Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Lauren Guillot Mrs. Hook English II - H 24 February 2014 Against the Legalization of Marijuana in the States The date was November 23rd 2015. "He spoke just three last words and eight short letters before he left the world on that cold winter night in Denver." He was a brother, a friend, a son, and a student, with a potential in life that could reach as far up as the stars in a clear nights sky. A death, caused by the legalization of marijuana in the United States of America, that could of been prevented if we only knew the harsh reality of the consequences of this demonic proposition. Present day February 2014 in the United States of America. â€Å"Just say no,† flew out the slogans against drugs. This attitude, burned into the young minds of millions, is now a rising conflict with the government and people who want to feel better by using marijuana. What happened to this way of thinking? What makes us think this is the new "norm" or should be apart of our everyday lives as Americans. We, as a country and as a whole nation of people, have the power of life and of death resting in our hands. The legalization of marijuana should be prohibited in the United States of America. One of the most difficult things to grasp is the social issues caused by the legalization of marijuana. One example of this is the potential increase of the drug falling into the hands of kids. Even unhealthy legal items such as cigarettes and alcohol are prohibited from being sold to kids. This is because kids do not show the same reasoning, responsibility, and judgment of an adult. Also their bodies are not as equipped to handle the intake of these substances. The problem is even much worse for marijuana use. Developing brains and ... ...related to the use of marijuana. Ultimately, the legalizing of marijuana should not be acceptable in the United States of America. In particular, social issues would be caused by this act of intolerance. Similarity, this would be of major effect to the children who have exposer of this in their lives. In this manner, the legalization would cause future progressions in other drug areas. Moreover, this is the "stepping stone drug" that will lead on to further and more harsh addictions. On the other hand, marijuana can cause serious, and even deadly health related problems. Studies by well-experienced researchers have shown this drug causing cancer and brain related illnesses. Everyone has hopes and dreams for the future, and a whole lifetime of joy and bliss ahead of them. However only despair and nightmares is in the future if this legalization comes true.

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