Medicare program entitled to h er. The part A of the Medicare also identified by the name Hospice Insurance (HI) will cater for the following bills (Kaplan, 2004). For instance, it will settle all costs incurred due to her stay in the facility. These entails the meals, tests performed on her for diagnosing reasons, as well as for her stay in the skilled nursing home, where she underwent the rehabilitation. In addition to the above, the Medicare part A will settle bills needed for the walker. Moreover, the Medicare part B will also play a monumental part in helping cover the different costs entitled to her. This part, for instance, will cover all-home care services entitled to Mrs. Zwick after her discharge. Finally, the Medicare par t D will also be necessary, as it will cater for costs incurred in accessing her medication. In addition, the later part will partially repay the bills arising from the medication of the hospital acquired UTI. The current medical policies enacted discourage the reimbursement for hospital-acquired infections. In 2006, George Bush who was the United States president enacted an act aimed at plummeting the amount of finances dedicated to treating disorders resulting from medical errors. This was due to a rise in the occurrence of such errors thus costing the federal government enormous funds. As a result, payers of such services decided to monitor the expenditure of such finances. According to the board in charge of budget in the US, the decision would help the local government save $29 billion (Kaplan, 2004). The current policy formulated would adversely affect Mrs. Zwick. Therefore, she will have to spend her own finances for the treatment of her UTI. The infection she has acquired is amongst the ten conditions that Medicare does not compensate. Therefore, catering for the treatment of such an infection might result to the risk of deprived health or death. Mrs. Zwick may not pay all finances needed for her treatment thus a decline in her health. The â€Å"Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act†

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparing and contrasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparing and contrasting - Essay Example provision with respect to the control of finances, power of the electorate in respect of amendment of the constitution as well as the role of the prime minister and president in both Australia and USA. Finally, the paper presents the person who established the Constitution for the respective countries and discuss the importance of such an individuals or entity. The powers of the state in both countries are limited by the legislature and judiciary. The High Court of Australia and the legislature check on the powers of the state. The Australian Constitution Section 61 The first sight examination of Australia and USA reveals similar systems of government. The two nations have federated nations. The power to govern is therefore shared between national and state governments. Australian Constitution explicates the legislative, the executive, and the judicial arms of the Australian governance. However, Australia has a limited separation of powers. The members of Australian Executive are drawn from the legislature or parliament. On the other hand, the members of the Judiciary such as the High Court Judges are Governor General Appointees while being advised by the Executive (Saunders, 2008). On the other hand, the Constitution of United States illustrates the separate legislative, executive and judicial arms of the governance. Unlike, Australia the US Constitution prohibits the members of Congress including the House of Representatives and the Senate from being appointed to executives offices. Moreover, the United States’ cabinet members can never be members of legislature, unlike Australia and hence the US President and Secretaries are prohibited from being members of the Congress. The parliamentary sovereignty in both countries arises from their role of law making process as all the bills must be passed and approved by the parliament. However, in the United States the Supreme Courts can trim the laws made based on their wisdom, constitutionality, and workability.

Monday, September 23, 2019

St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves Essay

St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves - Essay Example Russell uses vivid description to develop the different aspects of her story. A close analysis of the story reveals that she explores multiple gender issues. In a bid to analyze this gender issue, this paper will offer a gender perspective analysis of her work. In addition, it will also consider the historical and the cultural perspective portrayed by the author as she developed her story. In her story, Russell tackles certain critical gender issues that are of interest to many literary analysts. One of them named Natalyalc commenting of Russell’s book online said, â€Å"The story also seems to have gender roles as the main theme†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She continues to say, â€Å"Because they have separate homes for male and female wolves and furthermore taught differently.† The fact that the story is centered on 15 wolf girls struggling to acculturate and assimilate into the human society introduces a gender based perspective. She mentions that, brothers of the girls were in a separate home. The fact that girls and boys did not learn the new culture in an integrated system is an emphasis on the existing gender differences, and the conservative nature of the society concerning the gender roles. The 15 girls undergo a rigorous transformational process as the nuns struggle to shape civilized women out of them. Most of the activities they indulge in are defined by the gender roles evident in the society. One nun tried to help Mirabella conform to feminine behavior as Russell describes when she says, â€Å"Shed sit down with Mirabella and pry her fingers apart. â€Å"You see?" shed say softly, again and again. "What are you holding on to? Nothing, little one. Nothing† (Russell 241). For example, they were expected to learn how to walk with composure as ladies. Moreover, the nuns make efforts of combing the hair in order to give them a feminine look evident when the narrator says, â€Å"The sisters swept out hair back into high, bouffant

Sunday, September 22, 2019

-Operation and Supply Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

-Operation and Supply Management - Essay Example Six Sigma is a systematic approach that enables working in an organized manner. Six sigma is a path way to implementing Total Quality Management in the organization. Definition of roles and responsibilities is an important feature of six sigma; the definition helps in a great way approaching various tasks. The roles are defined in a specialized manner according to the need of every organization, and it ensures assigning the right job to the right person. The roles are named after martial art ranking namely black belt, green belt and yellow belt along with champions and team leads. Based on the level of achievement these three categories are placed in a chronological order. As would the ranking imply, black belts are the leaders in the front tier who are directly associated with process definition and improvement initiatives .Green belts provide support and assistance to the black belts .Yellow belts are relatively novice and help facilitating the green belts and black belts. The definition of roles and responsibilities help in dividing the task and channelizing it according to the need. Leaders at the top level provide guidelines and help providing direction. Champions constitute the middle management and other concerned officials who are directly involved in taking on an endeavor (Pries, 2006). Team members are essential part of six sigma roles, and they make up for the backbone of any process performed under the considerations of six sigma approach. Six sigma puts equal onus on all of the above mentioned and in such an environment each of the individual is expected to work to their capabilities. A simple solution to obtaining productive results is simply sticking to the basic principles of quality management system which are coherent with six sigma approach. An important characteristic of six sigma approach is the encouragement to participate .Participation allows introduction of new ideas in the organization which in return provides options for

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Admissions Essay Essay Example for Free

Admissions Essay Essay The realization that education is a critical component of my professional and personal success has been a gradual realization for me. However, I believe that with my current conviction about the importance of education, I will be able to achieve great success in Central Washington University’s MBA program. As a teenager I did not always understand the importance of education in regard to my professional and personal development. During my high school years and early college years, I cared more about sports and hanging out with my friends, than getting good grades. As a result, my grades suffered and I did not benefit as much from my classes as I could have when I was younger. Throughout these years, my Dad encouraged me and tried to motivate me to put more effort into my studies. It was through his positive encouragement and an accounting class that I took with Ms. Smith that finally changed my entire outlook on education. Not only did Ms. See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay Smith pull me aside and tell me that I was not working up to my potential, but she made me see that what we were studying really mattered to my life. I realized that if I was going to be successful in life I would have to apply myself and master the material I was learning in my classes. Since I came to this realization, I have been working harder in all of my classes to become more knowledgeable and educated person. Currently I am working to ensure my academic success by working hard in my classes and preparing to get a masters degree in business administration. I now put my classes as top priority in my life and also use my free time to better myself as well. As a younger kid I gave very little thought to what I did in my free time, and thus spent the majority of my free time playing video games and hanging out with friends. However, as I have come to my realization that education and knowledge are critical to my personal and professional success, I now prefer to read books and other publications about all sorts of topics to develop my understanding of the world I live in. Furthermore, I have taken a variety of math and business classes as an undergraduate student to better prepare myself for my career goals. To ensures my success in these classes, I have consistently taken advantage of professors’ office hours and tutoring sessions whenever I need extra help in a certain area. My primary goal is to get a Masters Degree in business administration in order to gain the knowledge and experience I need to start my own business. I am extremely eager to learn as much as possible about succeeding in the business world, and I believe that Central Washington University will feed my thirst for knowledge with quality classes and knowledgeable professors. I hope that this program will help me accomplish my goals by teaching me the leadership skills, strategic planning skills, as well as the general knowledge I would need to be successful businessman. I also believe that both the students and faculty at CWU will be people I can relate to and learn from. I have also heard that this specific program at CWU strives to give its students as much hands-on experience as possible to better prepare them for the real-world. This educational philosophy is aligned with my needs as a student, and it will help me to turn my ambitions into a reality. I believe that the combination of hands-on-experience, motivated peers, newfound skills will help me to achieve my lofty goals once I finish this program.

Friday, September 20, 2019

16 And Pregnant | Analysis

16 And Pregnant | Analysis Imagine youre a parent of a 16 year old daughter and one day she comes to you and tells you she is pregnant. How would you react? How would you handle this situation? If you were able to go back in time before this all happened, how would you try to prevent it? Would you ever consider making your daughter watch the hit show on MTV called 16 and Pregnant? Now what if you are the teen who is pregnant, or you are the one responsible for getting your girlfriend pregnant? How do you tell your parents and family? If you were exposed to the reality of having a baby would you have maybe rethought your actions? New research shows that the hit TV show 16 and Pregnant just might be the key to aiding in the prevention teen pregnancy. MTV is known as an entertaining TV station and its shows have been entertaining viewers since 1981. MTVs hit show, 16 and Pregnant first aired in June of 2009 as a new twist to entertainment television. Geared towards teens, the shows popularity caused MTV to release a spin-off called Teen Mom. Teen Mom showcases four teen mothers, off of 16 and Pregnant, who continue their lives with the challenges of being teenage mother. 16 and Pregnant was an instant hit with teen viewers and has been a popular show since it aired last year. It is because of the label entertainers that MTVs new hit TV show 16 and Pregnant has come under public scrutiny. Critics and parents feel that 16 and Pregnant is glamorizing teen pregnancy This show should be defended against public scrutiny because it is proven to help influence teenagers in a positive way. 16 and Pregnant not only shows the hardships of teen pregnancy but also challenges teens to think about the risks of engaging in sexual activities. Hopefully, in the long run the number of teen and unplanned pregnancies will decrease as a result from of teen pregnancy related shows. The show became popular because it was directed to teens from teens.(need to clarify) Mike Rosst, a journalist for The National Campaign, states that the show shares the personal stories of teenage girls who are dealing with pregnancy and parents (Real Life Lessonsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦).   MTVs 16 and Pregnant is the first show of its kind on television. It hasnt been any longer than in the past five years that teen pregnancy hasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..not true been exposed as acceptable on TV. Not only has teen and unplanned pregnancy become more acceptable in society, it is now a pop-culture staple. Cathy Gulli proves this point by saying movies like Knocked Up and Waitress, and celebrity moms like Nicole Richie and Jessica Alba, are part of a trend thats sweeping teen cultureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Suddenly Teenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Womens Studies Professor at York University, Andrea OReilly, also agrees saying that as an idea, teen pregnancy is more socially accepted (Suddenly Teenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Gulli writes that even Greys Anatomy had a teen pregnancy storyline last year, and just last week so did Gossip Girl (Suddenly Teenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). For once a show is putting into perspective what being a teen mom is like by showing them [viewers] the true goings on of raising a child th rough the first few months, it also helps bring to light the unpleasant parts of pregnancy and childbirth ( Maji 16 and Pregnant). Since this show is about teens and trying to help its viewers, who are mostly teens, teens are able to relate. Ambriel Maji feels that the show portrayed the teen girls in many different lights (16 and Pregnant). Its because the show portrays girls from different parts of the country, different family settingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦some supportive and some not so much, and different beliefs which every teen can find something to connect with develop ideas further!!! Parents and other critics of the show have come to blame 16 and Pregnant for glamorizing teen pregnancy. They feel that it is wrong that these young teen mothers have become popular for being pregnant. Jo Piazza, writer of I Took a Nap and the Teen Moms Became Celebrities? wonders how she missed out on the moment that teenage moms turned into famous people (16 and Pregnant Sobering for Many Teens). If it werent for 16 and Pregnant these girls would just be ordinary teenage mothers. However, because of the show they are now in the lime light of pop culture. Since the teen mothers have become stars, critics feel that MTV is telling teenagers get pregnant and you too could have your own TV show (The Controversy). It is because of these factors that MTV is seen as glamorizing teen pregnancy. Since the producers of the show cram the stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and the first few months of parenting into one hour, how can the show, 16 and Pregnant, even be beneficial? 16 and Pregnant starts out with the soon-to-be teen mothers nearly ready to deliver the show, then displays twenty-some hours of labor in a few seconds of pencil animation (Lowry). The teen mother never talks about whether or not she considered abortion or how her parents reacted when they found out, the show just goes straight to the action (Lowry). How can teen viewers get the full idea of being a parent when MTV doesnt show the whole truth? Lastly, MTV is criticized for creating an acceptance of teen pregnancy. By creating a show about pregnant teens, the shows creators may be sending the message to teens that it isnt a big deal if they become pregnant. It is proven that teens are often influenced by TV. Actually, according to a study conducted by The National Campaign most teens (79% of girls and 67% of boys) say that when a TV show or character they like deals with teen pregnancy, it makes them think more about their own risk of getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy and how to avoid it (Teen Pregnancy). Parents feel that the popularity of 16 and Pregnant will allow teens to think that teen pregnancy is acceptable. The National Campaign states that research has found that the sexual content in media can influence teens attitudes about sex and contraception and may also influence their sexual behavior (The National Campaign). It is because of this statistic that MTV is teaming up with the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy to create viewing guides on 16 and Pregnant. The 16 and Pregnant viewing guides will hopefully allow parents and educators to start discussions with teens encouraging them to make the right decisions when dealing with their sexual health. These criticisms are all reasonable and valid to some extent. I do believe that the teen mothers on 16 and Pregnant are becoming famous due to their controversial pregnancies. If it werent for the show they would just be a group of 16-year-old girls who got pregnant. Along with becoming famous over being pregnant, 16 and Pregnant does not display to viewers everything that goes on when being pregnant. MTV crams the pregnancy, delivery, and aftermath all into an hour. How can a teen get the real idea when so much is left out? However, the majority of research done on this show proves that despite these criticisms, MTVs 16 and Pregnant is beneficial to its teenage audienceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.interpret the quotes First of all each episode takes an intimate look inside the challenges of being a pregnant teenager. Each episode starts out with a new teen mother starting from the second trimester and follows through the first few months of the babys life. Mike Rosst, writer for Pregnancy Pause, says that the show shares the personal stories of teenage girls who are dealing with pregnancy and parents (Real Life Lessons). Its because of how personal and intimate 16 and Pregnant is that MTV press writer Melissa Barreto, states in her article with statistics showing that three in ten girls in the U.S. will get pregnant before the age of 20, each episode will take and intimate look inside the challenges of being a pregnant teenager(MTV Press release). With statistics showing that 16 and Pregnant is beneficial to its teen viewers, the show could possibly be used as a new way of sex education. Barreto states that 79% of females and 67% of males, report that shows dealing with teen pregnancy make them think about their own risks of getting pregnant or causing pregnancy (MTV Press Release). With that high of a percentage of teenagers being influenced by the show why not try to use it as a way to influence teens to make the right decisions about sex? Barreto also says that in partnership with MTV, The National Campaign will continue to create viewing guides for each episode so educators, key organizations and individuals can use discussion around sexual health and pregnancy with teens(MTV Press Release). Cherly Wetzstein, writer for The Washington Times states that these stories are so heart-rending that one could make the argument that these are the best teen-pregnancy prevention public service announcements ever made' (qtd. Bill Albe rt) 16 and Pregnant can be used to decrease risky sexual behavior and promote healthier decisions among teens. Bill Albert, who is the chief program officer for The National Campaign, states in his article that 16 and Pregnant makes them [teens] think more about their own risk of getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy and how to avoid it (Is Media Glamorizingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). The National Campaign director of research, Katherine Suellentrop, writes in her article that research has found that sexual content in media can influence teens attitudes about sex and contraception and may also influence their sexual behavior which leads to her point that media might also have positive effects by, for example decreasing risky sexual behavior and promoting healthier decisions among teens (Evaluating the Impactà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). The major issue with this show is that it is criticized for glamorizing teen pregnancy but, Wetzstien states that 16 and Pregnant is gritty, not glamorous; sobering, not salacious (MTVs 16 and Pregnantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Rosst agrees with this statement by saying in his article that the show [16 and Pregnant] shows the hardships these girls go through every day and every step of the way through their entire pregnancy (Pregnancy Pause). Sonja Sharp, journalist for the MotherJones site, states that 16 and Pregnant shows the true cost of teen pregnancy, the aftermath in an up close and personal way (16 and Pregnantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: A Typical Enlightenment Work

Candide as a Typical Enlightenment Work      Ã‚  Ã‚   Candide on the surface is a witty story. However when inspected deeper it is a philippic writing against people of an uneducated status. Candide is an archetype of these idiocracies, for he lacks reason and has optimism that is truly irking, believing that this is the best of all possible worlds. Thus Voltaire uses a witty, bantering tale on the surface, but in depth a cruel bombast against the ignoramuses of his times.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Candide has reason only in the form of a companion upon which he relies for advice. His companion is Dr. Pangloss. He consistently dribbles to Dr. Pangloss about what should be done. Eventually Pangloss is killed by being hanged. But this means that Candide's reason is also dead! Candide goes and finds a new companion, "Lacking him [Pangloss], let's consult the old woman" (37). He soon loses her, gains another, looses him, and then gains another. Thus we see that Candide can only think if he has a companion. Voltaire is thus saying that all the nobles are really idiots and says they are only sma...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saint Sernin Of Toulouse And Notre Dame Of Paris Essay -- Architecture

Saint Sernin of Toulouse and Notre Dame of Paris   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When one thinks of St. Sernin and Notre Dame, one tends to think of two beautiful cathedrals, not to churches that portray two totally different styles of architecture. Those two styles are, of course, Romanesque in St. Sernin and the Gothic style of Notre Dame. Some characteristics that these two buildings share include quest for height, basic floor plan, and artistic flair. The period of Romanesque architecture, which lasted roughly from 1050 A.D. to 1150 A.D., concentrated mainly on achieving massive proportions, rounded vaulted bays, the round arch, the wall buttress, cylindrical apse and chapels, and towers. Early Gothic architecture, which began in 1144 with the dedication of Saint Denis, concentrated more on mastering the idea of an obscenely high ceiling, as well as ribbed and pointed vaults, the relationship between the structure and its appearance, and perhaps, most importantly the use of light.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most enjoyable things about comparing the two structures of St. Sernin and Notre Dame is that there are so many differences as far as the particulars go, but in general the two cathedrals are very, very much alike. Through the years, enough architectural and engineering advances had been made to raise the ceiling to staggering new heights of over one hundred feet. The materials remained the same as they had for years before, stone and mortar. The basic floor plan remained the same,... Saint Sernin Of Toulouse And Notre Dame Of Paris Essay -- Architecture Saint Sernin of Toulouse and Notre Dame of Paris   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When one thinks of St. Sernin and Notre Dame, one tends to think of two beautiful cathedrals, not to churches that portray two totally different styles of architecture. Those two styles are, of course, Romanesque in St. Sernin and the Gothic style of Notre Dame. Some characteristics that these two buildings share include quest for height, basic floor plan, and artistic flair. The period of Romanesque architecture, which lasted roughly from 1050 A.D. to 1150 A.D., concentrated mainly on achieving massive proportions, rounded vaulted bays, the round arch, the wall buttress, cylindrical apse and chapels, and towers. Early Gothic architecture, which began in 1144 with the dedication of Saint Denis, concentrated more on mastering the idea of an obscenely high ceiling, as well as ribbed and pointed vaults, the relationship between the structure and its appearance, and perhaps, most importantly the use of light.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most enjoyable things about comparing the two structures of St. Sernin and Notre Dame is that there are so many differences as far as the particulars go, but in general the two cathedrals are very, very much alike. Through the years, enough architectural and engineering advances had been made to raise the ceiling to staggering new heights of over one hundred feet. The materials remained the same as they had for years before, stone and mortar. The basic floor plan remained the same,...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay --

Michael Naoum Professor Gurfien INBS 250-04 12 December 2013 Exports vs. Imports Exports and imports may seem like two simple words throughout the English language. Many individuals understand exports and imports as straightforward concepts that are used on an everyday basis. However, these terms have more personality then the normal dictionary definition that the average person abides by. Exports and imports have a weighty impact on the consumer and the economy around them. Currently, the world is changing into a global economy this means, that every countries economy has an impact on another. For example, if the United States economy were to collapse, this would have a large effect on the Chinese economy due to the fact that, exports and imports play a large role in this. This may be a hard concept to grasp but topics such as, effects on economy, effect of exchange rates and the effect of inflation and interest rates are areas which when explained, will clear up most grey areas for the average individual. To begin, gross domestic product is a key concept to understand which invo...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Evolution of Health Care Information Systems Essay

Health care has come a long way in technology for the past, implementing new technology has made the health care industry grow in size. Major events of health care have paved the way for future technologies influence the physicians, administrators, clinicians, and staff to push pass the old ways of thinking and create new initiatives of information systems. Health care information will be moving forward with significant changes, technology involvement will prove to be a positive and much needed impact to the decision making process. Compare and Contrast Health Care Operations within 20 years The evolution of health care information system has been proficient, effective, and patient-focused technologies have an influence on the way health evolve over the years. East Orange General Hospital has a lifetime of learning in keeping up with the new trends of technology.  The changes in the health care information systems from 20 years ago have put value on the system by improving patient safety and confidentiality. â€Å"The broad spectrum of clinic information has made a way for hospitals to integrate with administrative applications of care†. East Orange General Hospital have the use of information technology so the increase of efficiency and patient-centered care to possible with the right measures. Comparing the health IT systems to 20 years in the past has shown the comprehensive strive in implementing and computerizing different aspects of care management. Delivering information in today’s time has shown the function of the new trends of operating and implementing new technology. In 20 years, paper documentation was the normal office rule for information, patient charts came in the paper form. The differences of past information management in health care was ambiguous and undone data, poor availability, and fragmented data of patient charts. In today’s information system, significant advances help maintain a high quality of care. Improving patient care, clinical information expanded to help increase the quality of care. East Orange General Hospital has launched a new electronic medical record system to support efficiency and accuracy in patient accounts. The organization will reduce the use of paper charts, but still uses both paper and electronic record keeping. The implementation of computerized record system at EOGH has now positioned itself to receive incentive payment from Medicaid and Medicare† (Slavin, 2011 Para 1-2). The technology used at EOGH is Centricity, Series, and Precyse systems; these systems control the computerized provider order entry (CPOE), Health Information Exchange (HIE), and Personal Health Record (PHR). Information technology today m ade it possible to improve patient services in many ways. Hospitals will be better equipped with the tools for maintaining patient records and keeping confidentiality of information intact. Paper-based information was the normal way to go 20 years ago, documentation misplaced, duplicates used made patient information unreliable for some parts of record keeping. â€Å"The health Information system has become most challenging with promising results through research, education, and medical informatics in medical records and health care† (Haux, 2004 â€Å"p† 269). Rising technologies in health care need a high-tech approach in the medical community to a terrific life-span in health care organizations and the willingness to use it. Technology is showing how in the future disease management will be a prior and reflection on the progress of better diagnosis with the technology realm of care for health care. â€Å"Various successes of technology have made the concept of prevention, health promotion, and integrative medicine to bond for a product of quality care† (Weil, 2011 â€Å"p†1). Major Events and Technological Advantages that Influenced Current HCIS Practices Technological advantages starts with the implementation of information systems that will help physicians obtain a more rapid response for patient medical records. The change in health care started with the â€Å"potential benefits of the EMR a step further by adding sophisticated hardware to the mix† (Silverman, 1998 â€Å"p† 2). Doctors can use a wall-mounted keyboard with a monitoring system to check results of recent procedures, consultations, operations, or images. Health information recording and clinical data repository is how checking orders of daily medications by touching key pad helps in the integration process of writing progress notes of the clinical findings. Electronic Medical Records has steps in pulling patient charts, â€Å"searching for missing or misfiled data, transcribing orders, filling out multiple lab, diagnostic test, and pharmacy requisitions, or writing progress notes hours after having actually examined the patient are now all completed† (Silverman, 1998 â€Å"p† 2). The clinical data repository needs a good electronic medical records system, so that medical records that been scanned can be reviewed. EMR is a record in digital format which can be capable of experiencing certain health care agendas of care. EMR’s are being embedded in network-connected enterprise-wide information systems† (Dacca, 2013 Para 2). The records included has a certain range of information in summary or comprehensive text, including demographics, immunizations, radiology data, medical history, laboratory test results, medication, and allergies, vital signs, personal status of age, sex, and weight, and billing information. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a critical part of quality care for everyone involved in the process of EMRs and America’s standard of care. EMR and other decision support systems can help prevent medical errors that plaques the United States for decades under the fraud and abuse category in health care† (Williams & Austin, 2008 â€Å"p† 40). The second event that has shaped the core of HCIS is how the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has helped health care delivery system to excel in providing effective and safe care and highest quality possible. The government created the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the 1950s; this agency is strictly for continual improvement in patient confidentiality within health care facilities. The public are the main concern of the Joint Commission in â€Å"collaboration with stakeholders, joint commission help inspire safe and effective care† (The Joint Commission, 2012 Para 2). The joint Commission governs the assessments of quality and safety of care within health organizations that help set standards that measures quality care with patient confidentiality. Conclusion: Health care technology has reached epic proportion in America, Innovation is important in medical technology; it is the essence health care rganizations. The drive of technology is the innovation for a better quality care in a faster pace. â€Å"Medical technology help improves individual lives and help in the benefits of treatment to individuals whose conditions may have been difficult or impossible to treat† (Wager, Lee & Glaser, 2009 â€Å"p† 5) with new trends of health care. Innovation is improving in products, and improving the way healthcare shows delivery; this is making healt hcare delivery efficient and more sustainable.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Safety System in Aviation

Air travel has evolved to become one of the most commonly used modes of transport in the world. Different people have had different experiences; some positive others unpleasant, even fatal. Although still regarded, albeit statistically, as the safest mode of transport, several aviation accidents some with very high levels of fatalities have been witnessed. It has been a norm to rigorously analyse any airline accident so as to understand its potential cause and to prevent future similar occurrences. As noted by Taneja, (2002), the Boeing company reports that, with a statistic of 56%, the most common cause of air travel accidents involving commercial jet fleet is flight crew related, seconded by mechanical faults of the airplane at 17%, weather 13%, undetermined 6%, maintenance 4% and faults of the airport or air traffic controls 4%. At around 9. 16 Eastern American Standard Time on the 12th, November 2001 an American Airlines flight 587 Airbus A300-600 crashed into a residential area of Belle Harbour in New York City. This occurred minutes after takeoff from the John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport. The aircraft had left for Santo Domingo’s Las Americas International Airport. The accident killed all the 251 passengers, the 2 crew members and the 7 flight attendants on board and an additional five people on the ground. The plane was also badly damaged as a result of post crash fire. This aircraft crash occurred just two months after the New York City’s terror ist attacks, in which coincidentally, two American Airline planes had been involved and only 12 miles from the location of the New York terrorist attack site. The impact of the crash particularly elicited fear and suspicion from the American people who suspected potential terrorists attack. Aircraft details To better apply an analysis, it is imperative to understand the aircraft specifications. As released by the American Airline, the plane was an Airbus Industry, A300-600R manufactured in France with the registration (Tail number) N14053. The plane had a capacity of 251 seats all of which were occupied at the time of crash with a crew of 2 pilots and 9 flight attendants. The plane was powered by General Electronic Turbofan Engines (Two in number) and had had the latest maintenance check on the day preceding the crash (on the 11th, November, 2001. ) The flight also operated under the provisions of code 14 part 121 of the American Federal Government’s regulations and had an instrument flight rules fight plans, Air Safe, (2008). The Accident The National Transport Safety Board, (NTSB), the official investigators into the crash estimates that the time between the flight’s liftoff from the runaway in JFK international airport and ground impact was 103 seconds. National Transport Safety Board’s investigations indicate that, the aircraft crashed as a result of its rudder and vertical stabilizer separation from the airframe during flight. It asserts that following the departure of a Japanese Airline’s Boeing 747 just minutes ahead of the Airbus (the Flight Data Recorder indicated that the flight was about 105 seconds from the Japanese Airlines 747, NTSB, 2008), the plane experienced two instances of turbulence due to vortex encounter. The two planes had a separation of five miles at the time of the encounter. The vertical fin and one of the two engines of the aircraft had broken up landing away from the main impact site. The rudder and the vertical stabilizer were recovered at the Jamaican Bay, approximately one kilometre from the location of the main plane wreckage, while one of the plane’s engines, which also separated was recovered at a distance, several blocks from the main wreckage. Reports by NSTB indicates that following the effects of the larger aircraft’s (Japanese Airlines Boeing 747) motion, the area in which the Airbus took off was of very turbulent air. As the first officer tried to maintain the plane in an upright position by implementing aggressive rudder inputs, the turbulent air compromised the craft’s vertical stability making it to entirely snap. This made the aircraft to loose control and subsequently crash. The official cause of the accident as reported by the NTSB, therefore, was the excessive use of rudder to counter wake turbulence by the first officer, Condit, (2003). With the official cause of the accident established, the aircraft manufacturer, air control pilots and the airline had a share of shortcomings that resulted into the crash. The American authorities through the NTSB have stated that the Airbus model that crashed had an oversensitive rudder control system. The amount of ruder control witnessed from the data retrieved from the Flight Data recorder had resulted from increased pressure on the rudder pedals of the aircraft which were hazardous owing to the speed of the aircraft at that time. The plane manufacturer, Airbus however, blamed the Airline citing inadequacy in pilot training based on the fact that the pilots lacked adequate information on the characteristics of the rudder and assumed that the aircraft tail could withstand rudder deflections in either direction at high maneuvering speed, CNN, (2002). Other investigators suspected the accident as having occurred as a result of engine failure. The NSTB conclusion was based on the retrievals of the flight data recorder FDR from the ill fated plane. The FDR had recorded large ruder multidirectional movements signifying intense turbulence. According to Air Safe, (2008), there were two probable causes of the air crash; the flight crew inappropriate action on the rudder and the rudder system malfunctioning. During the investigation, the NTSB started by evaluating the accelerations preceding the crash, angular motions, cockpit displays, visual cues and flight control motions based on simulations of what could have occurred during the accident. This was followed by the evaluation of the probable flight control characteristics as certain inherent factors such as pilot perception and performance could have contributed to the crash. Tran,& Hernandez (2004) further ascertain that as part of the investigation undertaken by the National Transport Safety board (NSTB) in collaboration with NASA Ames Research Centre, onto the American Airlines Flight 587 crash, Vertical Motion Stimulators were used to in creating simulations of the original accident. The process involved evaluation of the possible acceleration experiences during the accident by; back-driving the retrieved cockpit control displays, out of the window scene, cockpit communications and both the Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice recorder retrievals. System Safety From the synopsis, it is imperative to note that there were full rudder deflections on both sides which made the plane to loose its balance leading to the crash. Although most transport airplanes are equipped with rudder limiter systems to limit deflections at high airspeed and the possibilities of structural overloads, the limiters should be a safety concern as they limit the pilot’s perception especially when the structural capabilities of an aircraft are constrained. A full deflection on one side followed by a similar deflection on the other side on an aircraft with rudder limiter systems may be an indication of structural loads far exceeding the capability of the aircraft Air Safe, (2008). Noteworthy, all systems have documented problem areas which often leads to severe malfunctioning, some of which are fatal. Some of the system safety problem areas include Standardization, risk assessment codes, software in use, human factors, the life cycle of a system, communication between stakeholders and the availability of data. Lack of Standardization could have been a potential cause of the Flight 578 crash. Lacking safety standard regulations could have led to the overlook of certain critical safety issues leading to the crash. The Airbus rudder was also not standardized. Standardization in the aeroplane part manufacture is lacking as different aircraft manufactures design the rudders for specific aeroplanes. The Planes rudders were oversensitive, making the first attendant to apply unnecessary pressure on the control leading to the crash. Had the rudders been standardized, the pilots even with minimal training could have known the appropriate measures to counter the turbulence, Tran, & Hernandez, (2004). Undoubtedly, the turbulence resulting from the preceding Japanese Airlines flight contributed to the fatal crash. This implies that probably the severity of such effects had not been correctly analysed during risk assessment. If they had been, then its effects had not been properly estimated. To avoid future accidents, stakeholders in the aviation industry should develop effective time separation between flights taking off and those leaving the airport. This can be made possible via the implementation of valid and reliable Risk Assessment Codes built upon valid data with the involvement of all the major stakeholders so as to minimize errors. Reports by the American Airlines indicate that the plane had been maintained a day prior to the crash. All airplanes should be properly checked using the MIL STD Standard 882 before being operational and using MORT to investigate, the operational cycle of the system. The complexity of an aviation system may make determination of errors elusive. Proper and consistent maintenance are a key to ensuring aviation safety and minimization of aviation accidents. The plane could have as well crashed as a result of engine failure or electric fault, an indication that proper maintenance was not undertaken prior to the flight. Human factors are the largest contributor to civil aviation accidents. It is reported that human error are the cause of 70-80% of all aviation accidents, (Taneja, 2002), 56% Boeing (2000). These factors include; inadequate crew resource management, distraction of the cockpit, cockpit indiscipline, fatigue and communication errors. The American Airlines Flight 587, primarily crashed as a result of misjudgement of the first attendant. It is therefore important to understand human factors in aircraft accidents for effective accident prevention, Taneja, (2002). Noteworthy, the extent to which human error leads to aviation accidents is still not properly understood. Proper understanding of human factors would enable safety investigators and implementers to offer recommendations and intervening strategies that could prevent future accidents. Some of the important errors resulting from human failure include; poor distance estimation, non adherence to instructions and perfunctory manner of operation. Flight 587 crashed mainly due to the first assistant’s overestimation of turbulence and the subsequent improper use of the rudders, Tran, & Hernandez, (2004). As a safety precaution, airline designers and manufactures should ensure that critical aspects such as effects of turbulence, critical distances, clearances and speeds are properly indicated on the system so as not to leave such important aspects to human intuition or guess. Instructions on the use of various components of an aircraft should also be short, clear and to the point as most people rarely read labels or instructions, critical to both the system’s and their personal safety. Furthermore, most technical personnel such as Flight engineers, aeronautical engineers, the flight control personnel and even system safety engineers and managers are lacking in system safety education and training. Proper education and training should be given to these personnel to minimize the possibilities of any future accidents. Although the crash of flight 587 is primarily attributable to human error, other factors owing to improperly managed systems could have been the cause of the accident. Consistent and well formulated system identification and analysis would certainly lead to improved aeroplane safety thereby minimizing aviation accidents. Ignoring accidents and aviation strategies would lead to accidents with repeated faults as commonly experienced, Condit, (2003). Ensuring safety of any airplane should be a step by step undertaking. Safety requirements should be adhered to from the time of conception until disposal. The life cycle of an airplane like any other system can be divided into five phases; the concept design, production, operations and the disposal phase. Safety precautions are critical in every stage to ensure safety and minimize financial losses. At the concept phase; a critical phase in the life cycle of an airplane, guided by the general and the specific objectives, a detailed description of the product detailing all the necessary requirements should be documented. Preliminary Hazard List (PHL) which assists in the assessment of possible hazards, time needed to develop the plane and all the necessary requirements for the success of the project should be applied during this stage. The design phase is key to the success of any airplane in terms of security and safety. All safety requirements and the governmental regulations should be adhered to. The design should be logical leading to the development of specific plans, drawings and specifications. At this stage, the Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), Subsystem Hazard Analysis PHA, System Hazard Analysis (SHA) and Operational Hazard Analysis (OHA) should all be undertaken to ensure the implementation of proper designs. All these analysis would ensure proper identification of hazards not detected at the conception phase and additionally offer recommendations on possible control mechanisms of these hazards. All safety regulation pertaining to proper development of the end product should be adhered to minimize aviation accidents in the production phase. During this stage both the Operating System Analysis (OHA) and the Change Analysis are initiated. These serve to analyze potential threats during the operation of the system. At the operations phase; critical safety requirements such as regular mainten ance and checkups should be adhered to. This is to determine and correct any faults that would compromise the operation of an aircraft. Accident Analysis and change analysis should all be considered to minimize the possibilities of any aeroplane system malfunctioning. The disposal phase is an equally important phase. GAO, (2007), notes that most aeroplane owners, both individuals and companies, fail to know when to dispose of worn out or malfunctioned aircraft. This has led to an increment in aeroplane disasters; especially in the developing world, as worn out aeroplanes are still in use. OHA would aid in the determination of proper life cycle of the aircraft thereby assisting in the determination of when to properly dispose off the aircraft. To reduce the number of aviation accidents experienced, hazards must be identified and level of safety improved. Governments and airline industry officials must be proactive by anticipating possible accident causes rather than react to aviation accidents which are in most cases, quite devastating. Proper guidance coupled with research and instructional materials on cases of aviation accidents should be provided to the pilots and aviation professionals so as to minimize the possibilities of recurrence of such incidents. Proper and continued maintenance of the aircraft by the use of system safety products; the SSPP, PHL, PHA, HTL, SSHA, SHA, OHA and CAR through all the five stages of its life cycle could have possibly prevented the occurrence of this particular accident. Furthermore, adoption of risk assessment methodologies into the operations of the airline could have set standards that would have limited the possibility of the accident occurring. Furthermore, the data problem can be overcome via the consultations of and access to information in aviation data banks where past aviation accidents records can be accessed. Though speculative, Flight 587 accident could also be attributed to ignorance of similar prior experiences. A critical study and implementation of accident analysis reports of similar occurrences would have been handy in preventing the accident. The implementation of the recommendations of accident's Analysis reports could further offer insight into the real cause of the accident causing the prevention of any future accidents. The execution of fault tree analysis during the maintenance of the American Airline involved in the accident could have possibly reduced the chances of the accident occurring. This is because Fault tree analysis; through the application of deductive logic, analyses possible system faults starting from the major ones down to the minor ones. , Its prediction of occurrence of basic. Conditional, undeveloped, external and intermediate events are very important as it identifies fault causes, evaluates effects, evaluates further threats, assists in decision making Aviation accidents are inherently dangerous and unforgiving. Well balanced safety systems, prevention programs and intervention strategies should be implemented to prevent further aviation accidents. All airlines should adopt a System safety program by planning to initiate the program, establishing primary system safety tasks to conduct the program and initiating support tasks to maintain the program. Those who have initiated and conducted the program should seek to maintain the program to ensure that airplanes system safety is not compromised. These programs seek to protect airplanes from accidents as they ensure potential threats or hazards identification, leading to an in-depth analysis of such threats and further development of hazard control.

European History Essay

The Third Reich represents one of the darkest moments in Germany history. Established during the height of the fascist frenzy which propelled the National Socialist party to power in post-War Germany, the Third Reich and Nazi Germany are terms which are often used synonymously to describe this particularly ominous period. As a totalitarian dictatorship which replaced the Weimer Republic and officially lasted for a dozen years, the Third Reich was established on the supremacy of the fascist political doctrine and the supremacy of the German Aryan race. Seeking to explore the emergence of Nazi political dominance in the wake of the collapse of the Weimer Republic, this question will explore the political evolution of fascism in Germany. Many questions will be discussed with reference to the creation of German fascism and how it came to be the underlying ideological underpinning of the Nazi regime. Arguing that unlike the Republican parties of the Weimer Republic, Adolf Hitler and Nazi Party never lost sight of politics, this essay will explore the evolution of National Socialism in Germany with an eye to how the Nazis appealed to their constituents and grew, up to, as well as after the Weimer Republic collapsed. An authoritarian political movement which evolved during the early half of the twentieth century, fascism was the dominant political ideology in Germany for more than a dozen years. Championed by the charismatic torchbearer of this new and increasingly powerful political movement, Adolf Hitler brought fascism to the forefront of German politics by tapping into widespread social discontent following World War I. The section below will describe nascent fascism and its early years in Germany. What lead to the development of fascism in Germany? Fascism arose in response to a variety of domestic and international factors following World War I. Fascism can be defined as a militant political movement which promoted a unique mixture of ideology and organization in an attempt to create a â€Å"new type of civilization†. German fascism advanced an ideology of extreme nationalism, secular idealism and national rejuvenation. From a tactical and organizational standpoint, this movement employed the use of violence to achieve its aims and rejected parliamentary democracy. Additionally, it drew upon corporatist ideas of harmony through hierarchy and advocated national efficiency. Revolutionary in nature, it sought to transform and renew German society though a rejection of egalitarianism and by embracing rigid hierarchical classifications. German fascism evolved during the Weimer Republic and was created in opposition to socialism, communism and liberal democracy. It evolved in juxtaposition to the egalitarianism espoused by political movements of the era including communism and liberal democracy and early fascists found fertile ground for their movement in Germany after World War I (Gay 2001). Dissatisfaction on a variety of fronts paved the way for the emergence of the fascist political movement in Germany. From a foreign policy standpoint, many Germans were dissatisfied with the results of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, a peace treaty which ended the Great War and imposed a negotiated solution on the warring parties. Germans were particularly upset with heavy reparations at the Treaty of Versailles including loss of land and steep financial payments culminating in national embarrassment. The Great Depression of the 1930s exacerbated an already dire economic situation in Germany and many Germans turned to a doctrine which promoted the restoration of German national pride through strong government and cultural renewal. In addition to Versailles, another international impetus for the rise of fascism in Germany was the so-called â€Å"Red Menace†, the communist threat to the current political order and the revolutionary appeal of international communism. The fear of communist revolution played into the hands of early fascists who were vocal in their dislike of communism and their rejection of its emphasis on class struggle. Importantly, the Red Menace was also a particular important domestic antecedent for the rise of fascism in both Italy and Germany. As mentioned above, a rejection of class cleavages and the divisive class ideology of communism gave fascism wide appeal among members of the upper strata of German society. A patrimonial society with deep social and economic divisions, Germany was beset by strong social cleavages. Fascism was able to appeal to the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie as well as the working classes in its appeal to a strong and unified and strong Germany. Accordingly, National Socialism is anti-liberal and anti-individualistic; by implication it is irrational, mystical, and romantic; by its results it is totalitarian to the point of religious obsession. That such a world-concept has conquered a nation which is famed for its scientific thoroughness, is mainly due to the fact that National Socialist philosophy coincided with a spiritual vacuum in Germany, created by the humiliation of political defeat and the difficulties of economic post-war adjustment (Loewenstein 1926). As an ideology, fascism promoted a strong and united Germany – extremely important during a period of national embarrassment and deep economic woes – and nationalism was an inherent component of the German fascist movement. Through the oratory skills of Adolf Hitler and a persuasive propaganda machine, the fascist doctrine served to unify all peoples of Germany when in 1933 the Nazi Party carried out their successful machtergreifung (seizure of power) and established the Nazi dictatorship and Third Reich in Germany (Dietrich 1988). The fascist doctrine in Germany also paved the way for the concept of a Greater Germany which required territorial expansion and was a direct cause of outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. As an inclusive doctrine movement which sought to unite all ethnic Germans into one state and against all divisive stripes, Nazism successfully unify the German people under the umbrella of Nazi fascist ideology. Accordingly, early into his assumption of power in 1933, Adolf Hitler implemented Gleichschaltung – literally, to bring everyone together or in line – and consolidated his rule (Fulbrook 2002).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Marketing Mix of Amazon Essay

One of the most difficult tasks for an organization is creating an all-around environment that allows a group of customers to feel comfortable purchasing a specific product or service from them. This strategy requires the organization to determine the ideal product or service at the right price, getting sold in the correct location, within the proper time frame. This paper intends to describe how Amazon. com uses the marketing mix to ensure an ideal environment for consumers, and displays how each of these sections are implemented. Amazon was founded in 1994 and is considered the largest e-commerce retailer in America. In 20 years this organization has become a fortune 500 company that has dominated the e-commerce market and displayed unique growth and understanding of the market and client needs. Although Amazon is a very successful organization, they experience many threats from competitors, market fluctuations, and basic uncertainties within the market. However, the firm intends to handle these issues by looking toward their future and addressing the initiatives and long-term goals of the organization. Understanding and controlling the variables in the marketing mix allows this organization to overcome many of these objectives so they may be successful in their future. The marketing mix has four basic areas also known as the four P’s that consist of the; product, place, promotion, and price. These four areas can be researched, evaluated, and controlled to the point of creating that ideal environment for the consumer because this effort is done to target the customer. The Product Variable The product section of the marketing mix helps the organization determine what customers want out of the product or service being offered and what specific needs of these customers will be satisfied. Other areas will be addressed such as, how this product is different from competitors, how the customers will use the product, the price rang customers would be willing to spend on the product, the color size or specific features offered, and what the product looks like. Amazon is unique in the products they offer to the public because it is so broad of a category. They provide their customers with the ability to choice from a wide variety of products, brand names, and designs. Amazon can be looked at as a one stop website because it allows the customer to compare all the statistics or features of a product with others that are offered. The Place Variable The place section of the marketing mix will help the organization determine how customers will access the products or services from the company, or understand where they initially will look. Knowing where customers will look gives the company the advantage of choosing the proper distribution channels, and staying ahead or on par with competitors with their advertising methods. The location to find the products and services Amazon offers is online, or at the convenience and comfort of the consumers home, office, coffee shop, library or any other location you can access the Internet from. All of the information on Amazons website is categorized by group, brand, features, color, and other selections, depending on the category that is being searched. Merchandise is ordered online and then shipped to the customers chosen location, normally their home or business. Many of Amazons customers are small business owners so this set up is ideal for these individuals because there is less shopping around to do, and the merchandise can be sent to them directly. However, a disadvantage of developing just an online e-store is that customers cannot view items or products in person that may be necessary for specific things such as clothes, makeup or furniture. Also consumers may not want to wait for an item to be shipped to them, they may need to get a product immediately and at that point customers will have to go to Amazon’s competitors.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Stem Cell Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stem Cell Research - Essay Example Stem cell research provides potential cures for some incurable diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis among others. The damage caused by this diseases and conditions is normally irreversible to the affected cells or organs. Stems cells can be used to induce repair or replacement of diseased or damaged cells thus effectively restoring the functions of previously damaged organs. This way numerous nervous system diseases that are as a result of loss of nerve cells can also be treated. Stem cells also provide potential cure to birth defects, by attempting to correct cellular errors that happened before birth thus clearing the defects. The stem cells are introduced to the affected organ in a bid to induce repair or regeneration. With stem cell research, the effects of drugs and medicine can be tested on particular populations of cells thus eliminating the use of animals and human testers. This involves simulating the effects of a drug on the targeted cell line to establish any adverse effects. Stem cell research provides an opportunity to make cells and tissues for use in medical therapy. Tissues and organs can be grown in laboratories from stem cells for use in transplants since the number organ transplant needs exceeds the number of organs available transplantation. This could also help in future transplants as the patient receives a tissue or organ from own cell line, thus there are no chances of rejection during transplantation (Pillai). The study of stem cells could help scientists understand the normal process cell development and establish how medical conditions such as cancer and birth defects come to be, and how they can be corrected. An extensive understanding of cellular development through stem cell research will grant prevention and treatment of abnormal human developments. Stem cell research has led to discovery of treatments that can help in slowing the aging process and my hold the key to reversing the e ffects of aging, thus prolonging human life. As one’s stem cells age, they are no longer able to regenerate effectively as before but anti-aging products borne from stem cells, seeks out the aging stems cells in the skin, regenerating them (Anti-Aging Stem Cell Research). However, ethical issues crop up as to how and where the stem cells are obtained and the price that is paid to achieve objectives of stem cell research. To obtain embryonic stem cells, blastocysts that are generated by fertilizing human eggs in the laboratory are destroyed. For persons who share the belief that life begin at conception, the act is equivocal destroying human life which is unacceptable (Pillai). Financial challenges bear a significant role in research involving stem cells, in the form of purchases made in regard to buying equipment meant for use in the research (Connor). Funding this research involves investing heavily in a world that is already financially constrained. Just like any other file d in medicine, the issue of commercialization has caused debate on a wide scale. Financial challenges in this case are brought out in the form of ethical issues. For example, introducing commerce in stem cell research makes stem cell tissues and embryos into tradable goods and commodities. in addition, researchers could have commercial

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Government Spending Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Government Spending - Assignment Example imperative to note that that figure ($700 billion) is strictly what was committed in 2008 to curb the financial crisis since the New York Tines (1) details a further $12.2 trillion committed by the government by 2011. Therefore, the amount spent on TARP was $475 billion, Bailouts $11 trillion and QE $787 billion as reported by the Treasury Department (1). According to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB 1), federal spending on private-sector contractors in the fiscal year 2012 was 14% of the federal budget and was slightly below $307 billion. Further, the OMB stated that the spending exceeded that spent on federal contract spending on procurement of goods. According to CNN, this is because there is a push to cut down on federal spending and getting rid of a bloated government, which has trickled down to the private sector (Shahadi 1). As explained by the OMB, the 10 years preceding 2012 saw the cost of service contracts increase by 44% to the current figure. As of September 30 2013, the total value of unclassified US government procurement contracts dropped from the previous fiscal year’s $512 billion to $456 billion (Salant & Kathleen 1). This figure includes all procurements through free trade agreements, also refered to as FTAs. Although no explicit information is available on the budget allocation to the Department of Defense and other classified contracts, finding by the Bloomberg Industries indicate that this total budget featured an allocation cut of $22.3 billion to the Pentagon (Salant & Kathleen 1). The overall decline in government spending for the fiscal year ending September 30 2013 marked the fourth consecutive year of cuts in government spending since 1989. A report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) put the cost incurred by governments around the world after the 2008 financial crises at $11.9 trillion (Conway 1). By the time this estimate was made, it was equivalent one fifth of the economic output of the entire world and entailed

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cal report week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cal report week 3 - Essay Example These were named as radical humanism or subjective change ; radical structuralism which is to do with the many conflicts in society; interpretive sociology which deals with the interpretation of society ; and functionalist sociology which sees society as consisting of many interacting parts. It was discovered within the group how these ideas all relate to learning and knowledge within organizations, and also how they could be applied to particular difficulties. The various paradigms can be utilized individually or more than one can used at one time. To add a greater degree of understanding and the ability to apply these ideas metaphors can be used as shown by Morgan in 1980 and later by Hassard ( 1991) It is necessary to choose those which best fit our particular circumstances and reflect on them. As I took part in the week 3 learning group I began to discover how my the structure of my company fits into the various models of management research and how to use that knowledge in order to create the most applicable knowledge. I am now attempting to fit the paradigms to my work situation and see how compatible the two are. Also , using the right language , as described by Van Maanen (1991) will make it easier to produce convincing arguments.  Together with the use of metaphor this will help me to produce suitable solutions for my organization. The main aim this week was to be able to turn theories into practice. This means translating the models into actual work tasks and, by using the correct knowledge creation , enabling the most beneficial decisions to be made. HASSARD,J. 1991, Mulitple Paradigmsand Organizational Analysis : A Case Study, Organization Studies, 12 ( 2) pages 275-299, EBSCOhost, available from, accessed 25th July 2011 MORGAN,G. 1980, Paradigms, metaphors and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Chrysamthemums Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Chrysamthemums - Essay Example Flower and wire fence create a picture how her tender emotions are imprisoned. Through such enclosures, she watches the activities that are taking place in the society. Elisa has no conflict with her husband; everything apparently seems to go on well. Her dissatisfaction with her life has nothing to do with the attitudes of her husband and his disposition towards her. The story critically examines her psychology. The images of seasons, weather, plants and animals—all work as natures agents to provide support to the happiness of her life. When a bright and energetic woman has to fall in line to follow the routine procedures of married life, an unseen compulsion blocks her career goals and she turns cynical. Elisa makes desperate efforts to come to terms to find real happiness in life, but in vain. She thinks that she is going round and round in the same circle with no possibility of finding an opening. A powerful woman feels powerless for no apparent reasons, except that she is married. Steinbeck further writes, â€Å"She took off a glove and put her strong fingers down into the forest of new green chrysanthemum sprouts that were growing around the old roots. She spread the leaves and looked down among the close-growing stems. No aphids were there, no sow bugs or snails or cutworms. Her terrier fingers destroyed such pests before they could get started.†(p.375) This description indicates something profound about Elisas personality. She is cut out to accomplish the great, but she has to find satisfaction in activities like trimming the plants and dealing with the chrysanthemums. Being unable to find the perfect disciplines in her choices in life, she practices to adjust and carry on with the available discipline! In fine, the story "The Chrysanthemums" is steeped in symbolism to highlight the plight of an ambitious

Monday, September 9, 2019

Discussion of Dance for Life Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Discussion of Dance for Life Program - Essay Example The 40 different weekly sessions involved in the program have drawn an initial 1,500 people in the first year to its current 20,000. Most of the people involved are under 18 and almost half come from minority ethnic communities. Classes in Dance For Life include salsa, street dance, modern dance and dance exercise, as well as others. (Dance for Life). The program has only been funded for three years but Middleton has gotten the support of many civic groups and has the program running strong. Their website discusses their objectives in detail, which include their focus on empowering young people to deal with obesity and stress. In addition to these weekly classes, Dance For Life has a professional dance group, Stance, that has workshops in the Bradford District at schools and youth groups. This company of 5 dancers have arrangements that "talk" about social issues including bullying, communication and how they feel "living in their own skin" (Dance for Life). Teachers comments have included: "Children all enjoyed the workshops and were fully engaged throughout" and "Excellent performance - pupils totally absorbed". The kids involved have commented positively as well. The following is an example of the classe s offered: 1. Asian Women's Exercise Women only; informal classes run by Dance for Life for Asian women; Thursday mornings at Attock Community Association 2. Belly Dancing @ Cafe West Informal classes run by Dance for Life for children and young people; Thursday evenings at Cafe West, Allerton 3. Breakdance for Children and Young People Informal classes run by Dance for Life for children and young people; YMCA, Little Horton 4. Classes for Children and Young People Informal classes run by Dance for Life for children and young people; various times and locations throughout the Bradford area 5. Contemporary Dance Informal classes run by Dance for Life; Tuesday evenings at Bradford College Using multiple agencies as support has been one of Middleton's primary efforts, and has organizations such as the Health Improvement Fund, the Children's Fund, the Bradford Council and other community service groups included. A common agenda among these groups is disease prevention and health education of the public, especially about non-communicable diseases that have surpassed communicable disease in global mortality (Scriven 2003:2). A new public health agenda in the UK has emerged and building multi-professional understanding and capabilities has become crucial to the success of their programs. Health promotion The whole idea of health promotion was only coined in the 1970's and has loosely been explained as a confluence of "health education, self-care movements, public health, preventative medicine and the women's movement" (Scriven 2003:1). But defining health promotion has brought about many different points of views from egalitarian to radical politics. In the article by Scriven, health promotion is called "the radical militant wing" of public health. There are four types of health promotion (Scriven 2003:6). The primary level focuses all of its energy toward the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Buying Versus Leasing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Buying Versus Leasing - Assignment Example More significantly, capital budgeting is more commonly used in management planning as it gives an outlay of the long-term implication of purchasing or leasing a new car. Therefore, the main aim of the thesis of this paper is to not only evaluate the suitable choice of acquiring cars, but to also analyze the financial and non-financial factors that influence decision making. Executive Summary Investment decisions are based on economical and effective factors that make the purchase of cars more viable as compared to leasing a car. More significantly, application of capital budgeting in deciding on purchases takes into consideration the viable choice after carrying out appraisal based on the expenses related to buying and leasing and their cost respectively. As a result, capital budgeting is more commonly used in management planning as it gives an outlay of the long-term implication of purchasing or leasing a new car (Thomas & Maurice, 2011). More so, considerations should be undertaken based on the provision economic decisions based on interest rates, sources of finances, end of lease fees, loan terms, personal guarantees and operating cash while making decisions on whether to procure or lease a car as related to economical costs. Even though, leasing allows for payments within small intervals it is considerably expense as the payments accumulate over time with no long-term benefit being derived. Definition In the acquisition of new assets, there are two choices based on whether to lease or purchase. More considerably, leasing comes either as operational or capital lease depending on the terms of the contract. In capital leasing, an individual is allowed to finance the maintenance and use of the car while at the end of the agreed lease term take up ownership after undertaking a nominal buy out lease. On the other hand, operational lease allows for renting of the car, and as a result, there is no ownership entitled at the end of the contract as the lease term allo ws for monthly payments (Powell, 2009). Nonetheless, purchases allow for payments to be made at the initial purchase and ownership of the asset is transferred immediately to the buyer. Even though, the leasing of a car seem viable it involves regular payment of the leasing fee as the returns of the vehicle passes back to the initial owner, when the lease term comes to an end as compared to purchases where upon payment of the purchase price legal ownership is issued immediately to the buyer of the car. As a result, there is a significant difference in terms of payments and ownership term in the purchase and leasing of a car. More considerably, to understand about leasing agreements, it is essential to understand about the lessor as the leasing company in which they deal with leasing of cars based on rights that govern the contract (Powell, 2009). While the leaseholder, or lessee is an individual who utilize services of the leasing company through leasing of vehicles. As the lessee us es the vehicle, they make payment based on calculated monthly lease charge this payment made are considered to cover the interest that is charged by the leasing company for services offered. As a result, the leaseholder makes a choice on the type of lease to undertake. If an individual chooses capital lease, it is known as closed-ended lease because the leaseholder does not get a guarantee of

Saturday, September 7, 2019

No Country for Old Men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

No Country for Old Men - Essay Example When he is having a conversation with anyone, the camera follows the other character mostly when he/she says something of value or to show what is the effect of Chigurh’s personality or speech on him/her. The character of Sheriff Ed Tom Bell also has a lot of strength. In my opinion, his character is second to Chigurh. His appearance is anticipated at any time because the movie opens up with him narrating in background voice. His first appearance is not shot from a lower angle or an angle that shows his importance. He is shot from a very common angle and his importance can be construed by his wife telling him to â€Å"be careful†. His answers to his wife show that he is an experienced Sheriff and has been in such situations a lot of times before. He can easily be shown as being tired of his job and feeling that he is not good enough for the police work anymore. The feeling of helplessness and knowing that he has a very limited capacity to do things has made him quite cy nical. The camera rarely leaves his face whether he is in a conversation or not. The camera has to be kept on him in such a way that his facial expressions and feelings are recorded properly. In a scene where his subordinate laughs at his remark, the camera still focuses on him a lot to show that he is not amused. The character of Llewelyn Moss can be regarded as the second most important character. If not, this character is very much poised with the character of the Sheriff. Although he runs away with the money that did not belong to him, he still manages to get the sympathy of the audience. Llewelyn told his wife that he â€Å"will return†. This makes the audience expect that he might survive at the end of the movie. But he is killed in the most common manner as any character in the movie does. It is surprising that some of the minor details of his activities are followed by the camera, but his killing is not shown, hence nil dramatizations in his death. Unlike, Chigurh, Ll welyn depicts a lot of feelings ranging from pain to the worry of his wife’s safety. He is also a compassionate person as despite knowing about the danger to his life, he takes water to the dying Mexican gangster/driver, albeit, he was too late. Prior to that, the camera focuses on him from the ceiling as he lies on the bed and records the feelings of restlessness that the thought of the thirsty Mexican brings to him. He is careful and as circumspect as his wits allow him to be but he makes some critical mistakes that lead to his death. The movie uses very less music and even the most intense moments are free from dramatic melody in order to depict reality. This has shown realism in the movie. â€Å"Critics and theorists have championed film as the most realistic of all the arts in capturing how an experience actually looks and sounds† (Giannetti and Leach, Page 3) The time when Chigurh asks the shopkeeper at the gas station to call the coin, it is obvious that he is w agering on killing him. This is a critical moment but no music is used. The sounds used are natural and real. In this movie, the rarity of music enables the audience to expect the un-expectable at any moment. In the beginning, when Lelwelyn walks to the scene of the crime and away from it, the contact of his feet with the ground can be heard very clearly. Also, the time when he is in the motel, the sound of the creak of the wooden floor due to