Friday, May 31, 2019

George Orwell’s 1984 - Mindless People :: 1984 Essays

Occupations are important in order to be successful in life. One needs a source of income and a way to tender for aces families. Some people contrive at home, any(prenominal) people harbor a schedule when one leaves at a reliable time each day and return home at the same time each night. One gets comfortable in ones work but does one take time to ask oneself why one is doing it? If an occupation does not help society or have any material purpose then is it really a useful occupation or is it just a bunch of mindless activity? Professional athletes make an insurmountable amount of money but what is the point of professional sports? Professional sports do not help make the world a better place nor does it have a purpose other than entertainment for the sports junkies on this earth. What is the purpose of movie makers and artists? How do they make the world a better place? In some ways they make a world a worse place because people get so caught up in entertainment that they fo rget slightly the rest of the world and the ones who suffer and the corrupt governments and the deadly diseases. Why laughingstockt jobs be created to help in those areas? Instead of paying people for doing mindless jobs, one should be paying others to actually work to make this world a better place with a better economy and without suffering people. In George Orwells novel 1984 it offers a great view of mindless occupations. Winston, the main character talks about how boring his work is in the Ministry of Plenty. He explains how his work is to exchange the words and meaning in newspapers, books, letters and any other text related materials in order to make the government and the society the best that it can be. Then once he follows his orders and completely changes history with his speak keep, he takes the original information and dumps it down a memory hole which destroys it (Orwell 37). Everything that Winston must write has to take the form of the Newspeak language which is the English language modified, and made simpler by combining words together. For example, instead of having words such as excellent or splendid one would use the word plusgood or doubleplusgood if you wanted something even stronger (Orwell 51). Another example is Winstons workplace.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The War between Scotland and England in the Reign of Edward I Essay exa

Why did War break out between Scotland and England in the Reign of Edward I?On the 14th of May 1264, the forces of Simon de Montfort, Gloucester and the Londoners were set arrayed against the loyalist forces of King enthalpy III, Richard of Cornwall and Prince Edward (later to become King Edward I). The loyalists suffered a massive defeat at this Battle of Lewes and among those mesmerised, aside from Richard of Cornwall and perhaps the King (Prestwich indicates the unsure nature of the Kings capture 46), were the northern barons ( economical lords) of Balliol, Bruce and Comyn. (Jenks 132) Prince Edward also became a hostage as part of an exchange after the battle. These same men who fought together and were held captive by the de Montforts would war against to each one other thirty years later. King Edward I (whom will be referred to as Edward) was not set on instigating a war against Scotland, nor were any of these Scottish lords interested in battling against such a formidable op ponent as England. So why did war occur if none of these men were initially motivated for war? A series of unfortunate, but potent events led to the chrysalis of war, which was then allowed to grow and fully develop into a war by the specific actions of individuals. This essay will attempt to draw attention to many of the events which gave rise to war and investigate the complex nature of the individuals who in the end caused war through their acts (intentional and non-intentional). During Henry IIIs reign the baronial reform movement was renewed once again. The Provisions of Oxford attempted, among other reforms, to reform the crime syndicate of the king and queen (Baker 10), which undoubtedly included the household of the King and Queens son, Edward. This le... ...tic Scotland and the Middle Ages (Edinburgh, 1997)Vickers, K. H. A History of England (Volume III) England in the Later Middle Ages (London, 1937).Webster, B. Scotland from the Eleventh Century to 1603 (London, 1975) *All primary documents from this text come with this preface in mind (especially that which I have bolded) In this volume, as in its predecessor, I have tried to keep both footnotes and editorial comment to a minimum, the only if real problem occurring with documents written in the emerging literary English of the period. With most of these I have used modern versions, but one or two I have left in the original, to instance the spelling and form of the language. With these some notes have been necessary, but by and large they are straightforward with a little effort, and should be interesting to read. Such mistakes, as exist are of course, mine.

The Year 1919 Essay -- American History, Woodrow Wilson

What makes a year special? What makes a year memorable? Its the things that people remembered in the year. 1919 in American was a year where people were settling down. The World War One just completeed, the World Series was rigged, there was an influenza epidemic, there was a chairperson trying to make heartsease with other countries, and people wore brightly colored clothing.The America in 1919, Had a president who was really focused on pacification for the United States. The President was Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president. After the war was declared over Wilson went to Paris get peace for the country. In Paris he helped create The fusion of Nations. Here he also helped Shape the treaty of Versailles. For his effort to form The League of Nations, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919 (Gordon). Clearly Wilsons ideas for peace were respected by the world.While Wilson was known for the League of Nations and the treaty of Versailles, he was also known for his Fourteen Points. These were 14 primary ideas set by Wilson to end World War 1, and set ideas for world peace. These principals were first introduced to congress, then to the League of Nations. Out of these fourteen principals only 6 were used. Point seven evacuation of German troops from Belgium (President Wilsons Fourteen Points). Point eight that said, put out all French territory and these places must be restored, along with France being freed In the matter of Alsace-Lorraine. The next point that was put into effect was that people of Austria-Hungary should be allowed the freest opportunity. They also put point eleven into use. This point said, Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated occupied territories restored Serbia accorded free and secure ... ...ans bloomers cost $o.90(Derks 134), a mens suit was $33.00(Derks 142). Finding a house in a good propinquity was very important to some people just as it is today. A house in a good neighborhood would cost around $4,200(Derks 142). A mattress was a necessity, back then it would cost around $20.00(Derks 137). Magazines were a good way for people to get news or find new things. To pervert just one copy of the magazine it would cost $0.15. A years subscription for a magazine would cost $1.50(Derks 142). Cereal brands were simple, a regular knock would cost $0.12. A large box of Cereal would cost $0.30(Derks 137). A phonograph Record cost $1.50(Derks 137). Even though alcohol was illegal to obtain a gallon of whiskey would cost $3.50(Craven). Milk cost $0.32 for a gallon. The cost of basic goods was a lot less then what it would be today. So their cost of living was less.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Living with a Disability Essay examples -- Personal Narrative, essay a

On many occasions teachers have asked, Is the volume high enough for you? while my class watches a television documentary. many teachers in middle drill imposed strict rules about where in the classroom I could sit. Ive had coaches ask if I know sign language. And during my elementary age, the school insisted I meet with a learning specialist once a week to discuss my feelings about being hearing-impaired. All these restrictions were placed on me notwithstanding the fact that I was an above-average student and an aggressive athlete. Being hearing-impaired is something I have dealt with my entire life by the time I was five years old, putting on hearing aids in the morning was just as normal as brushing my teeth. As a result of a supportive family and friends, I never believed that being hearing-impaired should limit my success in any way. During my 17 years, I have met many who are foreign with hearing disabilities and deal with their ignorance by stereotyping me. In elementary s chool my principal told my parents I belonged in a school for the deaf. My classmates told me ...

Middle Eastern Religious Perspectives on Software Piracy :: Computers

Middle Eastern Religious Perspectives on Software piracyIntroduction Illegal parcel (pirated, illegally copied, etc) in the Middle East is a rampant problem. It is estimated that 74% of software in Lebanon is illegal, while 37% of software in Israel is illegal1. The lack of intellectual property laws has been sited for the problem even with these laws being introduced it might not resolve the issue. Though joining the World Trade composition (as many Middle Eastern countries have recently done) forces the countries to officially recognize copyright law will this affect the citizens view of copyright? religious belief is a fundamental part of the Middle East with some countries laws derived from religious text. I believe by analysis of religious texts and law I layabout hope to gain attitude into the views on software piracy. I will focus on Jewish law and Islamic Fatwas. Once the religious perspective on copyright is derived I will analysis if the religious perspective ho lds up to general ethical analysis. My goal is not to judge (e.g. say copy of software is wrong therefore those who copy software are bad), but rather gain insight into the religious perspectives towards software piracy.Jewish Law (Torah)Torah has the sideline meanings2 1. A scroll made from kosher animal parchment, with the entire text of the Five Books of Moses written in it by a sofer ritual scribe. This is the most limited definition.2. more than often, this term means the text of the Five Books of Moses, written in any format, whether Torah scroll, paper back book, CD-ROM, sky-writing or any other media. Any printed version of the Torah (with or without commentary) can be called a Chumash or Pentateuch. However, one never refers to a Torah Scroll as a Chumash3. The term Torah can mean the entire star of Jewish law This includes the Written and the Oral Law, which includes the Mishna, the Midras h, the Talmud,

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Unemployment :: Working Jobs Careers Labor Essays

UnemploymentIn compiling unemployment statistics for the United States and other developed countries an unemployed person is defined as anyone who is capable of working and is actively seeking work but is unable to find a job.1Before a person rear be unemployed in this sense he must be an active member of the labor effect in search of a job. Students and Homemakers perform work, but they atomic number 18 non considered employed unless they are paid however, they are not considered unemployed unless they are actively seeking gainful jobs.In societies in which a majority of the citizens are able to take up a living by working for others, being unable to locate and obtain a job is a very serious problem. Unemployment is widely utilise as a measure of workers welfare because of the human costs and feelings of rejection and personal failure. The proportion of workers unemployed also shows how well a nations human resources are utilize and serves as an index of economic activity. The civilian labor force comprises the total of all civilians classified as employed or unemployed. The total labor force also includes members of the Armed Forces stationed either in the US Or abroad. The unemployment rate represents the number unemployed as a percent of the civilian labor force.2Unemployment can be divided percent of the civilian labor into three types known as frictional, structural, and cyclical. The first form of unemployment is frictional unemployment. Frictional unemployment arises because workers seeking jobs do not find them immediately. While looking for work they are counted as unemployed.3 This could happen if suppose a person loses a job, perhaps because the work is finished. For example a construction craftsman when the job is finished or it could happen to an actor or actress when the show closes. It entrust ordinarily take some time before that person finds another job. But while construction workers and entertainers can ordinarily expect to face t his problem from time to time, it is something that can happen to anyone employed. People who are simply between jobs, in this sense, are said to be frictionally unemployed. The amount of frictional unemployment depends on the frequency with which workers change jobs and the time it takes to find new ones.4 This is a particularly important category, since this category of unemployment can never be eliminated or reduced to zero. Even in the best functioning market economy, there will be some people who are between jobs.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Communication in care settings

This piece of work is about two main theories and they are Tuckmans theory and Egans theory (SOLER). Also the effects of communication on care doers and assistance substance absubstance abusers. This will be explained in more detail.Communication cycle- is very important in our lives, there are lots of ways to communicate nowadays and the incline becomes bigger each day.There are lots of ways to communicate but the main structure of the cycle is still the same as it was. offset printing its you express yourself wherefore you comprehend and hear, then they express ones feelings then they listen and hear. And then it goes outrage like a cycle.http// theory- This stage was developed in 1965s and the last stage was added in the 1970s. There are 5 stages and they are forming, storming, norming, and performing. Forming is when the individual themselves is very nervous, scared to prove their real feelings so they may solely agree with so meone to kind of make them happy. In this stage the individual doesnt surface their personality as they may not feel comfortable round others in their group.http// second stage is storming at this stage the individual start to show their real feelings and their personality starts to show. This is because they start to relax and be comfortable around others in their group. Also others in the group may start to forthright conflict were they have different opinions about ideas, and they dont agree on others about their ideas.The trey stage is norming at this stage individuals start to relax and become more comfortable around others in their group. Also its when they get ideas to together and agrees on one, and individuals then start to go to bed what is accepted from them and start to get on with what they have to do within the group.The fourth stage is when all individuals in the group know what their role is in the group and start to work towards their own goals. Then they work together to get the task finish that was set.Sentence and Verbal CommunicationThe fifth stage and the last stage was added after in 1977 and that was called adjourning is when the tasks is finished with a positive outcome, and then the group breaks up and everything has been fulfilled, and they all move on with a happy attitude with what has been achieved.http// To make the individual benefit from this theory would be by making sure the individual is introduced in the group session that he goes to and that he feels comfortable in the environment. This theory may not be beneficial for all individuals it depends on the situation and if it suits them for example some that has learning difficulties as they may not be able to handle being in a group of people at one time, also people that have mental health problems.Open posture is when you body s hows that you are earreach to the service user. Showing that you are interested in the conversation, also it can show that you care about them. Also things like putting your arm around the service user by showing that you care and that you are there to listen and comfort them. This can put a bond between you and your social worker.Tone- the tone of your voice is very important as it affects the way the service user responds to you. Your voice should sound something like Clear (able to hear) Upbeat Welcoming Under control Warm feeling to the voice.http// example if the care workers tone is loud and drear and sounds like theyre not fazed then the service user will indispensability to get out of the room as they feel that the care worker doesnt care and has no respect. This also can make them feel scared and humiliated as the care worker isnt showing that they care and are bothered about them. But on the other han d it can be that the care worker is talking nicely with a tone that as a warm feeling to it, and that is upbeat and is clear. The service user feels that they are cared for respected for, this makes them want to say and makes them comfortable in the situation so will open up and tell you whats wrong with them also they feel more relaxed and calm.http// language/posture- this is important in communication because it can show lots of information through it, as it can show your feelings and your attitude through it. For example Arms/legs crossed- this can come across as doesnt want to know, doesnt care, but in different circumstances it can mean that they are scared to open up and can show as an barrier nub dont come to close to me. Head down- this can come across as shy, doesnt want to know about the problems issues you have. Also showing no eye touch on can be real rod if the service user is talking to the care worker and theres no eye contact can show that you arent listening to them. And may feel uncomfortable Nodding- this show that you are listening to the service user and that you understand what they are saying to you. This can make the service user feel reassured that somebody understands them and that they arent alone.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


It is possible to modify the properties of many polymers by 3 generating crosslink such as these. You leave experiment with crosslink the polymer in Elms glue. A number of different processes are used to turn synthetic and natural polymers into useful objects. These include molding, extrusion, foaming and casting. In this experiment, you result use the technique of extrusion-blow molding in which a tube-shaped structure of polymer is blown up while in the molten state inside of a maw mold. Almost all Throughout the experiment, you will testing the various properties of the polymers that you synthesize and modify.Some polymers have exceptional properties and capabilities that can make them extremely useful to us. You will follow the property of ane such polymer, sodium polymerase (the sodium salt of polysaccharide). CHI An NH O NH This polymer can absorb up to 800 times its own weight of water system. The dome portion of the macromolecule is directed toward the center of the s tructure. When water is added to dry sodium polymerase, the water molecules are drawn into the center of the polymer in an attempt to dilute the salt, and the polymer expands.It is precise important that you record careful observations throughout the experiment. You will be asked to describe the appearances and properties of the various polymers in your lab report. 4 Procedure recruit detailed observations throughout the experiment. Polymer synthesis Addition polymer?polystyrene Place 20 drops of styrene into a disposable 13 x 100 mm test tube (provided by your TA). watchfulness Styrene is a flammable liquid Keep styrene away from all Bunsen burner singe ups. It is also a suspected carcinogen. Wear glovesUsing a wooden or plastic utensil, add a few grains of defensibly peroxide and shake the tube to mix. Caution Defensibly peroxide is explosive when fondnessed. Use only a few grains Label the test tube with your name, and place it in a sand bath that has been set up by your in structor. go forth the solution to heat for 90 minutes. You may proceed with the rest of the experiment as it heats. When the material in the test tube has turned slightly yellow, remove the test tube from the sand bath and cool it on ice. Try to shake the polymer out of the test tube.If it has not separated from the glass sufficiently to do this, you may finish off the test tube in a cloth towel and carefully break it so that the polymer can be removed. Wear gloves when doing this Describe the appearance and properties of your polymer. interrogation the solubility of the polymer by grinding a few chunks in a mortar and pestle and placing the powder in two test tubes. Add water to one of the test tubes and acetone to the other test tube. Record your observations. Dispose of the acetone mixture in the provide Laboratory Byproducts Jar. Discard the polystyrene in the appropriate Laboratory Byproducts Jar.Condensation Polymer?Glottal Resin The following procedure must be carried ou t in a fume hood Obtain a musical theme cup. Place 5 Goff ophthalmic anhydride and 0. 25 g of sodium acetate in a disposable 18 x 150 mm test tube (provided by your TA). Add 2 ml of glycerol. Using our test tube clamp, carefully heat the mixture over a Bunsen burner flame (see TECH I. D). Heat the top of the contents first and work toward the bottom as the mixture melts. Move the test tube in and out of the flame as you do this. Note when the mixture begins to boil and then continue to heat for 3 to 4 minutes.The solution Pour the solution into the paper cup. Allow the solution to thoroughly cool, then tear off the cup to recover your polymer. Dispose of the test tube in glass waste. Describe the appearance and properties of your polymer. essay the solubility of the polymer as you did for polystyrene. 5 Modification of polymers Experiment on crosslink with Glue It is recommended that gloves not be worn when working with Elms glue. It is easier to remove glue residue from your cut is than from the gloves. Obtain a plastic cup and pour 15 ml of Elms white glue into it.Add 15 ml of water and stir well. Next, add 10 ml of saturated borax solution (sodium borate, Nabbing) and stir well. Remove the solid material and pull it off the stirrer. The material will be sticky for about one or two minutes. Pour any excess liquid left in the cup into the appropriate Laboratory Byproducts Jar. Rinse the cup with warm water. carry through another crosslink experiment using 1 5 L of glue and different amounts of water and borax (from 5 to 15 ml of borax and from O to 30 ml of water). Compare the properties of the two polymers (strength, bounce, stretchiness, etc. ).Observe the properties of at least two other students polymers who used different amounts of water and borax in their second preparation. Record these observations. Polymer fabrication polythene bottle Heat one end of a 10-15 CM piece of polyethylene tubing in a Bunsen burner flame. When the polymer is in the molt en state, hair curler the end with crucible tongs to seal it off?allow it to cool somewhat before opening the tongs. Re-heat the tubing at the loosed end by spillage it in and out of the flame until 1-2 inches of the tubing is in the molten state (looks transparent instead of opaque).Place the molten tubing into a small wide-mouth Jar or vial. Blow air into the open end of the tube so that it expands within the Jar. Let the expanded tubing cool in the Jar for about 2 minutes. Because the polymer is flexible, you should now be able to easily remove it from the mold. Show your polyethylene bottle to your TA. Polymer properties Supersaturates Weigh 1 Goff sodium polymerase and place it in a 150 ml beaker. Add 50 ml of water to the beaker from a graduated cylinder. Record your observations. Add another 50 ml of water to the beaker. Record your observations.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Notes on the Ethical Theories Essay

Immanuel Kant ( nonice that he lived in the 1700s and people likely had different views back then), a philosopher, believes that using reason, one can make a list of ethical actions. Kant says that one must generalize the certain action he is about to do to ingest if it is reasonable. For example, you ask yourself should I cut the line in the cafeteria? The way you can answer this question is by asking yourself What if everyone cut the line? Of course, if that happened then on that point would be chaos, so you shouldnt cut the line. This also applies to stealing, murdering, and keeping promises. He basically says that everyone is equal and you shouldnt justify your actions to yourself because you are not special and you wouldnt want others to do that to you. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Golden Rule. notwithstanding, if only you do this and no one else does you are going to get eaten up by the world. This may contradict a persons adaptability and may negatively a ppeal to emotion you will feel like a B-.Veil of ignorance- You have two people who love cake. Tell one person to cut a cake in half but permit the other choose which half to take. Again, Golden Rule.Kant says there is a difference between objects and people, you can replace objects but not people. Someone broke my computer, I am sad. He buys me a new one, I am happy. I am about to dull, my parents are sad. They can clone me, should they be happy? He also says that you shouldnt kill people for the greater good. But what if they were murderers or rapists arent they causing sadness, and their deaths would in fact be for the greater good?Kant sees that a persons intentions that count rather than the final result. But what if I am helping a person, who is bad and corrupt, against a thief who is only trying to feed his family, quite an the dilemma. Kant uses only reasoning rather than emotion so that people always do what is right rather than when they feel like it. Consistency is key to his theories.Criticisms of Kant chaste Absolutism You cant always not lie. What if a murderer wants to kill your dad? Your dad hides and then the murder breaks in and asks you were he is. If you espouse Kants ideas, you would tell him where your dad is. There must be some sort of emotion to counteract those who do not follow the philosophy of Kant. But again, Kant is saying that EVERYONE should do this, and this murderer wouldnt exist in Kants ideal world.Rule worship- To blindly follow rules without using your own knowledge. If rules can not be bent, then they should be broken. Conflicts of duty- should you steal the medicine for your dying wife? Should you besides your grandmother from the burning house or the doctor who can save many people?Moral coldness- The world would be emotionless and sad. There will be little space for happiness because everything is going to be so constant and emotions will have a very small presence.Utilitarianism- Seek the greatest happiness for the greatest number.What if you could randomly pick 10 people to die and save 100? Would you do it?You can say yes, because it logical, you use no emotion what so ever. That goes against Kant though because he says that people have dignity and you shouldnt take that away.You can say no, where you are mostly using emotion.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Changing Role and Status of women in Britain since 1900 – source related study

1. offset A is useful as it shows how united the Suffragettes were in 1908. It says in the caption down the stairs the photograph, that there was said to realize been 200000 battalion who attended. They look like they are headstrong to get what they want. Some of the women are holding banners, flowers and flags. There is a officer in the corner of the picture. This shows that the police thought that the protest might become violent. The Suffragettes were known for heckling at meetings, deliberately trying to get arrested and get send to prison, and in 1908 they began to attack properties. The Suffragettes believed that peaceful campaigns were getting them nowhere. In 1908, women had already achieved many improvements in their education, legal even offs and job opportunities.However they still wanted to earn the right to be able to voter turnout in General Elections. This may be what the protest was for. The Suffragettes had a lot of support, phonationicularly in London. The re were thirty-four branches of the WSPU in London alone and fifty-four branches in the rest of the boorish. Source A shows that the Suffragettes are like a big team and family. They all look determined to get what they want. The WSPUs motto was Deeds not Words, this meant that they believed that actions were stronger than words.Emmeline Pankhurst is leading the protest. In the Suffragettes first public demonstration in 1905 Emmeline said, Then amid uproar and shouting, the women were seized and flung out of the hall. In finding this source shows that the Suffragettes were a strong group of women who had strong opinions and views. This source shows that the Suffragette movement was a strong force to be reckoned with thus affecting peoples attitudes. There would be those people in full support, with many women openly and many offering passive support. Mens attitudes would be very different. Up until now the womens place was in the home. The polices attitude was one of recognition o f their considerable power and they feared the implications of this, thus the police presence in Source A suggests the need for containment and prevention of violence.2. Source D and E are both extremely useful in showing us what peoples views about the Suffragettes were in 1910. Source D is taken from a British newspaper, and is obviously written by a man. It is reliable to show the some peoples opinions of what the Suffragettes were doing at the time. Source E is also useful as it is a postcard that was issued by the Suffragettes. It shows the suffragettes opinion. The postcard would be used to persuade people to become one of them. It shows what women could be a mayor or a nurse, and cant vote barely men could be lunatics or drunkards and they can vote. This is biased as it has been created by the suffragettes, and is very one sided. However Source D is also biased as it doesnt show the views of the suffragettes, only the writers view about what went on.In Source D the writer u ses phrases such as shameful recklessness and desperate women to show how the country should be ashamed of the way the suffragettes have acted. This newspaper article does not once say why the suffragettes were doing what they were doing. Im sure many people agreed with what was written besides I am also sure a lot of people were against what was written. In the headline it says DISGRACEFUL SCENES Reckless Women Charge Headlong into Cordon of Police. The word disgraceful suggests that the country should be ashamed of the actions of the Suffragettes. Men expected women to be quiet and obedient so when women started to rebel against this stereotype, the campaign for womens votes was important news, especially with the papers. The Suffragettes began to create posters, which got them some benevolence from people in the public.In Source E it says What a woman may be and yet not have the Vote. Underneath, it has pictures of women being a mayor, a nurse, a doctor, teacher and a factory hand. It also says what a man may have been and yet not lose the vote. Underneath, it has pictures of men being a convict, a lunatic, an owner of white slaves, being unfit for service and a drunkard. Of course, women could also be all of the things the males are, and the males are able to have all of the livings the females have however in this postcard the women have only been shown as being good things, whereas the men have been shown as being bad. This would have got the suffragettes some much support.In conclusion I believe that both sources are equally reliable. They both are biased and they both show different opinions of different people at the time.3. When the First World War began so many men had gone away to fight, that women were needed to do their jobs. This meant that the number of women working in assiduity increased massively. The state of war made it acceptable for women to work in shipyards, collieries and brickyards. Some of them worked as highly skilled enginee rs and carpenters. In some of these jobs, women were welcomed, however in others they were resented because they had weensy or no training for jobs, which had previously needed very skilled people.If there was an election during the war most soldiers wouldnt be able to vote. Women soon make that this could be their chance to pressurize the government to let them vote. There were no demonstrations, however there were many meetings between womens leaders and politicians and telegrams and letters were sent to MPs. In 1918 Parliament passed a new law, which allowed women over the age of 30 to be able to vote.From my knowledge of what happened, I believe that the war was a big part of Parliament passing a law allowing women to vote. As there may not of been enough males in the country at the time of the war, to vote if there was an election, they needed females. I also think that because most men were away during the war, the women proved themselves to be useful, as they started doing work in factories and so on. Men had never seen females do this before so it may have been a shock to them to see that women could do things just as good as them. In Source J, Herbert Asquith says, I will find it impossible to withhold from women the power and the right of making their voices heard. This proves that women proved themselves by working while the men were away at war. They even convinced an ex prime minister that they were worthy of having a say about what goes on in there life.The war didnt help the cut Suffragette women gain the vote.In conclusion I do agree with the statement Without the First World War British women would not have gained the right to vote in 1918. I also believe that women would not have received as much respect from men as they do today if the war hadnt of happened. Women had a chance to prove to people that they were able to do things just as well as men in this period of time.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Is USA a True Democracy? Essay

United States of America is undoubtedly being praised for standing firmly for commonwealth in the field of political dodging. Likewise, in semipolitical history, America is regarded as the totally country having a strong popular form of disposal. Throughout history, America has always played an in-chief(postnominal) role in spreading democracy around the world. Several communist countries shake similarly been converted to democracy through the efforts of America. The obvious reason for espouseing democracy within a system of governance is to uphold majority rights rather than of the few.In addition, the power is concentrated in the hands of the people and not on the few groups of people. Aside from these, the features of democracy guarantee freedom and human rights which are not guaranteed in other forms of government. In the real scenery of a democratic country, the freedom exercised by every citizen is overflowing. In the Ameri rear setting, several rights were establish ed as new social developments are being experienced. Through case laws, the well-mannered liberties afforded to citizens have been broadened and several classes of people finally enjoyed their rights.Through time, democracy has been strengthened over the land. However, recently, through issues on national security, terrorist act, and other predicaments faced by the country, the nitty-gritty of democracy started to diminish. Furthermore, with the strengthening power of the government against its citizens, the essence of democracy has begun to vanish. Hence, despite adherence to the democratic form of government, in real essence, the country is not playing like it is a democratic country. body politic Democracy, in its political definition refers to a political system based on the participation of the people.It foresees, among others, the separation of powers among the judiciary, the legislative and the executive politics, as well as free and regular elections (Spring 91). In it s cultural definition Democracy is a way of living together and an flavour of respect for other people it must be rooted in a genuine democratic culture, a culture of debate and dialogue. A vituperative attitude should therefore be developed in children and young people towards the institutions that govern a State or regulate life in a given society. (Spring 91)In its political sense, the main feature of democracy is the direct participation of the people in governing the citizens and the country through election. Aside from this, it reiterates the tenet of checks and balances or the existence of independent tether fundamental branches of the government namely, the executive, legislative, and judiciary. From its political definition, the political system is only established however, it is lacking of the rights or benefits guaranteed to the citizens. Hence, political architects have inculcated human rights protection by adding a cultural definition of democracy.Meanwhile, democra cy has primarily rooted from the ancient Greeks. The word democracy was coined from the Greek word demokratia (Cartledge n. p. ). The demos elbow room people while kratos means strength or rule (Cartledge n. p. ).. Hence, the word demokratia literally means people power (Cartledge n. p. ). The literal definition of the democracy is in consonant with the definition of government propounded by Abraham Lincoln in his popular statement, government of the people, by the people, and for the people (The Gettysburg Address).Development in the Concept of Democracy Through time, the apprehension of democracy has developed. Aside from being a political concept, democracy has as well as become a object lesson concept. As a political concept, democracy provides standard of societal management while as a moral concept, democracy provides moral principles that should govern the conduct of the citizens as well as the government and its agencies (Kelly, 103). The moral concept of democracy does not stem out from any religious belief or governmental pronouncement instead, it rooted from the concept of democracy alone (Kelly, 104).Among the guarantees of democracy in its moral concept includes respect for freedom of every individual in the society (Kelly, 104). It also demands equal give-and-take of every citizen and encourages them to openly participate in the government either by engaging in governmental affairs, evaluating government actions or taking part in forming public policies. This crystallisely correlates in the modern understanding that freedom is strictly linked in the democracy. Hence, a democratic country that has no respect on freedom is not democratic at all. Factors that Diminishes Democracy in the CountryAfter the tragic 9/11 terrorist attack, the affright on democracy began to emerge. The threat to national security has become the license of the government in enacting and adopting laws and policies that have adverse effects on the democracy being enjoy ed by the citizens. Through the 9/11 attack, the government has acquired power in order to implement rules and regulations beyond its legal duties. On the part of the government, its acts are justified by the need of the county and the citizens to be safe from further attacks and to fully eliminate any shadows of terrorism.However, as an effect, urbane liberties are compromised. The exercise of freedom has gradually been regulated and limited. Furthermore, several fundamental freedoms exercised in a democratic country have been curtailed. These drastic changes in the lives of the American citizens have been perceived to be incompatible with the democratic principle adhered to by the country. It was reiterated that the laws and governmental systems being implemented today are a clear proof that United States is no longer a democratic country.It is noteworthy that the government rapidly responded to the 9/11 terrorist attack through the enactment of the Uniting and Strengthening Ame rica by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism mould of 2001 or the the States Patriot act as (Scheppler 5). Through the Patriot issue, many remarkable non-democratic government actions and regulations have been imposed. This in turn, is an obvious disrespect to the cultural and moral concept of democracy that has been prevalent in the country throughout the years.Primarily, the the States Patriot Act aims to provide the law enforcement and intelligence community with tools and legal effort to eliminate terrorism (ONeal). Through the USA Patriot Act, the federal government has been appoint to intrude into the privacy of a citizen suspected to be a terrorist or corroborating with terrorists. The intrusion to privacy that the Act allows takes in many forms. Title II of the USA Patriot Act rigid down the enhancement of the surveillance capabilities of the federal law enforcers. By virtue of the Act, communications, wire, oral and electronic, can be intercepted by the regimen (USA Patriot Act of 2001).In intercepting communication, the authorities are empowered to trespass into the communication tools of the target or suspect beyond legal boundaries. For example, the authorities can wiretap the phones of a target individual. Through the advancement in technology, roving wiretapping has been allowed by the Act. Traditionally, authorities are required to obtain first a court order to tap the phone (ONeal). However, in roving wiretapping, the authorities can now tap a person or organization by monitoring the calls made and received by the target (ONeal).In here, it can be observed that the extent of wiretapping that has originally been approved by law has expanded because all calls can be allowed to be monitored. In addition, the pen establish and trap-and-trace device have allowed the authorities to collect telephone numbers dialed to and from the communication device apply by the suspected terrorist (ONeal). Remarkably, e -mail communications are also covered by the pen/trap provision of the Act because e-mail has been considered today as the most effective and fastest tool being used by the terrorists.Through these devices, the authorities can look into the Website and IP addresses visited and used by the target. Furthermore, the libraries and other public and private establishments visited by the target can also be intruded by the authorities in order to gather information about the activities done by the former. Through these extended power of the federal government in surveillances in communication, the privacy of the target is put at stake. The Act also enhanced the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act which was focused on foreign investigations (Bidgoli 225).Through the expanded heart and soul of terrorism, an alien has been denounced of his constitutional rights as he is considered as an agent of foreign power (Bidgoli 225). Hence, an alien is subjected to the provisions of the USA Patriot A cts. This system also means that information obtained through surveillance can be shared between agencies for further investigation of the target. The surveillance energy of the authorities under the USA Patriot Act also extends to information gathering. Notably, through the Act, the authorities can make searches and seizure against the dwelling place and objects of the target.The authorities can secretly make searches through the house or office of the target through a search undertake which is secretly obtained from the court. The Fourth Amendment has laid down the requirements of a valid search warrant. Through the precedents, it can be observed that the requirement for probable cause is strict. But the USA Patriot Act has limited such requirement by considering only a significant reason in obtaining a warrant. It is also noteworthy that the proper serving of a warrant is oversighted by the Act.According to the valid warrant procedure, the person against whom the warrant has b een issued should be notified and be present during the search. This is to ensure that the things and areas specified in the warrant are correctly searched and seized. However, in the procedure adopted by the Act, such essential procedure has been denied and cl earliest botchd. Another focus of the Act is the enhancement of the notes laundering law. The Act has laid down effective measures in preventing, deterring and prosecuting money laundering. It is believed that the financial needs of terrorists have been backed by money laundering activities. a couple of(prenominal) of the measures include monitoring of suspicious bank minutes, seizing illicit funds in foreign banks, and issuing regulations to be adopted by banks in written text account owners and receivers. In addition, the Act also required financial institutions to use networks to facilitate communication between them and the authorities with regard to illicit and suspicious transactions or accounts (USA Patriot Act). T hese activities have been made possible through the Act requiring the national and international financial institution to cooperate and accept with the policies.However, such activity has been criticized because of violation of the confidentiality of the bank records of account owners. In addition, immigrants are also covered by the Act because stricter policies have been implemented in airports and in immigration offices. Immigrants are also treated differently as they are scrutinized stringently. Aside from that, the Asians and Arabs are usually subjected to discrimination because they are primarily linked to terrorism because of their racial affiliations.In accordance with the expanded power of the federal authorities, many fear that such power may be used in snap in monitoring, harassment, and intimidation of political dissidents and thousands of harmless immigrants rather than concentrating on curtailing terrorism (Etzioni 9). Many civil societies are also alarmed by the gove rnments curtailment on the citizens civil liberties. Meanwhile, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) described the government as having an insatiable appetite due to its secrecy, lack of transparency, disregard of equality under the law, and disdain and outright removal of checks and balances (Etzioni 9).All of these changes in the government system after the 9/11 terrorist attack have only led in the diminishing spirit of democracy in the country. The political concept of democracy has also been endangered in the country through the USA Patriot Act. As has been said, one fundamental feature of democracy is the checks and balances. Meanwhile, the principle of checks and balances is understood as the separation of the three branches of the government namely the executive, legislative, and judiciary. Each of the three branches is bestowed with unique duties and responsibilities.Having unique duties and separate jurisdiction, the three department works independently from each other. H owever, each serves as a watchdog for any act of infringement or violation of the principle committed by any of the branches. In the present setting, the principle of checks and balances is clearly violated by the executive branch, particularly during the politics of George W. Bush. Remarkably, right after the 9/11, America initiated the global war against terrorism which has led to war against Iraq and Afghanistan.It can be remembered that several human rights violations have been save due to the wars. Civilians have suffered the pain more than the real enemies. Although America has been a firm supporter of human rights, the Bush administration refused to be bound by human rights standards (Weiss, Crahan, and Goering 113). During the height of war against terrorism, President Bush had been acting beyond legal constraints as he used the countries foreign policies and executive power to adopt policies that are perceived to require the approval of Congress.Apart from that, the gove rnment wanted to create an international order that places no limits to its actions despite the Constitutional checks and balances premise (Weiss, Crahan, and Goering 113). It has been clear that human rights have been compromised in place of fighting terrorism. The government was seemed so paranoid about the security that it almost forgot that is operated within a democratic country. Clearly, the activities and changes in the country have considerably limited the meaning of freedom.In addition, security has been used as a license in imposing policies that clearly violate the principle of checks and balances. Having violated both the cultural, moral and political concepts of democracy, it is clear that democracy has been diminishing in the country. Conclusion Generally, democracy is understood as a system of government where citizens have freedom and human rights. In its strictest concept, it is a political system where people have direct participation in the government and checks a nd balances is observed.The meaning of democracy was further strengthened by inculcating the freedom and rights of the citizens. As mentioned, democracy means power of the people. Hence, it would be useless of people have power moreover lack the freedom to enjoy and use such power in a way that the majority will benefit from it. It is also undeniable that since the early days, America has played an important role in spreading democracy and in fighting for human rights. America also initiated the adoption of various laws defend human rights.However, because of the threat against its national security, its views about democracy have drastically changed. The imposition of the USA Patriot Act has remarkably limited the freedom enjoyed by the citizens. At the same time, the Act has significantly intervened with the fundamental rights of the citizens. The intrusion into the private dwellings of the citizens has eliminated the legal boundaries that separate the rights of the citizens and of the state. With the remarkable changes in the society and the massive violation of civil liberties, it is clear that democracy has also been gradually diminished in the country.Works citedBidgoli, Hossein. The Internet Encyclopedia. New York John Wiley and Sons, 2004.Cartledge, Paul. The Democratic Experiment. 01 January 2001. BBC. 16 April 2009 .Etzioni, Amitai. How Patriotic Is the Patriot Act? Freedom versus Security in the Age of Terrorism. New York Routledge, 2004.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Book Review: Economic Justice in an Unfair World

The hold Economic Justice in an Unfair worldToward A Level Playing Field is written by Ethan B. Kapstein. This appropriate focuses on the issue of what is meant by a fair global thriftiness and how fundamental it is in this era. An unfair parsimony deprives the minorities or financially challenged of the basic rights of their life. The book is written in a market oriented manner which highlights the basic elements of an appropriate global economy as being inclusive, helpingicipatory, and welfargon-enhancing for all states. The international economy should be structured so as it provides benefits to all economies of the world.Kapstein negates the radical redistri saveion schemes between rich and poor which cause the global economy to be un beneficial. He emphasizes, through with(predicate) his book on the point that a politically feasible approach to international economic justice could bring about the benefits of free trade and bound scarpers of overseas assistance so as to allow countries to earn more and make more profits. Kapstein not only focuses on the elements of a just international economy in his book but also writes about certain fundamental factors that contribute towards a just global economy such as -Justice in labor -Migration-Investment The book is written for all those people who have concerns for the arguments and issues related to the reduction of poverty and global development. This book provides a detailed illustration of the international community, so as to locate the factors that should be considered in mold to structure a global economy that emphasized the benefits of all nations. This book is a must(prenominal) read for people who would want to k in a flash about the basic questions relating to the moral economic philosophy. Kapstein makes the use of reasoned writing style in order to present his views to the reader.Through the contents of his book Kapstein attempts to challenge the Wests cl mien which states that the develop ing countries should aim at their own development efforts which should be center on reducing poverty, and this aim should be achieved not through industrialization and economic growth but by the formulation of policies that are directed on the issue of poverty (Ethan B. Kapstein 2006). fit in to Kapstein, the fundamental element of an international compact is a free-trade regime that provides a level playing field.The next factor on which Kapstein focuses in regard to the just international economy is aid. Kapstein emphasizes through the book on the concept that aid should be used and directed only towards the reduction of poverty but much magnificence should also be given on empowering the earning capacity of poor countries so that they can take active part on a level playing field. This objective can be achieved through the major shift from the present allocation priorities such as -Primary education -Basic health trade -Favor of investment in ports, railways, and the customs and patents bureaucracies.The third point Kapstein discusses in the book is that since migration and remittance payments will become even more essential for developing countries in the future, it is important to create an umbrella regime so as to include issues related to migration, this would help in bringing stability and justice to policies that are now determined by each state. The fourth and last point discussed in the book is related to the issue of international investment most importantly foreign direct investment (FDI). He emphasizes that it should be included in the umbrella regime (Wade, 2006).Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book as compared to other similar readings The same point that is emphasized by Kapstein through his book a just global economy cannot be achieved with only focusing on the factor of poverty reduction, but importance should also be given to the economic settings of nations, is also debated over in The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development by Maggie dingy. Through this article Maggie Black also emphasized that -The facts that seem to wrong on paper look as wrong technologically or wasteful may have trustworthy characteristics on other terms like promoting local leadership, or vice versa-The main aid=development=poverty reduction does not help to discover the meaning and implication of what aid is or how it works (Black, 2002). The main strength of the book is that Kapstein has identified that focusing on poverty reduction will not be enough to justify the global economy by providing convincing arguments with references and quotes from established sources. The same issue has been brought into the light through What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis written by Joseph Slightiz.He traces the failures of IMFs out dated policies to asses and support, the economic conditions of developing countries through his article. Through this he claims that a large flow of power has occurred to the people who have brought the mar ket to the far corners of the globe. These people were economists, bureaucrats, and officials who acted in the name of the United States and the other advanced industrial countries but they were not able to communicate as effectively as they spoke a language that few citizens could comprehend and that few policymakers bother to translate.Economic policy is the most fundamental part of the communication between America and the rest of the world. But it is a grave fact that the nature of the justice of international economy is not just or democratic where big parties such as IMF do not take country constraints into consideration while formulating policies (Stiglitz, 2000). A part of the book by Kapstein is focused on tracing some of the detail issues which are linked to the issue of a just global economy, as they are critical to a catch billion people around the world.Even if some modifications are made in how the WTO works, it would have a negative impact as on the lives of rural p eoples, in particular in developing countries. Through the book Kapstein has debated over the topic that merely emphasizing on the issue of poverty is inadequate to make the global economy just as it does not put relations between states front and center. It is governments, he writes, that sign treaties and agreements, impose sanctions and boycotts, and make war and peace, and it is governments that for good or for foul are ultimately accountable for their actions at home and abroad. It can be simply said that a theory devised to justify the global economy must stress on the relations between states and the kinds of economic arrangements states subscribe to. Individuals are not the only moral agents but the states are also moral agents, who are responsible to one another as well as to their citizens (Rosenthal, 2006). Bibliography Black, Maggie, 2002. The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development, ch 2 & 3 Ethan B. Kapstein (2006) Review Economic Justice in an Unfair world Toward a Level Playing Field. . Retrieved on November seventh 2006 fromhttp//pup. princeton. edu/titles/8162. html Stiglitz, Jospeh,( 2000). What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis. Retrieved on November 7th 2006 from http//www. mindfully. org/WTO/Joseph-Stiglitz-IMF17apr00. htm Joel Rosenthal, (2006). Economic Justice in an Unfair World Toward a Level Playing Field Retrieved on November 7th 2006 from http//www. cceia. org/resources/transcripts/5402. html Wade, Robert, 2006. Economic justice in an unfair world Retrieved on November 7th 2006 from http//pienso. typepad. com/pienso/2006/09/economic_justic. html

Monday, May 20, 2019

Lowering the drinking age Essay

For many years there has been a debate about whether or not the legal drinking fester in America should be lowered. Now a days, the legal term for someone to buy or consume alcoholicbeverages is 21. many an(prenominal) spate who are against bring down the age limit feel teenagers are not matured sufficiency to drink responsibly. On the otherwise hand, there are many reasons, that support my position that Americas legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. Americas legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 because 18 year olds are already given many bountiful rights in our country. In the unify States 18 is considered the age ofconsent. People at that age are permitted to balloting in government elections and serve their country in military service. They are also old comme il faut to get a drivers license and buy cigarettes. If 18year olds are considered mature enough to earn these important rights, they should also be allowed to buy and drink alcohol.Another reason the age restrictions on alcohol should be lowered is because lowering the restrictions would not necessarily make more people drink. It would only make it accomplishable for a larger portion of adults in the country to drink legally. Moreover, lowering the legal drinking age might even lessen alcohols appeal to youthful adults since they are often attracted to thingsthat are forbidden.The legal drinking age should be lowered in the United States because many other countries permit people under 21 to buy and consume alcohol. European countries such asFrance, Germany, England and Ireland all permit people aged 18 years to buy and consume alcohol. somewhat countries, like Italy, do not even have a legal limit for alcohol consumption. If it ispossible for so many productive and successful countries to have lower age restriction on alcohol than the United States, we should have lower limits too.In conclusion, the legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to 18 for several reasons. Individuals who are 18 years old are already disposed(p) many other adult rights, so they should also be permitted to buy and purchase alcohol. Additionally, many other countries have age restrictions that allow teenagers to legally consume and purchase alcohol. Based on evidence I have provided, it is clear that maturity, and not age, are the best ways to determine whether people should be permitted to drink alcohol or not.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Major Pairs Of Salivary Glands Health And Social Care Essay

The three major braces of salivary secretory variety meat in the impromptu colliery be parotid secretory organs, sublingual secretory organs and submandibular secretory organs. The parotid secretory organs be the enceintest brace of secretory organ locates posterior to the shift of the jaw, inferior and median to the ears. The different two smaller braces are sublingual secretory organs and submandibular secretory organs, which locate deep in the floor of the verbal cavity. In add-on to these major secretory organs and other minor salivary secretory organs are placed throughout the verbal cavity. Saliva is indispensable to unwritten health. The most obvious and of import map in the unwritten cope with is to keep of wellness of the dentition and the soft tissues. It is protective in its maps of lubrication and cleaning. Xerostomia means waterlessness of the oral cavity. It is a symptom of different medical conditions, a side consequence of a broad variety show of medicine s or caput and cervix radiation therapy therapy. It is a ailment that is caused by absence or small-scale measure of splatter. Lack of spit and cut downing unwritten lubrication would impact more maps. Patient whitethorn see ironic oral cavity are of import lending factors to unwritten uncomfortableness, dental cavities and other infections as a effect of the decreased defense mechanisms ( Gater, 2008 ) .Functions of spitSaliva is produced through all of the secretory organs, which is portion of the digestive procedure for lubricate and interrupting down the nutrient. It besides helps bemuse downing and normal gustatorial sensation perceptual experience. Saliva contains assorted antimicrobic constituents such as muramidase, mucin, histatins and other substances that aid in opposition to disease ( Scully & A Felix, 2005 ) . Saliva has many of import maps including mechanical cleansing action to prepare of nutrient dust, control of pH for remineralisation and antimicrobic acti vity, or lubrication of the unwritten pit to keep the unity of the unwritten mucous membrane ( Wilkins, 2005 ) .Diagnosis and rating of alter gumshieldFor a dental hygienist to name dry talk give notice be based on grounds that acquired from the patient s history, an intraoral scrutiny of the unwritten pit and saliva trial. Xerostomia should be considered if the patient holding trouble eating dry nutrient, problems on get downing or complains of dry oral cavity, peculiarly at dark. The unwritten mucous membrane whitethorn be dry and gluey, or frequently appear erythematous as a consequence of an giantism of Candida albi shadowers. The ruddy spots may normally happen on the difficult or soft cover of the mouth and dorsal surface of the lingua. Sporadically, pseudomembranous moniliasis will be present, removable white plaques may see to it on any mucosal surface. There may be small or no pooled spit in the floor of the oral cavity, and the lingua as looking dry with little Numb erss of papillae. The spit may be thick and gluey. Dental cavities may be probably found at the cervical restrict or the incisal borders of the dentition ( Greenspan, 1996 ) .Common causes of dry mouthCertain drugs, diseases and upsets can do the salivary secretory organs non to work decently and therefore lessening saliva production. Medicine is the most prevailing cause of dry mouth. Xerogenic drugs such as cytotoxic drugs can straight damage the salivary secretory organs. The chief wrongdoers are antidepressants, anorexiants, antihistamines, major tranquilizers, anticholinergics, anti-Parkinson agents, antihypertensives, depressants and water pills. Other common drugs that cause xerostomia include skeletal musculus relaxants, bronchodilators anodynes, antiemetics, antidiarrheals, antianxiety agents and decongestants. These many drugs may act upon the quality and measure of spit nevertheless these effects are by and large short term ( Astor, Hanft, & A Ciocon, 1999 Sreebny & A Schwartz, 1997 ) . As a dental hygienist an interview should be taken in patients kicking of dry mouth and reviewed their medicines. Patients may necessitate to alter the doses or medicines if assertable to evoke salivary flow. Liquids preparations may be more benefitted and sublingual dose signifiers would necessitate to avoid. We may advice patients to lubricate the throat and oral cavity with glass of H2O before taking tablets or capsules. We may see neutering one medicine from another with less anticholinergic activity but besides with comparable efficaciousness ( McDonald & A Marino, 1991 ) .Sjogren s syndrome ( SS ) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease normally doing dry mouth that occurs in bulk of postmenopausal adult females. Patients are normally associated with dry oral cavity and dry eyes. The other clinical characteristics of SS are grounds of an autoimmune reaction shown by serum autoantibodies and confirmed by continuing mononucleate cell infiltrates in labial salivary secretory organ biopsy. About three of patients with SS normally associated with expansion of major salivary secretory organs. At this phase there is no meliorate for the disease. The preferred therapy is to pull off symptoms ( Dyke, 2000 ) . Amyloidosis and sarcoidosis are other chronic inflammatory diseases that cause dry mouth. In amyloidosis, starchlike retains in the salivary secretory organs, which conduce in development of dry mouth. In sarcoidosis, noncaseating epithelioid granulomas in salivary secretory organs to do decreased salivary flow ( Greenspan, 1996 ) .Other systemic diseases that can do xerostomia include diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, dermatosclerosis, arthritic arthritis, hormone upsets, systemic lupus erythematosus, bone union organ transplant, cystic fibrosis, nutritionary lacks, Brights disease, thyroid disfunction and neurological diseases. Hyposecretory conditions, such as atrophic gastritis, simple bilious cirrhosis, and pan creatic inadequacy, may besides do dry mouth. Stroke may alter the big businessman to see unwritten esthesiss. Xerostomia can do from impaired H2O consumption, polyuria or diarrhoea. Psychogenetic causes, such as depression, emphasis, anxiousness or fright can besides ensue in dry mouth. Salivary secretory organ secernment is chiefly under the influence of the autonomic nervous system. In acute anxiousness, referable to sympathetic stimulation, the oral cavity may experience dry. Advancing age and oral cavity international respiration, are besides associated with dry oral cavity because of a decrease of salivary acini, with a tumble in salivary secretory modesty ( Scully & A Felix, 2005 ) . Dry oral cavity is frequently guide to activities such as hyperventilation, cigarettes smoking or intoxicant imbibing. Trauma to the caput and neck kingdom can damage the nervousnesss for providing esthesis to the oral cavity, which affect the normal map of the salivary secretory organs ( Astor, et al. , 1999 ) .Standard radiation therapy to the caput and cervix is one of most common toxicity associated with xerostomia. Radiation can alter in the serous secretory cells, doing a decrease in spit flow and increased viscousness of the spit. The earlyish ailment from patients after with radiation therapy is thick or gluey spit. The grade of unrelenting xerostomia depends on the radiation dosage and the volume of salivary secretory organ exposed to radiation. These alterations are typically lasting ( Anke Petra Jellema, 2007 ) .Management of dry mouthAny implicit in cause of dry mouth should hold possible be rectified. Some stairss need to be taken to understate the consequence of the implicit in cause. For patients with xerostomia is related to medicine usage, it is of import to keep conformity with the medicine direction. Diagnostic interpellation should be include in four sieves replacement lost secernments, heightening spit flow, control of dental cavities and spe cific hinderance of infections ( Greenspan, 1996 ) . Patients should be educated into attempts to avoid factors that may increase waterlessness and every eccentric good as to maintain the mouth moist. Using diabetic Sweets or sugar free masticating gums can shake off salivation. that a specializer should utilize cholinergic drugs that stimulate salivation such as pilocarpine or cevimeline. A pharmaceutical company has late been developed a new Natrol Dry Mouth Relief, uses a patented class of anhydrous crystalline malt sugar ( ACM ) to excite saliva production. In a clinical aspect of patients with Sjorgren s Syndrome, ACM was shown to increase secernments and significantly better patient s subjective appraisal of symptoms ( Fox, MJCummins, & A Cummins, 2001 ) . fake spit or saliva replacements such as Optimoist spray, Salix tablets, V. A. Oralube sodium-free liquid, Salivart, Xero-Lube Artificial Saliva are explicate to copy natural spit can be used to moisture and lubricat e the oral cavity. moreover they can be merely considered as replacing therapy instead than a remedy because they do non excite salivary secretory organ production.There are besides many scientific research on advancing saliva production and simulation such as the production of fungicidal proteins of course casualty in serous salivary secretory organs, antimicrobic peptides originally derived by histatins ( Der, Vissink, Veerman, & A Amerongen, 1999 Fox, et al. , 2001 ) . Another country of research includes Prednisolone irrigation of parotid secretory organs is being investigated as a possible intervention of dry mouth in patients with Sjogren s syndrome ( Izumi, et al. , 1998 ) . Slow-release bringing systems for pilocarpine are besides being investigated. Inoculation with auto-reactive T cells or with T cell receptor peptides is another country of research, as is the possibility of infixing H2O transporting proteins or aquaporins, in the cell membrane of the ductal cells ( De r, et al. , 1999 ) .Patient with dry mouth are at additions hazard of growth cavities and other unwritten complications. A day-to-day ego unwritten scrutiny may be recommended by look intoing any abnormalcies such as dark, white or ruddy spots, ulcers or tooth decay. Patients should hold fifty-fifty alveolar consonant cheque up. It is of import to rede patients non to take sugary or acidic nutrients and drinks, every bit good as keeping a high criterion of unwritten hygiene. Topical fluoride agent signifiers are one of the of import constituents of patients long-run attention.DecisionXerostomia is a common job can hold a important consequence on a patient s quality of life if non recognised and interact decently. As a dental hygienist we have to travel through a proper appraisal, provide an confiscate intervention, emphasise bar, patients instruction and specialist referral to understate dry mouth and its consequence on patients dental wellness and quality of life.

Evaluate the effectiveness of speech, language and communicate Essay

develop distri plainlyively of the foothold computer address, phrase, discourse, speech , quarrel and communication desires.Speech , language and communication argon closely tied to some other aras of ontogenesis, this learning outcome requires you to understand and be open to explain links between speech and development and the likely impact of any difficulties that pincerren may nurse in acquiring speech, communication and language.Some chelargonn may non be able to understand the words being spoken to them and/or the grammatical rules of epoch construction. Therefore, when their teacher tells the class what they place hold of to do, or explains a new idea or concept,9 they may engagement to understand what is being said. Having inappropriate vocabulary is essential for the learning process, however learning vocabulary has been set as one of the most signifi wadt difficulties for some children with SLCN,10 11 leading to much of their teachers talk being inac cessible.The ability and self-assertion to ask questions is a vital skill for provoking and do new thinking.12 The Primary Strategy recognizes the importance of language for thinking and encourages paired talk and discussion among pupils as a way to enhance learning.13 This is hugely difficult for children with SLCN, so vital learning and opportunities to talk with peers throne be missed. They may struggle with developing an age appropriate vocabulary, make believeulating sentences, using the right words in the right order and with following grammatical rule to understand or make it clear to others what has happened in space and clock time.CommunicationCommunication is approximately the way that people send signals to one a nonher. Communication give notice be seen as an umbrella term beca enjoyment it encompasses both language and speech and alike includes facial expression, movement and remainslanguage.LanguageLanguage is something very specific, it is a set of symbols-s poken, written or signed- that can be used and understood between people. Language can be quite abstract and we ofttimes inter this. a child has to learn that when the sounds of c-a-t are made, the speaker is referencering to a cat even if at that place is not one in the room.Linguistsd also suggest that the main feature of language is a series of rules that users put up to understand and use, but once superordinateed all toldow a user to convey anything they wish. At counterbalance children cannot use the rules. Toddlers begin by just pointing at objects and allegeing one word, but after a spell they learn how to construct sentences.SpeechSpeech is essentially vocalized language. It is usually learnt before the written form of the language, in speech, the symbols are not written of signed, but spoken as sounds. The number of sounds that children need to master go away depend on the language that they are bing exposed. English has over 40 different sounds or phonemes.List eningListening is rough being able to hear and more of the essence(predicate)ly understand the speech of others. It is sometimes referred to as undefended speech. Babies begin the journey of learning to speak by gaining some receptive speech and learning what specific words and phrases mean.Speech, language and communication postulateThis term is used to refer to any difficulty that a child has in any of the three areas for shell a child might perplex difficulty in producing certainsounds and so have a difficulty with speech, while a child who does not make eye contact or enjoy being with others may have a more global communication ask.1.2 apologise how speech, language and communication skills support each of the following areas in childrens development. Learning, turned on(p), behavior, social.Being able to communicate and, better still, being able to use and understand speech- opens doors in terms of childrens boilers suit development.LearningThere are many debates as to what is learning but for our purpose we will limit this to childrens overall cognition. The term condition covers a multitude of different tasks, but is mainly about out ability to process and use tuition that we have gained.For example,A child might see that leaves are falling off tress and spawn told that this is because it is nightfall. The child might then see more leaves falling off a tree. She may remember and make a connection between what she saw earlier on and what she is seeing now. The work autumn may also remember and so she might point and say proudly to the adult with her. figure those leaves are falling too Is that because its autumn? Later on in that day while having tea, she may tell her mother that in the park leaves are falling off the trees because it is autumn.This example illustrates the way in which for learning to take place, the child has to remember what they have seen earlier, make connections to what they are now seeing or hearing and then come to some conclusion. The ability of the child to label it as autumn will help her enormously and she is likely from this point on to notice falling leaves and make the associationover and over again. She can also talk and think about autumn without needing to be in the park.At this point we can begin to understand the limitations of body language, facial expression and gesture when language is not available. Although they allow for instant communication they cannot help a child to understand what is being seen or domiciliate a way in which afterwards the child can communicate what she has seen. This mean that children who exactly have the basic communication skills of body language, gesture and facial expression find it difficult to communicate concepts horny developmentBeing able to control your own emotional is a major part of emotional development. Babies and yearlings struggle with his, but as language develops they find it easier because they can express their needs. Tantrums and other outbursts linked to frustration, green-eyed monster or anger tent to diminish as children find ways of talking through how they are feeling. This is one reason why it is thought good practice to name emotions when working with young children, so that they begin to understand what they are feeling and have ways of expressing it other than through physical reactions alone. demeanorBeing able to manage your own behavior is about self-control. Young children are very impulsive and find it hard to control their behavior but, once language is mastered, childrens behavior changes. It would seem that the scholarship of language helps children to think things over. They focus more on the consequences of their actions and they also internally begin to remind themselves of what they need to do or what they should not do. Interestingly, the start of this process can be observed when a toddler goes up to something that they have been told not to touch, points to it and says no.Socia l developmentEmotional development is linked to being able to control your own emotions and social development builds on this, as it is about being able to recognize emotions in others and learning to adjust your behavior accordingly. It also about understands what the social codes are in any situation and behaving appropriately. This means that good communication and language skills are important. Children need to read the faces and body language of others and respond appropriately. Because play is the main medium of socialization with other children, language skills also bring about important from around the age of 3 years, as children tent to use speech to talk about what they are doing or, as they get older.Describe the potential impact of speech, language and communication difficulties on the overall development of a child, both currently and in the longer term.Young people with speech, language and communication needs have poor conversational kills, poor non-verbal skills and poor social perception, all of which can block off their ability to form friendships with their peers and may lead to them becoming marginalized. Those who become isolated in this way often experience anxiety and depression, which can dissemble their mental health. These problems can become exacerbated with age if they remain obscure and untreated, and are likely to result in poorer outcomes for the individuals concerned.Speech, language and communication difficulties can erode self-esteem and affect educational achievement, social integration and general behavior. In addition, they increase the probability of offending behavior and aboriginal disengagement from school (children with these problems are much little likely to continue in education beyond 16 years of age).Children have difficulties, there are likely to be many effects on theirdevelopment, although the extent to which children are affected will very much depend on the nature of their difficulty, its bitterness an d how the child is supported.Short-term effects on developmentFrustrationAngerWithdrawalLow levels of confidenceDifficulties in making friendsDifficulties in learning new informationDifficulties in applying information to new situations reign it hard to make themselves understoodThe longer term developable consequences in children who have difficulties with their communication, speech and language are in some ways harder to predict but again, in general terms, we may find that children ulterior on haveLower self-esteemNot achieved their potentialFound it hard to make and detect relationshipsBecome isolatedNot reached independenceDeveloped antisocial behavior in some cases.Explain the ways in which adults can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication development of children during the proto(prenominal) years.There are many ways in which adults can effectively support and extend speech, language and communication development in children during earlyyears , Firstly, it is important for the adult to adapt language according to the childs needs and abilities, some children who have English as a second language may require the adult to point to objects. For example when speaking to a baby or toddler they would modify the sentences for them to understand where as the older the child gets the more hard sentences can begin to be used. For example to a 1 year old you may hold out a biscuit and say the word where as an older child you would say would you like a biscuit.Secondly giving children the time and opportunity to communicate, its important to give children time to think about what has been said to them and if they dont answer straight away and not answering for them, allowing them time to respond. Some children would require you to sound them all out but then you must get them to copy you and blend the sounds together whilst giving them time to process what you are telling them.Explain the relevant despotic effects of adult support for the children and their careers. irrefutable adult supportEmotional developmentSpeech, language and communication skillsSocial interactionBehaviorSpeech, language and communication skillsVery quickly, if high-quality support is given, children can signal progress in their speech, language and communication skills. This means that working with children can be very rewarding and parents often delight in the improvement that their children are showing.Social interactionAt the heart of social interaction is childrens ability to communicate. This means that positive support can quickly make children more outgoing and also confident in their interactions. legion(predicate) practitioners report that once children have more speech and language, they are able to play more intumesce with other children.BehaviorMany children who are finding it difficult to communicate and speak will show aggressive, uncooperative and frustrated behavior. Being able to communicate effectively can make a n enormous deflexion to childrens behavior. Parents also note that when they are spending more time communicating with their children, their children show less attention-seeking behavior.Emotional developmentPositive adult support also helps childrens emotional development. Not only do children become more confident, they also find through works ways of controlling their emotions and expressing their needs.Explain how levels of speech and language development vary between children entering early years provision and need to be taken into account during setting in and planning.Children of the same age will often have different levels of language. This clearly means that we need to identify children whose language is atypical in order that they can gain additional support, but we also need to think about how our practices and procedures support children.For children who do not have spoken language, either because of their age or because of an additional need. It is essential that time is taken for them to get to know their key person before any separation takes place. The key person also needs to find out from the childs parents how they communicatewith the child and to learn these skills. Children who are speaking well and can understand us still need a similar level of care and attention, but they may find it easier to settle in as they can articulate their feelings.Grouping childrenMany mathematical group care settings will have moments when children are put into groups at lunchtime or for a story. It is important that thought is given to ensuring that children who have language needs are grouped sensitively and carefully so they have the opportunity to interact and be involved.ActivitiesWhen activities and play opportunities are planned, childrens level of language needs to be considered. Certain activities require a high level of language and so may not be appropriate for a child whose language is still developing, for example 20 questions or I spy. Langua ge is also needed for role play and so it is important to think about whether children who want to join in role play need support. The ability to process language also means some activities which require children to listen need to be carefully thought about, particularly it there are no visual stimuli which will help children to work out the meaning.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Gimpel the Fool Essay

Technology essay Advantages and disadvantages of technological advances Technology has been progressing at an astonishingly rapid rhythm, and it has been changing our lives in a scaring way. In the future, our lives might change evening more, with several benefits and dangers of technological advances. Everything evolves around 3 concepts technology, scientific discipline and future. So now arises the question result this technology advance make society better or worse off?On the one hand, several benefits will make society better off. For example, advances in cosmetic surgery will lead to people being highly satisfied with their mortalal sort and happiness among society will be ontogeny. For example, people that feel ugly and cant shape a couple will now be able do it with facial metamorphosis, and they wont be depressed anymore. In conclusion, societys welf be and happiness will be increased by cosmetic surgery. A nonher example is genetically modified food.The ability to modify the foods gens will allow crops to grow faster. This will lead to higher amounts of food being produced at lower prices. As a consequence, worlds hunger rates will be dramatically reduced, with higher nutrition rates taking place. In conclusion, genetically modified food will mint positively human hunger and nutrition rates. Lastly, human lives will also be benefited by different important technological advancement creature clonation.Species extinction will be reduced or even stopped, as rise up as hunger rates to the increase in supply of food. To sum up, animal clonation will solve some of the key issues which are factually part of the worlds cursory agenda. Overall, human support will be changed in a very positive way by advancements such as the mentioned before and some actual key issues wont exist anymore. However, technology might also bring severe dangers to human life, being societys welfare not maximized and in a very extreme case, humans might be extinct.An example of this situation is life expectancy increased to 120/130 years old. Besides this might be seen as a positive fact because we will be able to have a higher quality and daylong life, increasing the life expectancy to that range of years will make more profound an actual worldwide issue everywherepopulation. If humans start living until 120/130 years old and the put up rates remain constant, then overpopulation will take place, global warming will increase at a higher rate and human life will be seriously threated.In conclusion, increase life expectancy might be a danger to human life if its not applied properly. Another example, which is less catastrophic than the previous one mentioned is online education. If we look at a ironware and earnings connection timeline, we will be able to notice that internet connection has been doubling its drive every 5 years, and hardware per capita (ie the amount of computer/s owned by each person all over the world has been increasing a t a constant rate of 25%.This is a good fact, which also implies that online education will take place in the short term future. plainly isnt this good? Research have shown that if online education would take place, students would suffer the syndrome of social isolation, which means that psychological disorders would be suffered by students as a consequence of a lack of social interaction, as well as decreased happiness and welfare in society due to the unsocial students.In conclusion, in like manner it might increase individual productivity as students can adopt their own working patterns and practices, it represents a big problem to society. To finish off, another example is technological advancements in internet resulting in a loss of privacy. This is because there will be higher softwares available to spy other people and get into their private life, as well as the fact that the increased availability of internet in society would make all of us more interrelated.As an example , softwares will be available to steal our Facebook account or any other social network password, or if any motion-picture show is uploaded to Facebook then people might be able to see it without the publisher of the photo even knowing. In conclusion, it might be considered as a minor issue in society, further as internet and globalization has been having a remarkable growth, this danger will be more pronounced in the long term and will definitely need to be treated.In conclusion, technological advancements are always seen as a good thing but however, they might represent a current danger to society, even threatening human life to extinction. This is not because of the nature of the technological advancements, but because of its over use or misuse by society, and all the dangers these advancements generate could be easily reduced or removed with government intervention and a market that would automatically stop or reduce its utilisation because it brings dangers among its consu mers.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Case Study Analysis: Jive Software

During the years 2001 to 2004 of gradual development of Jive Systems, the compevery grumose its status as the fastest growing SBS Company in the industry, doubling the size of its actionforce since 2008 and increase full year revenue 85% from 2008 to 2009. Throughout this period of rapid growth and expansion, Jive relied on a variety of technologies to handle their gross revenue forecasting process. Till they realized that their structure of business ever-changing almost daily, Jives eccentric system struggled to keep up.The structure was d unmatched in a haphazard manor. They were doing quota management in Excel, bookings and gross gross gross sales in Sales force and pipeline analysis in Cloud9 Analytics, which resulted in lack of either the information into hotshot central system. Jives multi-tool approach was the mention of several serious issues The executive team had poor visibility into the sales opportunity pipeline all data updates involved a tedious and cumbersome transfer process from salesforce. om to Excel pivot tables and, when changes of any kind needed to be made, instead of conducting research and having an all team/ department meeting for synchronising they just made ridiculous plans and moved to creating new crossways. 1. Put yourself in Wilsons shoes when he is for the first succession needd. You chip in to formalize Jives sales functions. What are the amount of money building blocks of the sales function you need to ramble in place?The core building blocks of the sales function that one needs to put in place are as follows The ability to understand and analyse business issues and develop solutions around the core building blocks of sales process which are tools, skills, competencies and attitudes. Based on the alliances revenue hire sales reps that are capable of using the latest techniques to engage individuals in their development and understanding coaches and mentors (VPs) who dish up individuals to become aware and r esponsible for their opportunities.With ref to the Sales Learning curve article and adding to the above one should start out with very low assumptions about expected revenue per salesperson, and increase these expectations gradually, quarter by quarter. Anticipate that during the initiation phase, reps leave behind not generate enough revenue to cover their total costs. alternatively of hiring new sales reps the VP should fall into place the productivity of existing reps approaching the point where they cover their total costs. offer that if necessary one should consider expanding the sales force. . Evaluate the strategy of using team vs. individual insurance coverage/quota models. What are the pros and cons of each approach? Suggest an alternative coverage/quota mode In the Jive caseful study we see that when Dennis Deveny and Sarah Denman worked as a team, the sales strategy was going on the proper track till the VP introduced more sales players. But however using a team is more telling as they jakes split up responsibilities and cover areas that they are capable also making it slight time consuming.With respect to team coverage quota models Depends on if they are the same job role or not if its two of the same role (i. e. two Field Reps vs. one Field Rep opposite with an Inside Rep), then the following applies Pros Obvious alignment and cooperation in rep activity and reduction in rep conflict on deals resulting in no commission and credit fights. Cons Diluted responsibility, much easier to overpay for sales influence per $ of revenue, much easier to overpay for lower levels of performance, if quota relief is ever given it posterior pay off the wrong person, etc.However an individual sales quota might work in the sign play (testing stage) when the caller-out is just starting out as a small firm, with minimum expenses and quota. The pros would be awarded for ones own credit/work, examine the reps progress and the cons would be few areas cove red compared to a pair, work overload, stress/ depression and time consuming. Alternative coverage/quota mode Have a marketer research after introductions, qualification and generation of opportunities, then bringing in the salesperson to discuss commercials and close the deal, you can create an effective pairing.But the company must make sure that these pairs look after divergent territories, which could be geographic, vertical etc. The most important thing is to ensure there is no crossover, one can split by verticals, and we need to make sure to draw the lines and that no one company can sit in two verticals. 3. What are the merits of a quarterly vs. annual quota systems? What is the ideal space of a quota period? What are the adverse effects if the period is too long or perfectly? Which quota period length is most appropriate for Jive?Quarterly annual quota is effective as sales reps can measure their performances per quarter and rectify the problems in the next quarter thu s avoiding a risky blunder towards the end of the financial year. One can keep track, look from the changing business surround and their targeted territories. Also if compensation is included in each quarter it can boost the competition of the sales rep. On the other hand long term quotas can be slight stressful and the sales reps have enough time and space to learn their territories well.The ideal length of a quota period depends on each company and antithetical factors such as Corporate revenue goals, Historic revenue performances, menstruation sales coverage model, Planned increases in sales headcount, Introduction of new products and services, Current market share, expand targets. Adverse effects if the period is too long sales reps would start with their quota with great gusto in the beginning of the year and loose interest towards the end of the year. The company tends to solve the situation when the year ends because they learn about the problem too late and at that st age the issue can be unsolvable.As for too short a period it can lead to a lot of stress, incorrect methods of achieving sales quotas as the competition level is too high which results in Sales reps not contracting the right information and failure in understanding the customer needs. As the case study shows that quarterly quotas were a big disaster I would recommend Half yearly sales quotas because sales reps will have enough time to understand their target territories, half yearly sales quota will be less stressful and plus allow them to assemblage accurate data keep their strategies current with the business.Also the company must be willing to adjust the leverage down to anticipate some reduction in quota accuracy and manage compensation costs to reasonable levels and avoid revamping the sales for at every quarter. 4. How does the initiative sales learning curve (ESLC) apply to this situation? The sales rep will have time to understand the consumer needs by allowing the beta to be tested by the consumers. By reduction of quotas, it will result in a less stressful situation giving the sales reps the opportunity to gather information on the pros and cons of the product and creating a correct report for the company.On doing this the engineers, product developers, marketers and sales can work on a half yearly plan according to the results of the report. 5. Jive Software has denote plans to bring on John McCracken as the new VP of Sales in Q109. What steps should McCracken take to rationalize the problems in sales? With ref to the Sales Learning Curve Adjust the sales strategy he learns by using the sales learning process that unfolds in three phaseseach requiring a different size sales force with different skills Initiation Once the products are beta-tested and have few emf customers.Should hire three to four salespeople to learn how customers will use the product and to support other split of the company in refining the offering as well as marketing an d selling strategies. run across for salespeople who Communicate well with teams from other functions, Tolerate ambiguity, Have a deep interest in product technology, Can bring customers together with various functional teams in your firm, Can develop their own sales models and collateral material. Transition Once acquired a critical mass of customers and sales are accelerating.Keep initial sales team focused on learning. Add sales reps who can operate effectively at heart an evolving sales model but who dont necessarily have the analytical and communication skills the initial team required. Execution Once developed the formula for success and put the sales forces support requirements in place, bring in traditional salespeopleand arm them with a territory, sales plan, price book, and marketing materials to take orders. Sources The Sales Learning Curve Article by Mark Leslie and Charles A Holloway.