Monday, May 20, 2019

Lowering the drinking age Essay

For many years there has been a debate about whether or not the legal drinking fester in America should be lowered. Now a days, the legal term for someone to buy or consume alcoholicbeverages is 21. many an(prenominal) spate who are against bring down the age limit feel teenagers are not matured sufficiency to drink responsibly. On the otherwise hand, there are many reasons, that support my position that Americas legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. Americas legal drinking age should be lowered to 18 because 18 year olds are already given many bountiful rights in our country. In the unify States 18 is considered the age ofconsent. People at that age are permitted to balloting in government elections and serve their country in military service. They are also old comme il faut to get a drivers license and buy cigarettes. If 18year olds are considered mature enough to earn these important rights, they should also be allowed to buy and drink alcohol.Another reason the age restrictions on alcohol should be lowered is because lowering the restrictions would not necessarily make more people drink. It would only make it accomplishable for a larger portion of adults in the country to drink legally. Moreover, lowering the legal drinking age might even lessen alcohols appeal to youthful adults since they are often attracted to thingsthat are forbidden.The legal drinking age should be lowered in the United States because many other countries permit people under 21 to buy and consume alcohol. European countries such asFrance, Germany, England and Ireland all permit people aged 18 years to buy and consume alcohol. somewhat countries, like Italy, do not even have a legal limit for alcohol consumption. If it ispossible for so many productive and successful countries to have lower age restriction on alcohol than the United States, we should have lower limits too.In conclusion, the legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to 18 for several reasons. Individuals who are 18 years old are already disposed(p) many other adult rights, so they should also be permitted to buy and purchase alcohol. Additionally, many other countries have age restrictions that allow teenagers to legally consume and purchase alcohol. Based on evidence I have provided, it is clear that maturity, and not age, are the best ways to determine whether people should be permitted to drink alcohol or not.

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