Thursday, August 1, 2019


What can Samoan parents do to prevent obesity and diabetes in their children? Samoan culture is greatly respected by its people. In their opinion, no other culture is even close to theirs in values, respect, tradition, mentality, form of government etc. They want to keep things that way and hopefully nothing could come In between. Samoa may be perfect in such ways but, like they say, there Is always a bad apple In a society. I believe obesity and diabetes are that. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (1 lath addition) defines obesity as â€Å"a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat In the body.In similar terms, obesity Is defined as being extremely overweight. Samoan are known to have this problem as part of their nature. They tend to eat much more than a decent meal and can't stop themselves. Such action could lead to health problems and cause people to care less. Therefore, prevention of obesity and diabetes Is much needed In Samoa. Parents cou ld help prevent their children from having such diseases by Limiting the amount of food given to their kids, having them on diets, reducing the amount of sweets given to them, and talking to them about these diseases and their uniqueness.Not all Samoan have obesity and diabetes but, most of them do. If we don't do anything to stop the spreading of such problems, then maybe in the near future, everybody will have it. Consequently, parents should start with their children. They should prescribe a specified regimen for their kids. Have them eat foods that contain no fat at all and prepare a nice home cooked meal for them. Try to limit the amount of sweets given to them to prevent diabetes. Having diabetes could lead to other major diseases such as hypertension and stroke, which possibly lead to death.Parents should know these facts and be able to prevent them from happening to their loved ones. Samoan children are hard to talk to concerning health problems. Sometimes they know the trut h but, they Just don't want to listen. It's because children and parents don't have time to talk about emotional problems. Samoan parents don't have that close relationship with their children like most American parents do. They have the l- know-it-all kind of attitudes towards their kids. They don't even care what their children think and what they're feeling.All they care about is themselves and the old- seasoned Samoan way of raising kids. Therefore, parents should know their limits and start talking to their kids before anything happens. The best way for them to do so, Is to level with their kids and try to win their trust. That way, they could be able to help them understand why eating too much could cause health problems. Children would have to listen and feel what their parents are trying to tell them. Everything would be worked out with communication If trust Is Included. â€Å"According to Statistic Canada's fledglings from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Percent of Canadian children and adolescents aged two to 17 were overweight or obese in 2004. Between 1978 and 2004 the obesity rate among 12-17 year olds increased from three percent to nine percent. ] Childhood obesity has tripled over the past two decades; Obesity is a serious and complex issue that supporting research that will help find solutions. † (http://en. Thinkers. Com/ reference/quotes_on_obesity/) â€Å"Behavior involving physical activities and nutrition are the corner stone of preventing obesity in children and adolescents. † (http://www. Obesity. Org/subs/ childhood/prevention. HTML). If parents could force their children to exercise daily, the chance of developing obesity and diabetes would be limited in children. Exercising helps a lot with different diseases. Although it is well established that a regimen of diet and exercise is the best way to control body weight, a recent review by Ross, Freeman, and Janssen (2000) challenges their statement that exercise alon e is not an effective method of weight loss. It is stated in this review that exercise alone can be effective for weight loss. â€Å"Our body is the temple of God. † (1 Corinthians 6; 19).God made us to be happy ND live life to the fullest. He wanted his children to take care of the temple that he gave us. The word temple is holy. Therefore, we should take care of ourselves because it's holy in the eyes of the Lord. The bible even wanted all the parents to teach their children the ways they should live so they will never depart from it. A saying goes â€Å"Monkey see, monkey do. † Parents can not help prevent obesity and diabetes in their children if they are doing the same thing. They should set an example for their children by eating right and exercising daily. It's a good routine to start with.Parents should let their children know how much they care for them by doing what is right. In conclusion, a wise man once said â€Å"prevention is better than a cure. † It's better to prevent a problem from occurring than finding a cure to a problem. Therefore, parents see overweight people all the time. No caring parents would want that to happen to their children. They could prevent that by caring for their kids and making sure they are eating right. Make the world a safer place for their children to live in. Help them to live life to the fullest and understand the consequences of carelessness. Obesity It has become an escalating epidemic that is very outrageous In the America. Not to mention, obesity is a disorder that have affected millions of people including children and teens. Obesity has reached an epidemic problem, creating a huge generation of people to have a shorter lifespan affected over a quarter of adults (Allen, Terry). American is the richest but yet the fattest nation in the world. However, obese comes from Latin which means to â€Å"eat†. Nonetheless it was only in the nineteenth century that most people in the western world who began to have slacking of the food.Romans use to tickle their throats to vomit the food so that there want be a possibility of becoming obese. A study by Harvard Medical School in the sass's found that young people who dieted regularly were more likely to get overweight than those who did not. CDC predicts 42% of Americans will be obese by 2030 which is 32 million people. People tend to get obese and overweight mixed up. Actually, th ey're totally different. The body mass index tells which category the person falls under. Obesity IBM is either 30 or higher. If considered overweight IBM is between 25 up to 29. . Furthermore, obesity is when a errors had a body weight due to accumulation of body fat. The world we are living in today is a world that obesity is one of the most leading deaths in the United States. There are so many different types of treatment and prevention towards obesity. Gastric bypass which is a surgery that shrinks the stomach can help obesity afterwards. The goal for an obese person is for them to reach a health weight. Dietary can be one of the main treatments that can help some people who are obese. An obese person should exercise and do daily activities.Also there will need to be any type of appetite suppressants that will be taken. Another surgery is lips-suction which helps reduce body fat. The changes of someone lifestyle will need to be the first priority. As Linda Hay an obese lady say s â€Å"After 2 years of trying to lose weight using weight watchers, nutritionist, and much more didn't work (Newman, Cathy). Preventing obesity at an early age is very beneficial. By establishing healthy eating and exercise habits among American should take a big role in prevention. Staying active daily and watching one's weight should become a weekly routine.Everyone should drink up to 8 glasses of water and a physical every year. No one should eat after 7 o'clock and also watch the minimum of Junk food being consume. There should be physical education in schools to help children and teens from getting obese. If the disorder is inherited it should start taking place as a child and watch the food that is eaten. Obesity is not Just about food; it is about an entire life. People who are overweight also tend to feel less secure, less happy, and be stressed. They get teased, criticized, and Judged. In many cases, the problem is not the child's fault.Being overweight may run in that c hild's family, or their parents do not encourage hem to be active and get enough exercise. Many children spend too much time indoors wasting away in front of the TV, playing video games, or spending time on the computer, and consuming high snacks, soft drinks and candy at the same time. The CDC performed a study in 1994 that was described in the book Fat Land; it showed that children who watched over four hours of television a day had higher body mass index numbers than those who watched less than one hour a day.In 1994, The Centers for Disease Control studied the TV viewing time, exercise patterns, and eight gain of children aged eight to fifteen (â€Å"Obesity' The Columbia Encyclopedia). The results found that the less a child exercised and the more they watched TV, the more likely they were to be obese or overweight. Obesity has so many dangerous effects on one's life. For all people it causes so many diseases. Effects on teenage with low levels of self-esteem are more likely t o report feelings of loneliness, sadness and nervousness. They are also more likely to smoke and consume alcohol.Incidents of bullying and social isolation are more likely among overweight teens than normal- weight teens. Overweight teens are three times more likely to experience depression. Often their weight problems began in childhood and by the time they reach their adolescence. They may not even seem interested in reducing their weight. Admonish your child every step of the way will make a big difference. If a teenager is following the food pyramid and eating nutritious foods daily with a variety of physical activities, obesity should never become an issue.Teen health should be a major concern for all parents that have a teenager. One important aspect that could affect male sperm count and possible cause male infertility is obesity. As males began to get obese their breast starts to grow which is called Pseudoscience's. When men become obese they become less fertile. Also, men genital area began to be smaller the more they become obese. Obesity affects women the most because they have more disorders. The more weight women gain will cause them to have osteoarthritis of the knees.Obese women will also have a high possibility to have the gallbladder disease and cancer. Obese people in general will have some weight gain, arthritis, diseases, shortness of breath that can be incapacitating, sleep apneas, and emotional ND social problems, lower back pain and other orthopedic problems, hernias, heartburn, asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. People with only slightly genetic predisposition to be obese have a chance of losing weight on their own. It is mainly the amount of fat that people make a habit of eating and their lifestyle that plays the biggest role in their overall health.Only an obese person would know what it feels like. Their choices may not people as sagacious as they should, but they are all human as well. John Hatch states: Being obese is n't easy. They are hungry all the mime, indolent, and body hurts. All because of the increments of their body, it will cause younger children to stare at them. Obese thinks only about food and death majority of the time. Obese patients avoid medical visits at all cost because the shame of guilt. Obese people tend to be sad, depressed, or maybe angry.They will not go to the doctor so they will not here the bad news. No one wants to be around anyone obese nor would someone be attracted to them. He says being obese can be the worst thing someone could ever be(C-D Room Interview). Obese people are at a higher risk of death due to health problems. Obesity is cause from so many things in today's society such as: too many calories being consumed from fast food, lack of physical activity, typical lifestyle and/or depression. People imperceptibly become obese and do not even know until that doctor visit.A major thing that causes Americans to be obese is the fast food that is so accessible to us. All fast foods have copious amounts of calories and fat Just in one burger; this isn't even including the French fries or soft drink someone may order. The first factor would be that individuals can choose what to eat. Second would be he food companies that make the unhealthy food. Third would be the government for having taxes that cause people to buy the least expensive foods. Toxins all around is making majority of us fat. As you get older, your body's ability to metabolize food slows down.Environmental factors include lifestyle behaviors such as what a person self-esteem may, in some cases, also play a role in weight gain. The medication some people are taking may also have a responsibility to someone becoming overweight. Obesity cause physical problems, psychological, social and economic well-being problems. The more a person is overweight the greater risk of death. There is so much negative connotation directed towards obese people. Others start teasing and bullying those who are not the same size as them.Social discriminating against obese makes them seem as if they are not wanted, so they turn to food. Jobs may even be describes as discriminating due to the person size, so there is no income coming into the home. In recent years, obesity has increased dramatically in many parts of the world. The epidemic starts with the less exercising and a high caloric intake. Americans like to spend their time in sedentary activities. It all begins in the person childhood. When a child says they are hungry the mother will constantly nurture. As that child gradually grows it will become less active.Fast food and fried food are the number one reasons to obesity. Some other foods such as processed and artificial additives may increase the risk of obesity. Obesity has become the second hierarchy death that is killing our people. The one main reason obesity is still increasing is that it has started in the childhood now. Secondly, the fast growing technology is maki ng our nation lazy. The remote controllable things make it easy for en to control some without even getting up. The updated machines in factories are cutting off work, so they are less active.Also the violence is another reason why people are staying in their homes. People can now work from their homes due to the upgraded software, which causes them to sit on their behind all day. Transportation in the 21 the century is the most reliable thing to count on other than walking. The more the fast foods are being promoted the more people will be extremely overweight. Obesity in our time and day has not only become a problem, but it has also become an epidemic throughout our nation. We and one need to take full responsibility and abstain from the bad eating habits. Obesity A person with a IBM of 30 or more is generally considered obese. A person with a IBM equal to or more than 25 is considered overweight. Based on the report stated by the Ministry of Health (MOM), It shows the huge increasing percent from 4. 4 percent at 2006 then increased to 15. 1 percent in 2011. From this statistic, it shows that obesity among Malaysian are becoming a serious problem. The escalation of obesity, once thought to be an urban phenomenon, has now spread to the rural population at an alarming rate.As Malaysia proceeds rapidly towards a plopped economy status, the health of its population will probably continue to deteriorate. Therefore, a national strategy needs to be developed to tackle both dietary and activity contributors to the excess weight gain of the Malaysian population. One of the factors that influence the increasing factor of obesity is fast food intake. As the economy pass by, the fast food restaurant can be fine everywhere in Malaysia. The first franchise fast food was brought into Malaysia in 1963 was A&W by Mr. and Mrs. Lie Off from ASSAI.The Lie Off family opened their first outlet in Clan Thank Abdul Raman making it the first fast food outlet in Malaysia. From there, Malaysian community start eat fast food and one by one the fast food restaurant came into the Malaysia like KEF McDonald's, and many more. Malaysian love to choose all those restaurant as it is easy and affordable to get. As the fast food has wide the empire in Malaysia by enhance the service like drive true restaurant that people can get the meal without leave the car and delivery service that just pick up the phone and the meal inferno your door.It is the best reason why even thong there is a stall all around in Malaysia, served he Malaysian food, the Malaysian like to choose fast food restaurant as their restaurant to get food. According to Hussein (2011), the ability of western fast food restaurant to cater to local Muslim market created a huge impact on local fo od restaurant in Malaysia. According to Small et al (2002), the improvement in socioeconomic status increases the obesity prevalence which the people are used to leading a sedentary life style and unhealthy habit.The statement agreed by Paltrier and Alaska (2012), most of the people in this millennium century AR working people. They have to work to support their family. If 20 years back, women who has their own carrier is difficult to see,most of them are house wife. They prepared all the food for themselves and family, but in the moored live they also working to support their family. Sometimes they do extra time from the normal working hour. That lead to the buy outside food as it is easy to get and the food are ready to eat without have to prepared all the food after a long hour stay in their workplace.Another key factor that contribute in the increasing the number of obesity factor was the eating behavior. Shootout et al (2004), mention that most of the obesity people is working. People who are working sometimes face with the irregular working hour. So they have to skip the meal or eat the meal late at night. This factor play a main role in change the diet structure. People tend to take a large amount of food for one short to ensure saving their time to cope with their responsibility at work.For the parents, they don't have enough time to prepare the food for family and for working women it is hard for them in balance between family and work. Therefore, the easiest alternative is to buy a food outside which the nutrition and hygiene of that food can be questioned. According to Paltrier and Alaska (201 2), constraints in time stressing , working people and modern family might substitute time-saving options which the priority to eat food rather than emphasize the nutritional values that are supposed to be the heart of concern.Culture certainly has a big influence on behaviors leading to weight gain. The concepts of personal well being such health, affluence, beauty, strength and prosperity are modeled and learnt from society at large according to Amounts (1994). As such, culture and society that accepts overweight as favorable, would lead to behaviors that reinforces weight gain. Behaviors that lead to weight gain are influenced at various social levels such as peer groups, parents, partners, friends and authority figures, or socio-economic environment.It is usual that people tend to eat the foods that are eaten by their family and friends for reasons such as having a sense of acceptance and belonging, compliance to authority. According to Sob (1 995), community must having consistencies in attitudes, beliefs and habits of diet and nutrition formed through learning . Other social influence variables in gender roles . The women tend to be tater,the life development such people tend to grow fatter as they age, and then decline as the bodybuilders.One such cultural influence with regards to socio-economic environment is eating out. Eating out has become popular as it is highly convenient for today's modern household. French et al. (2001 ) says that eating out at restaurants and eating food prepared away from home has been found to be increasing in trend in the past 20 years. Local data shows similar trend not only in the urban but also in the rural area . Moreover, food prepared away from home tend to be larger in portion, as well as higher in fat ND energy.This change in nutritional quality is a cause for concern as there is increasing intake of higher than needed energy consumption. Mass media influence plays a large role in eating out behavior by exposing messages that encourage food consumption, which leads to the increase Of food availability . On the other hand, people nowadays are more used to a sedentary life style. The evolution of modern technology has created machines that replace the human role in performing quite a number of daily chores. We are no longer walk to our destination due to the convenience of al sorts of transportation.On the other hand, more sophisticated and smart technology too influence people in using modern gadget make this situation become worse. According to Inorganic (2006), people nowadays move less frequent as more they now prefer spending time sitting in front of computers or using their cell phone to update their status in medial social such as faceable, twitter and many more. Furthermore, modern kids now prefer to play online game using their gadget rather than to get involved in the outdoors sports such as football, basketball, hockey and many more.Therefore, according to Somatic (2014), a combination of sedentary life style and unhealthy diet is the main factor that contribute to the growing prevalence in obesity among Malaysian. From the influence factor of obesity, the government had come with some prevention on it under the 8th Malaysian Plan (PM). The government has been trying to promote local fast food industry by offering financial and training su pport to those Malaysian that interested . This situation indirectly increases competition among fast food companies and it changes the Malaysian appetite from traditional local delicacies to fast food respectively.The result from this situation is the nutrition imbalance because fast food is incantation with high sugar and fat. According to Geek (2012), Malaysia has been experiencing an upward trend in term of the availability of calories from animal and having escalation of availability of sugar has from 28. 8 keg to 48. 7 keg between 1 967 and 2007. Even though this situation will pose a negative impact on the human health over a long term of consumption, it is not really highlighted.According to Phantasmagoria and Pranks (2007), Malaysian was obscured by other element such as nice packaging, delicious in taste, attractive promotion and good service to increase people excitement in enjoying this type of food. People nowadays are more used to a sedentary life style. The evolution of modern technology has created machines that replace the human role in performing quite a number of daily chores. People no longer walk to our destination due to the convenience of all sorts of transportation.On the other hand, more sophisticated and smart technology too influence people in using modern gadget make this situation become worse. According to Inorganic (2006), people nowadays move less frequent as ore they now prefer spending time sitting in front of computers or using their cell phone to update their status in medial social such as faceable, twitter and many more. Furthermore, modern kids now prefer to play online game using their gadget rather than to get involved in the outdoors sports such as football, basketball, hockey and many more.Therefore, according to Somatic (2014), a combination of sedentary life style and unhealthy diet is the main factor that contribute to the growing prevalence in obesity among Malaysian. In other point of view, Malaysia was one of mu lti rattail that live in en nation. Even though every race has their own unique beliefs and practice, they celebrate the festival together without any problem. Usually in the festival Hair Ray, Chinese New Year ,Divalent and many more, they widely being practice an open house which it becomes a culture to all Malaysian.According to Moravian and Mood (2012), people in Malaysia love to served a lot of their traditional food and people will take a chance to taste as many types of food as they can. Usually that kind of traditional food they only can find on that festival. For example,Hair Ray festival, Malay people like to SE coconut milk when preparing their traditional dishes. The other festival also in use of unhealthy ingredients for several traditional food like adding the coconut milk and using a lot of oil make the food unhealthy to be consumed.Chon, (1984) says that, the risk of obesity will increased by taking a large amount of unhealthy type of food. According to the president of Malaysian society, Mood Small Nor (2014), Malaysian is ranked sixth in the Asia-Pacific region for obesity and diabetes. It shows that it is crucial to call for the government's attention on this unhealthy development. It agreed by Mood, (2002) it provides a rough picture on the real situation happened in Malaysia where the modernization really brought the huge changes for all Malaysian in taking the food and influence the majority to practicing sedentary lifestyle.As a result, Malaysian The Malaysia National Health Morbidity Survey 2011 (OHMS VIVO, obesity is one of the risk factors that play a main role in the increase of non-communicable diseases (NC) such as, diabetes mellitus, hypertension,and cardiovascular disease . This survey was run under the Institute of public Health. It is an authority to conducts every 4 ear to collecting data to provide trends on the prevalence of certain diseases and health behaviors.The objective of the server was to provide health related commu nity-based data and information so as to inform the Ministry of Health Malaysia in the review of health priorities, programmer strategies, activities as well as and the planning and allocation of resources. Therefore, the comparison with The Malaysian National Health Morbidity Survey 2006 (OHMS Ill) indicated that three-fold rise in the prevalence of obesity, from 4. 4% in 1996 to 15. 1% in 2011 which equates to approximately 2. Million Malaysian met the criteria for obesity.Based on this figure, it shows that obesity has become a burden which it also include the increase in the prevalence of Nan-communicable disease (NC) respectively. According to Fissile et al (2014), obesity was categorized to reach the epidemic level and Malaysia was leading nation among the developing countries. Based on data from OHMS IV, Malaysia ranked top of obesity in South-East Asia country, placed sixth prevalence in Asia and ranked 39th worldwide. This alarming statistics indirectly tell that Malaysia a ctually facing far more serious health robber compared to other countries in the region.The Malaysia Government under our Prime Minister Data' Sir Mood Ninja bin Tune Hajji Abdul Raze was launched the Economy Transformation Programmer (HTTP) that plays a comprehensive effort to transform Malaysia into a high- income nation by 2020. The programmed focus on a few key growth engines that is the 12 National Key Economic Areas (Knees) which healthcare is one of the core factors as a driver of economic activity that has the potential to directly and materially contribute to a quantifiable amount of economic growth. To achieve the objective that has been set, it requires a productive nation to ensure the success of this programmed.If the incident of obesity still in the arising trend and the people of Malaysia will be having potential to comply to NC, it will to slow down the journey to reach the aim of this programmed. According to Taylor (2006), the active and healthy people are needed i n order to determine the high achievement and acquire success. National Strategic Plan for Non-Communicable Disease (NSP 2010-2015) was developed to battle the current crisis that prevalence of non- incommunicable diseases (NC) and NC risk factors in Malaysia which increase at an alarming rate.TO achieve the Objective Of this plan, the main programmed that highlight is integrated and comprehensive service delivery. It was conducted under Non-Communicable Disease-I Malaysia Prevention (NCSC-I M) programmed which will focus more on primary care clinics are equipped to provide a full range of NC services, including promotion, preventive or wellness services, screening, ‘identification of risk factors', intervention, treatment and rehabilitation.As a result, 32000 clients had been purported at 496 NCSC-IM projects sites which in total, 55000 NC risk factor screening procedures had been undertaken between October 201 0 and December 2012. The NCSC-IM is a unique project where it pla ys an important role to design the community health volunteers and trains them the basic principles of healthy living, pathologically, and the epidemiology of NCSC. Apart from educating and advocating healthy lifestyles, they are also trained to conduct blood sugar tests, body mass index (IBM) and blood pressure measurements, and to read and interpret results from these screening tests. Obesity English 101 6:00 am Professor Cardenas-Adame November 9, 2012 The Cure for Obesity As an American society we all share a similar fear for obesity. Everyone can be succumbed by obesity and most are. The percentage is over 70% of America that are borderline line of being obese and 36 in the us that are obese. Also it’s a triadic to see that Americans are rated the highest in world for obesity. Many may ask why is obesity such a curse. Many say you may get looked down upon in today society or so forth.The only topic that will be address today is the health related reasoning of why obesity is such a threat to society. First we must address how to measure if we are one who is succumbed to this awful plague known as obesity. In the U. S we use the BMI which is an abbreviation for Body Mass Index. Which evaluates the body mass or fat context we have. If we have below 7% we extremely unhealthy or if we have over 20 % we are considered obese which can ultimately be fatal.Not immediatel y fatal but obesity is directly linked to many of the most fatal disease in the world today as diabetes, any many other that can cause heart failure. All due to the lack of exercise and over eating, also one major other key we may not always consider to be a factor of being obese is genetics. Genetics can play a huge factor on whether we are going to be fighting with obesity for the rest of our life’s. One may question if obesity is something that they will be fighting for the rest of our life or is there a cure?There are several types of solution to manage ones weight. Recently with our modern technology American society has turn toward bypass surgery has there solution to obesity. Though statistically the percentage of successful procedures is dramatically high, there are many factor to consider to coming to the conclusion if surgery is in fact a cure. In the beginning many turned towards surgery as the last solution, but never the first choice nor was it consider a solutio n.The risk of failure is very slim now with increasing technology and better trained surgeons. Though its highly effective there are still draw backs. One many consider the procedure overall expensive with the cost ranging as little as 3,000 to 8,000 dollars, Also another drawback is the scars the procedure leaves, and many other issue but for the pros out way the con. Is there other ways to loose weight one may ask, or more affordable? The most popular cure for obesity though for some maybe not the most effective way to loose weight is dieting.Keeping track of you calories or your carb intake daily, also having in consideration the type of diet you are on determines the rate and difficulty of the diet. The society today would consider this method on of the hardest ways to loose wait because not only is it a constant struggle to watch everything you eat, it take a lot of mental control as well to resist the cravings that every human being has. Also one may also need to be knowledgea ble in the type of diet they are doing in order for it to be effective and correctly monitor there intake of food for there diet.Though this way may seem very effective and inexpensive it can be costly for some diets if you are buying diet food and shake and ext. The downfall to this method is the society intends to do very well at the beginning and then eventually slips and typically the end up gaining more weight in the end then what they had started it. One needs to have a lot of mental control for this method. The method most effective and inexpensive is exercise. Exercise has been the most effective method since the very beginning of time.Though exercise can also go hand in hand with all the other method especially dieting which actually is highly recommend to have the best result but is not a requirement. There are many reason why this method is ranked as the most popular and effective way to loose weight. As we recently learned about dieting how it can be extremely difficult mentally, as one may need self control. Exercise can offer things that other methods cant as far pleasure, and being enjoyable.As an example when the human body is engage in cardivascular workout, stating that heart rate reaches 120 beats per second the body releases endorphin into the body stream which many may call as a runners high. This is considered very pleasurable and also a very effective way to stay healthy. Are bodies are designed in a way that require a certain amount of exercise to remain health. This is one of the most efficient ways to reduce the risk of diseases as we mentioned earlier and is very inexpensive compared to surrey and dieting.Also it offers the least side effect or draw backs to cure obesity, Though as surgery may be permanent method for obesity on the other the hand is not exercise is not. One as to continue to exercise daily to maintain the proper BMI or it will can increase dramatically. Even though there are numerous activity and event one can choose to engage in to have the proper amount of exercise daily, the society today still fails to maintain the required amount of exercise to remain healthy which is our ultimate goal.Remaining healthy is overall is what the society strives for today to increase ones life but not only to increase ones life but also to increase the quality of life. Which leaves obesity being an obstacle for many to reach that goal. Though obesity is indeed a big problem it is not unsolvable, it has many solutions which is briefly reviewed in this essay. One only has to choose which may be the best cure for them to help them solve this problem of obesity. Obesity English 101 6:00 am Professor Cardenas-Adame November 9, 2012 The Cure for Obesity As an American society we all share a similar fear for obesity. Everyone can be succumbed by obesity and most are. The percentage is over 70% of America that are borderline line of being obese and 36 in the us that are obese. Also it’s a triadic to see that Americans are rated the highest in world for obesity. Many may ask why is obesity such a curse. Many say you may get looked down upon in today society or so forth.The only topic that will be address today is the health related reasoning of why obesity is such a threat to society. First we must address how to measure if we are one who is succumbed to this awful plague known as obesity. In the U. S we use the BMI which is an abbreviation for Body Mass Index. Which evaluates the body mass or fat context we have. If we have below 7% we extremely unhealthy or if we have over 20 % we are considered obese which can ultimately be fatal.Not immediatel y fatal but obesity is directly linked to many of the most fatal disease in the world today as diabetes, any many other that can cause heart failure. All due to the lack of exercise and over eating, also one major other key we may not always consider to be a factor of being obese is genetics. Genetics can play a huge factor on whether we are going to be fighting with obesity for the rest of our life’s. One may question if obesity is something that they will be fighting for the rest of our life or is there a cure?There are several types of solution to manage ones weight. Recently with our modern technology American society has turn toward bypass surgery has there solution to obesity. Though statistically the percentage of successful procedures is dramatically high, there are many factor to consider to coming to the conclusion if surgery is in fact a cure. In the beginning many turned towards surgery as the last solution, but never the first choice nor was it consider a solutio n.The risk of failure is very slim now with increasing technology and better trained surgeons. Though its highly effective there are still draw backs. One many consider the procedure overall expensive with the cost ranging as little as 3,000 to 8,000 dollars, Also another drawback is the scars the procedure leaves, and many other issue but for the pros out way the con. Is there other ways to loose weight one may ask, or more affordable? The most popular cure for obesity though for some maybe not the most effective way to loose weight is dieting.Keeping track of you calories or your carb intake daily, also having in consideration the type of diet you are on determines the rate and difficulty of the diet. The society today would consider this method on of the hardest ways to loose wait because not only is it a constant struggle to watch everything you eat, it take a lot of mental control as well to resist the cravings that every human being has. Also one may also need to be knowledgea ble in the type of diet they are doing in order for it to be effective and correctly monitor there intake of food for there diet.Though this way may seem very effective and inexpensive it can be costly for some diets if you are buying diet food and shake and ext. The downfall to this method is the society intends to do very well at the beginning and then eventually slips and typically the end up gaining more weight in the end then what they had started it. One needs to have a lot of mental control for this method. The method most effective and inexpensive is exercise. Exercise has been the most effective method since the very beginning of time.Though exercise can also go hand in hand with all the other method especially dieting which actually is highly recommend to have the best result but is not a requirement. There are many reason why this method is ranked as the most popular and effective way to loose weight. As we recently learned about dieting how it can be extremely difficult mentally, as one may need self control. Exercise can offer things that other methods cant as far pleasure, and being enjoyable.As an example when the human body is engage in cardivascular workout, stating that heart rate reaches 120 beats per second the body releases endorphin into the body stream which many may call as a runners high. This is considered very pleasurable and also a very effective way to stay healthy. Are bodies are designed in a way that require a certain amount of exercise to remain health. This is one of the most efficient ways to reduce the risk of diseases as we mentioned earlier and is very inexpensive compared to surrey and dieting.Also it offers the least side effect or draw backs to cure obesity, Though as surgery may be permanent method for obesity on the other the hand is not exercise is not. One as to continue to exercise daily to maintain the proper BMI or it will can increase dramatically. Even though there are numerous activity and event one can choose to engage in to have the proper amount of exercise daily, the society today still fails to maintain the required amount of exercise to remain healthy which is our ultimate goal.Remaining healthy is overall is what the society strives for today to increase ones life but not only to increase ones life but also to increase the quality of life. Which leaves obesity being an obstacle for many to reach that goal. Though obesity is indeed a big problem it is not unsolvable, it has many solutions which is briefly reviewed in this essay. One only has to choose which may be the best cure for them to help them solve this problem of obesity. Obesity English 101 6:00 am Professor Cardenas-Adame November 9, 2012 The Cure for Obesity As an American society we all share a similar fear for obesity. Everyone can be succumbed by obesity and most are. The percentage is over 70% of America that are borderline line of being obese and 36 in the us that are obese. Also it’s a triadic to see that Americans are rated the highest in world for obesity. Many may ask why is obesity such a curse. Many say you may get looked down upon in today society or so forth.The only topic that will be address today is the health related reasoning of why obesity is such a threat to society. First we must address how to measure if we are one who is succumbed to this awful plague known as obesity. In the U. S we use the BMI which is an abbreviation for Body Mass Index. Which evaluates the body mass or fat context we have. If we have below 7% we extremely unhealthy or if we have over 20 % we are considered obese which can ultimately be fatal.Not immediatel y fatal but obesity is directly linked to many of the most fatal disease in the world today as diabetes, any many other that can cause heart failure. All due to the lack of exercise and over eating, also one major other key we may not always consider to be a factor of being obese is genetics. Genetics can play a huge factor on whether we are going to be fighting with obesity for the rest of our life’s. One may question if obesity is something that they will be fighting for the rest of our life or is there a cure?There are several types of solution to manage ones weight. Recently with our modern technology American society has turn toward bypass surgery has there solution to obesity. Though statistically the percentage of successful procedures is dramatically high, there are many factor to consider to coming to the conclusion if surgery is in fact a cure. In the beginning many turned towards surgery as the last solution, but never the first choice nor was it consider a solutio n.The risk of failure is very slim now with increasing technology and better trained surgeons. Though its highly effective there are still draw backs. One many consider the procedure overall expensive with the cost ranging as little as 3,000 to 8,000 dollars, Also another drawback is the scars the procedure leaves, and many other issue but for the pros out way the con. Is there other ways to loose weight one may ask, or more affordable? The most popular cure for obesity though for some maybe not the most effective way to loose weight is dieting.Keeping track of you calories or your carb intake daily, also having in consideration the type of diet you are on determines the rate and difficulty of the diet. The society today would consider this method on of the hardest ways to loose wait because not only is it a constant struggle to watch everything you eat, it take a lot of mental control as well to resist the cravings that every human being has. Also one may also need to be knowledgea ble in the type of diet they are doing in order for it to be effective and correctly monitor there intake of food for there diet.Though this way may seem very effective and inexpensive it can be costly for some diets if you are buying diet food and shake and ext. The downfall to this method is the society intends to do very well at the beginning and then eventually slips and typically the end up gaining more weight in the end then what they had started it. One needs to have a lot of mental control for this method. The method most effective and inexpensive is exercise. Exercise has been the most effective method since the very beginning of time.Though exercise can also go hand in hand with all the other method especially dieting which actually is highly recommend to have the best result but is not a requirement. There are many reason why this method is ranked as the most popular and effective way to loose weight. As we recently learned about dieting how it can be extremely difficult mentally, as one may need self control. Exercise can offer things that other methods cant as far pleasure, and being enjoyable.As an example when the human body is engage in cardivascular workout, stating that heart rate reaches 120 beats per second the body releases endorphin into the body stream which many may call as a runners high. This is considered very pleasurable and also a very effective way to stay healthy. Are bodies are designed in a way that require a certain amount of exercise to remain health. This is one of the most efficient ways to reduce the risk of diseases as we mentioned earlier and is very inexpensive compared to surrey and dieting.Also it offers the least side effect or draw backs to cure obesity, Though as surgery may be permanent method for obesity on the other the hand is not exercise is not. One as to continue to exercise daily to maintain the proper BMI or it will can increase dramatically. Even though there are numerous activity and event one can choose to engage in to have the proper amount of exercise daily, the society today still fails to maintain the required amount of exercise to remain healthy which is our ultimate goal.Remaining healthy is overall is what the society strives for today to increase ones life but not only to increase ones life but also to increase the quality of life. Which leaves obesity being an obstacle for many to reach that goal. Though obesity is indeed a big problem it is not unsolvable, it has many solutions which is briefly reviewed in this essay. One only has to choose which may be the best cure for them to help them solve this problem of obesity.

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