Monday, May 13, 2019

Curation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Curation - Essay ExampleThe character of the curator in creating an exhibit is in finding a appearance to define who, in the fraudificer to curator relationship, designs what the viewer will see. According to Rugg and Sedgwick, the division between the curator and the artist creates a predicament on how the eventual outcome of the viewing of the art butt end be determined. They state that The heightened preoccupation with the auctorial aspect of curating might be seen as a defensive reaction to the shared critical and cultural values and criteria through which the institutional power of curating is mediated and legitimized (97). In discussing the authority of the act of curating, one is discussing the way in which the position of the curator becomes one of control in determining some of the interpretation of the puddle of the artist. In developing an exhibit of contemporary art, the personality of the exhibit must engage the viewer in such a way to put them in a space that pr ovides context for the pieces that are shown. The pieces should surrender a passive social and material relationship dominated by the eye and a faddy adept of order (Harding 39). As the observer moves through the space, the arrangement of the pieces should create a narrative, a sense of theme that pulls the viewer through the exhibit (Burton 112). There has been some movement towards anti-curation, the nature of the anti-art movement spilling everywhere to include the negation of curation as a viable part of the experience of art (ONeill and Andreasen 60). However, this movement denies the importance of how art is placed, thus denying the viewer of the best possible positioning of art within the space. Within the narrative, the curator is non necessarily intended to create a specific, tangible narration, but the heart of the space as it relates to the survive becomes a moving spectacle of thought. That is the relationship that creates the narration of the space. The work tha t I will be exhibiting has a narrative that speaks of a refining and of the changes within that culture. Artefacts have the capacity of creating a narrative about a culture, just now like art advise create that same type of narrative when focused on aspects of culture (Stokes 67). This is not always true of a space in which contemporary work is exhibited. However, with the story of a culture involved, the narrative takes on a life that exposes the art for the way it will affect the viewer. With a set of work that is in touch with an organic element of a culture, such as my work, the nature of the exhibit should not be to have a linear or boxed in feeling from the way in which the artwork is arranged. The work is about nature, about the curves and nuances of life, thus to have a square off exhibit or something that was directly linear would ruin the potential experience that the viewer can have as they engage the work. In Mediated Environments, Gleiniger, Hilbeck, and Scott discus s the way in which multiple disciplines can create a feeling for certain environments (9). In creating an environment that enhances the subject of the art, the exhibit will spring the aesthetic that has been attempted in the artwork. The nature of an exhibit that includes something about an

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