Thursday, January 2, 2020

Same-Sex Marriage Legalization - 905 Words

One of the biggest questions across America today is should same-sex marriage be legal. And for most people without missing a heartbeat would answer yes. Of course this varies on location and the age group. Most elders still don’t agree with same sex marriage or ever will, mainly because the period they were raised. Also a state where religion has a greater following is more likely to oppose same-sex then a state that is more agnostic or non-religious. There are factors that have a say in peoples’ views on same-sex, but the main reason is religion. They see it as marriage is between a man and a woman because it is stated in the bible. They follow many verses from the Bible, one being â€Å"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men.† 1 Corinthians 6:9 New International Version. When we take look at marriage, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the wedding itself? Is it the decorations or is it the two people that are coming together to start a whole new journey in their life as one. Every commercial you see with a couple getting married is between a man and a woman. I can tell you for certain, in the near future that will change. Why do I think that? As you can see in our everyday lives the opinion on same sex marriage is changing every day. Not only is America changing their views, but a great portion of the world is comingShow MoreRelatedLegalization Of Same Sex Marriage Essay963 Words   |  4 PagesKaye Shannelle Romuar Alfritz Arevalo Angelika Figueroa Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage I. Introduction Same-sex marriage can also be called gay marriage. This is a marriage between two males or two females, in either a religious setting or in a civil ceremony. Same-sex unions are recorded in the history of a number of cultures but this type of marriage is rare, or doesn’t exist in other cultures .The first law that provided same-sex marriage for the people was in 2001 in the Netherlands. As of JulyRead MoreLegalization Of Same Sex Marriage1594 Words   |  7 PagesWhy The Nationwide Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage Will Greatly Benefit The Economy Same-sex marriage has been a long debated issue in the United States. Since the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage in countries such as Holland, Belgium, and Canada American gay couples have been pushing harder for equal marriage rights under the law. Opponents claim that allowing same-sex unions would not only lead to less stable marriages and higher divorce rates for heterosexual couples, but also precipitateRead MoreThe Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage1091 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of same-sex marriage is a hot topic in the U.S. approving, it in all fifty states can be harmful to the country. Same-sex marriage should not have been legalized in the United States. First, legalizing can be harmful to the society, Second, same-sex marriage it always denies a child a father or a mother, Third, legalizing It Offends some religions and violates tradition. In addition, It means all citizens should have understood of the consequences before making the decision. OneRead MoreThe Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage938 Words   |  4 PagesRights To All Most people believe that they deserve the rights they are granted by the government. A citizen who pays their taxes, serves their community and abides by the law should be afforded the same rights as any American. However, not all citizens are afforded equal rights. Lesbians, gays, bi-sexual, and transgender (LGBT) are consistently denied rights that are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbians couples are denied the right to marry even ifRead MoreThe Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage2317 Words   |  10 PagesCavataio PHL 118: Intro to Philosophy 8/14/14 Gary Fuller One of the most heated and debated topics today is the legalization of same-sex marriage. No matter where you look, people are always expressing their opinion on this issue. Politicians, athletes, and celebrities are some of the many people who continually come out with either support or opposition of same-sex marriage. History has shown that issues regarding equality and rights take time to move forward. The women’s suffrage movementRead MoreLegalization of Same Sex Marriage9779 Words   |  40 PagesTHE LEGALIZATION OF SAME SEX MARRIAGE AS ASSESED BY CITHM STUDENTS S.Y. 2011-2012 A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of International Tourism And Hospitality Management LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism By Ang, Dianne Marie M. Bayot, Donalynne B. October 2011 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION    In our generation today, homosexualsRead MoreThe Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage1411 Words   |  6 PagesNikta Kalatari Writing Assignment #1 The proposead legalization of same-sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. 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The Merriam-WebsterRead MoreLegalization Of Same Sex Marriages1390 Words   |  6 PagesLegalization of Same Sex Marriages As a Muslim, in my opinion same sex marriage is not right and same sex marriage should not be legalized. Out of this statement comes the question: what is the purpose and meaning of marriage. Can we ever explain marriage in the context of a bond between two males or two females. Can this relationship be called a â€Å"Marriage†? Whether we disguise this relationship with the label of marriage, does it become accepted into society as a real marriage? Or are we foolingRead MoreLegalization Of Same Sex Marriage1782 Words   |  8 Pages Gabi Smith October 20, 2014 English 4 Mr. Pakula Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Everyone has the right to be with the person they love. Nobody, not even the government, should be able to take that kind of happiness and freedom away from someone. If a girl loves another girl or a guy loves another guy, it should not matter to anyone else as long as they are happy together. â€Å"We are all equals in the world whether we are Black, White, Hispanic, Indian, or any other race for that matter. Why

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