Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Real Purpose of a University Education Essay -- Argumentative Educ

The Real Purpose of a University Education All my life I knew I would be attending college. There never seemed to be any other option available as far as I knew. I never really stopped to think about whether or not it was necessary for me, or why it was so important; I was just funneled into the college curriculum in high school. I have attended the University of Arkansas for three years now, and have heard two main arguments over the purpose of a college education. One is that college is a place to train for a job, and the other is that college should be an institute of higher learning with no real focus on a future job. Challenged to form an opinion on this matter, I finally decided that neither side is absolutely right. In fact, I decided that the â€Å"purpose† of college should not even be an issue. College is what the student makes it. However they view college, all of the students will come out with some very similar experiences and benefits. I often hear professors grumbling about students who don’t value learning for the sake of learning. They feel that students who view college as job training may as well be in some vocational school, leaving university life for the more â€Å"enlightened† among us. This seems ridiculous to me. The majority of people in the United States will have to get jobs in order to support themselves or their families until retirement. So, you may as well plan to get a good job that pays well and you enjoy. What better place to plan and train for a future job that college? First of all, college provides students with an opportunity to explore different subjects and to find out what they truly love doing. Also, according to a 1994 College Board Study, college students will make an av... ...this, imagine the possibilities of a college education. Obviously, all of these things that you gain from college that I have discussed in reference to society could also be applied to finding jobs. A potential employer would find any of these qualities attractive. However, as already mentioned, this is beside the point. I think we should stop wasting time fussing over the purpose of a university education, and simply make it whatever you want it to be. If you’re here to get prepared for a job, then do it. While you’re at it, learn something you did not necessarily plan to. You may enjoy it. If you’re here to become absorb knowledge like a sponge, then do it. While you’re at it, you get ready for a future career. You may need a job someday. It doesn’t matter if you attend college to get a job or to become enlightened--the benefits will come either way.

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